I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 410

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:36 AM

Chapter 410: Wang's plan

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Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "Not all of them! Because when I asked about these materials, the elder told me that there are still a lot of collections in the three big caves of the Wu clan. I provided some material support. Then the elder also suggested that I take a trip to "Akabane Realm" and ask for help from the Akabane clan and the Bai clan of the Human clan. I followed the advice of the elder and really took a trip to "Akaba Realm. As expected, I got six more materials for the formation of the magic circle from the Akabane and the Bai clan. After I returned from the Akabane Realm, the high priest also told me that she, the big elder, and the high priest also searched for it. I found their treasure pavilion and found 18 materials for me, plus the six materials obtained from "Akabane Realm", which means that I have now collected the 28 materials needed to set up the magic circle. Twenty-four of them, only the last four materials are missing, and then we can begin to lay out this mysterious magic circle!"

After listening to Lin Hang, Mr. Wang finally understood what Lin Hang meant. He pondered for a while, and then said, "Hang'er, that is to say, the last four pieces of material that bothered you? You told me I will help you pay attention to which ones and probably what characteristics are! Although our Huaxia human race is not strong now, it can be considered as a long heritage. We have also explored many relics on Earth and Star, and there may be some. The materials that we don’t know and have no way to use are kept in the treasure house of the major families and the military! There may be materials you need. I will go to the major families. Help you ask a good question!"

Lin Hang laughed and did not reject Wang Lao’s suggestion. Although Lin Hang had no confidence in finding the materials he wanted in China’s military and major families, but Wang Lao’s kindness and Lin Hang did. I don't want to push it directly. And if the treasure house of these families really has the materials that Lin Hang needs, it would be a surprise.

Lin Hang then nodded and said, "Okay! Teacher, these four materials are tiger stone, phantom sand, purple gold cold iron, and blue ice flame. As the name suggests, this tiger stone is a piece with a strange tiger pattern. Irregular stones, the tiger pattern is golden, the body of the stone is white, usually appearing near the nest of the white tiger beast, and formed by the breath of the white tiger beast. The phantom sand is a kind of sand that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Stones only exist in places where aura is scarce. Because of these two elements, the output of Phantom Sand has been very small, and few people have found it. Purple gold cold iron is relatively common, but this purple gold cold Iron is extremely hard, so it is very suitable for refining offensive and defensive spirit treasures. It has always been in short supply, and no one will get it out of it. So although this purple gold cold iron is a relatively common thing , But it is the most difficult to obtain. And this last blue ice inflammation is a blue extremely Yin fire, usually produced in extremely Yin land, the conditions for formation are also extremely harsh, not tens of thousands of years Time will not take shape."

After the introduction, Lin Hang let out a long sigh and continued, "Okay, teacher, these four materials are the last materials that I lacked for the disciple! You don't need to be too anxious, anyway, during this time I There is no possibility of improvement. The high priest also suggested that I put down my practice first, and then take a good rest for a while, so I am not in a hurry to find these materials, so you can pay attention to some of them at ordinary times! One more thing, disciple Regarding these four materials, it is not completely without plans and goals. Do you still remember the Ziwei Emperor? There are also several major forces handed down in ancient times. Maybe they also have collections of these materials. At that time, I only need to go to Ziwei Emperor Star. There is a great possibility that the disciple can find the four materials I want!"

After listening to Lin Hang's words carefully, Mr. Wang kept firmly in mind the information and characteristics of the four materials such as tiger stone, then nodded to Lin Hang, and said, "The chief priest is right. The teacher also agrees very much! You have been a bit too tired over the years, and even more busy than being a teacher! So I also hope that you can let go of these pressures and take a good rest for a while. As for these four things Materials, I will go to the military for the division and the major families of China to ask for you, I guess there should be some discoveries! As for the Ziwei Emperor Star, although there is a greater possibility of these four materials Clues, but the danger in this is certainly not low, especially if you have to complete your goals and plans under the eyes of many cultivators, the possibility of failure is not low. One accidentally involves himself, then The consequences are also very serious! So, don’t think about anything for now, take a good rest, and the teacher will help you understand the collections of the major families and the Chinese military to see if there are any discoveries. If it is true If you can't find a clue, then consider the last Ziwei Emperor star!"

Lin Hang opened his mouth, and finally did not say anything to refute, nodded, and then said, "Teacher, since you have arranged it, the disciple will stop talking! Next, the disciple will practice first. Go to the side, relax and relax your mood, do some things you want to do, and it can be regarded as accomplishing some of the regrets left by yourself! Then these four material things, I will trouble the teacher! But teacher, don’t you To implement some crude methods for me to forcefully suppress those families!"

Wang Lao gave Lin Hang a blank look, and found that this disciple was indeed mentally strong, and after a while, he immediately started joking with himself. Boss Wang said with a face, "What do you kid think of your master and me? When did I do things to suppress these families? In the beginning, the Fu family and Liu family treated our military like this, and they were not teachers. What kind of extreme methods were used! Now this is not a matter of life and death, why do you want to do that as a teacher? Besides, Hang'er, you too underestimate your position in the eyes of those families! You know, you are now, but already He surpassed me and became our well-deserved No. 1 master in China! Under such circumstances, those families don't know how much they want to befriend you. Now give them a chance as a teacher. Guess how they will do it?"

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