I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 41

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:09 AM

Chapter 41: Military losing streak?

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With a whistle from the officer who temporarily acted as the referee, the first game officially began.

Ye Guangyuan knew his opponent in general, and felt that he still had a better chance of winning. Huazhi's ability was actually one word: cheating. That is to say, although the effects of invisibility and illusion are achieved through abilities, the original face has not changed, and what I am best at is a wide range of attacks, which is considered to be more restrained among all the players.

Ye Guangyuan didn't hesitate, he released his unique secret skills from the beginning, half of the psychic energy in his body gathered towards the sky, forming a huge cloud covering the entire ring, and then it rained lightly. After finishing all this, Ye Guangyuan closed his eyes and perceives the existence of Huazhi only by his own power.

Huazhi had already used her abilities to enter the state of'invisibility' at the beginning of the game. She wanted to sneak into Ye Guangyuan's side and was ready to kill Ye Guangyuan with a fatal blow, but she didn't expect Ye Guangyuan to be so decisive and disregarded her psychic powers. At the beginning of the consumption, he released his own ultimate move. This is obviously a ruined style of play. Either he died or I died. Seeing this situation, Huazhi changed her mind at the beginning and was ready to observe the situation first. Anyway, she was in a dark place and had the advantage of taking the initiative, so she could watch the changes.

Huazhi didn’t notice the smile at the corner of Ye Guangyuan’s mouth. In fact, when Ye Guangyuan and Lin Hang discussed their opponents, they agreed that facing Huazhi is the best fight. Huazhi’s ability to restrain those hard-core players, but all the elements are tied to it. It is very easy to attack indiscriminately in such a ring. So from the beginning, Ye Guangyuan turned the ring into his own field, and after this period of time, Ye Guangyuan has improved his skills. First of all, under the premise of covering the entire field, the rain is more intensive, which is not only more beneficial The investigation of Huazhi, and the rain can cause a great interference to Huazhi's abilities. What Huazhi didn't know was that Ye Guangyuan not only perceives her location, because she didn't open her eyes, the fantasy created by Huazhi did not affect Ye Guangyuan.

At this time, Ye Guangyuan, who closed his eyes, had already started an attack on Huazhi. The rainwater around Huazhi suddenly gathered together, forming a thick stream of water that impacted on Huazhi. Although Huazhi was surprised why Ye Guangyuan’s attack was like this Quasi, still avoiding the attack reflexively, obviously Huazhi's physical skills are also very strong. Ye Guangyuan was not surprised by a single blow. Although Huazhi avoided the attack, Huazhi's figure was always in Ye Guangyuan's grasp. Next, in this field of Ye Guangyuan, Huazhi suffered a fierce onslaught. All the rain became Ye Guangyuan's weapon. Huazhi was too tired to deal with it and could not attack Ye Guangyuan at all.

Under Ye Guangyuan's uninterrupted fierce attack, Huazhi finally appeared flaws. The water flow arranged by Ye Guangyuan at Huazhi's feet rushed Huazhi into the high air and rushed to the top of the stadium. It was 15 meters high and fell heavily to the ground. , Lost the ability to fight. Upon seeing this scene, the officer stepped forward to announce Ye Guangyuan's victory and asked the medical supernaturalists on the scene to treat Huazhi.

After Ye Guangyuan's victory, he returned to Lin Hang and the others. Lin Hang said with a smile, "Brother Guangyuan, you really don't know Lianxiangxiyu, someone so beautiful, a big girl who was eliminated by you like this, I really admire him. !"

At this time, Miss Huazhi was treated and she cast a bitter look at Ye Guangyuan. Ye Guangyuan was even more embarrassed. He said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, don't make fun of me. Did we work out the method together? Now they are still teasing me, really!"

Lin Hang was actually happy for Ye Guangyuan too, the joke just now was just to help Ye Guangyuan adjust. Soon after ten minutes. The traces of the ring were removed, and the next game began.

This game was Wang Feiyu, the king of the capital, against the military star Wu Bufan. This game is also worth seeing. Wu Bufan is a figure who has only recently emerged in the military. Although he is not old, his combat power is really strong. He surpasses Zhao Gang and ranks firmly second among the eight members of the military, second only to the almost invincible Hu Lingfeng. Here, Wang Feiyu seems to be more mysterious. He usually takes very few shots. When he was promoted in the second round, he only showed the most basic abilities of the Wang family-"Elements-Gold". He easily defeated him with a few spiritual soldiers. opponent.

Here’s one thing to say, this competition is not that you can’t use spirit soldiers. It’s just that these young people in the physical forging stage at this stage do not need to use low-level spirit soldiers with their own combat power, and intermediate-level spirit soldiers can’t exert their power, so Basically no one uses it. But there are exceptions to everything. The Wang family’s ability "Elements-Gold" can not only control metal, but more importantly, it will increase the use of spirit soldiers. That is to say, Wang Feiyu in the body forging realm relies on the ability to use Intermediate spirit soldiers are also fully supportable against the enemy. This is very helpful to oneself, so the royal family is known as the "spiritual army" outside. The fighting basically depends on the spiritual soldiers, but the combat power is also very terrifying.

Lin Hang off the court looked at the two on the court with interest and analyzed their winning percentage. On the surface, this Wu Bufan has a great reputation, surpassing the military's so many geniuses. Obviously he is not mediocre. But Lin Hang always felt that this Wang Feiyu was very difficult. The first time I met Lin Hang gave Lin Hang a feeling of a smiling tiger, and his performance was more in line with him. He usually didn't show the mountains or dew, and suddenly broke out.

At the beginning of the battle, Wu Bufan had the characteristics of the military, and it was a fierce attack on Wang Feiyu. However, Wang Feiyu didn't rush, and a huge shield flew out of his body, surrounding him, resisting Wu Bufan's attack. It seemed dangerous, but in fact he didn't suffer any harm at all, but he appeared to be able to do it with ease.

Wu Bufan was not irritable either. He still blasted Wang Feiyu with one punch and one punch. Although Wang Feiyu was resisted, he also slowly grasped the characteristics of Wang Feiyu's actions. Wu Bufan’s ability is a kind of ability "Somatosensory" that is similar to combat intuition. There is no powerful attack bonus. The strongest feature is to perceive attacks and avoid, and this is the reaction of the body over the brain. There is another function. It is to perceive the opponent's attack characteristics, find the flaw, and launch the attack.

In the gap where Wang Feiyu's shield flew out, Wu Bufan seized the opportunity and blasted Wang Feiyu's right arm with a punch. This is the weakness of Wang Feiyu’s shield defense. Just when Wu Bufan was about to attack Wang Feiyu, Wang Feiyu, who was supposed to be panicked, gave a sneer, and saw the shield in the distance suddenly disintegrated and turned into more than a dozen fragments of varying sizes. , One of the fragments appeared on the side of Wang Feiyu’s right arm like a teleportation, and stabbed Wu Bufan’s arm heavily. If Wu Bufan continued to attack and did not retreat, although Wang Feiyu’s right arm would be hit by a fist, Wu Bufan would definitely Unable to escape the attack of the fragments, Wang Feiyu intends to trade a small injury for a major one!

Wu Bufan was struggling a bit. He didn't want to give up such a good offensive opportunity, but in the face of the fast fragments close at hand, he gritted his teeth, still withdrew his arm, and retreated.

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