I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 411

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:36 AM

Chapter 411: balanced

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Lin Hang laughed'hehe', and then said, "Teacher, I don't want to involve too much with these families, but if they really have these materials, then I won't take advantage of them in vain. , We will use equivalent resources to trade with their families! After all, we belong to the military, and we have too many relationships with their families, which is really not conducive to our future balanced development!"

Wang Laopo nodded in agreement. He also fully agreed with the views that Lin Hang said. Before entering the "Candle Realm", or before their military's power had not risen, the above ground star The twenty-fourth family, of course, their military is close to each other. For example, the Fu family, the Liu family, and the Wang family have been fighting against the military, while the Ye family and the Yu family have very close relations with the military. It is the result of such a special environment. But now it’s different. The strength of their Huaxia military has far surpassed the sum of these families. The previous rules are not very applicable. The current Huaxia military is considered to be at one level for the entire Huaxia. Absolute leadership status, then naturally there is no way to treat the following families differently as before, and for the harmonious development of China in the future, the relationship between these families must be balanced. Although the Chinese military does not interfere much in the development of major families, but will provide a lot of help, the most basic balance cannot be forgotten. Lin Hang could give Ye Family a little support in his own name because of Ye Family's relationship, but this is also a special phenomenon and cannot be used as all the rules.

Old Wang smiled and said, "Hang'er, can you figure out that this is really good! Indeed, as the true leader of China, our military really has no way to get along with these families as before! For the stable and harmonious development of the entire China, the necessary balance is definitely indispensable. We can maintain a good relationship with Old Man Ye and them in private, but on the brightest side, we must maintain the most basic fairness and balance! Don’t worry, even though the previous model can’t be used now, your position in their minds is much heavier than that of me before! I will follow your ideas, if they are really in the family There are these four materials you need, and the teacher will propose exchanges to them for you. Then you will trade fairly and will not involve too many things!"

Lin Hang nodded, but still felt that it was difficult to be treated fairly. After all, these four materials are indeed very important to him. He felt that it was impossible to complete a fair exchange. In that case, even though on the surface Not to mention, but for the families who provided him with these materials, Lin Hang will definitely have some gratitude in his heart, and the attitude towards these families will definitely be more friendly in the future. There is no way, after all, the help to Lin Hang too big.

Lin Hang said to Wang Lao, "Teacher, please make your own decision! In the following time, apart from paying attention to some clones on Qingtian Island and monitoring the movement of the ten thousand races, I will not do anything else. Now, stay in this "Candle World" and see if there is anything I want to do but haven't done!"

Mr. Wang nodded and said, "Hang'er, I have also told Zhuo Hang and others these days. This time, for the plan of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance on our Earth and Stars, we Huaxia chose to give up the fight! Originally our idea Isn’t it okay to observe and observe first, and see the situation before deciding how to do it? But after thinking about it for the teacher, I still feel that it’s not good to procrastinate, so I just decided to give up! After all, even if we find that no monk will come by then Our Earth Star chose to compete with them for the opportunity, but their cultivator Dengxian really exists. I don’t believe that they have no contact with Ziwei Emperor. We appear rashly. If the cultivator Dengxian suddenly appears, then we are in danger. That’s right! So, at this critical moment, as far as Huaxia is concerned, the two of us can’t have any accidents. We just chose not to take such a risk!"

Lin Hang's face was full of approval, and he said, "Teacher, even if you don't say this question, I'm going to talk to you. I have discussed it with the high priest. At this stage, our China is still developing steadily! If you are not absolutely sure of things like this, at this stage, we in China should not intervene lightly! Therefore, I very much agree with what you said! However, those fighting on the earth and stars at that time When all the cultivators of all races are dead and wounded, we must quickly pick up the disciples sent out. The next change of the earth star is definitely not something they can touch! And I will leave a clone on the island, Focusing on the ultimate plan and purpose of their Ten Thousand Races Alliance, in this way, there is neither big danger nor let us lose our grasp of information!"

Old Wang laughed, nodded and said, "Well, Hang'er, what you said is very good! However, the teacher also wants to see the final plan of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance, and the immortal monk who may appear in the end! So , You will also make a clone for me and put it on the Sky Island! In this case, you don’t have to stay in this "Candle World" as a teacher, waiting for you to broadcast it to me, such a thing It’s more interesting to feel it yourself!"

Lao Wang ordered this. Lin Hang naturally didn't mean to object, he smiled and replied, but there was a trace of regret in the words, "Teacher, since you said so, then you will follow your instructions. Please do! But it is really a pity, I feel that this time it may be possible to expose the Sky Island, and then we will lose the possibility of continuing to explore the Sky Island!"

On the contrary, Wang Lao comforted and said, "Hang'er, don't be so depressed! Even if those ten thousand cultivators who climbed to the immortal really cultivated to the sky, they discovered this extremely secret Qingtian Island, and finally took possession of it. There is no way to counteract it. However, who can tell what will happen in the future, maybe the opportunities they get in the future will fall in our hands! We still have to strengthen our own strength, so what kind of resources do we have? It won't be a step-by-step retreat, and they have the capital to compete with them!"

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