I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 412

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:35 AM

Chapter 412: go to bed

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The frustration in Lin Hang's heart also lasted for a while before disappearing. After hearing what Wang said, he smiled and said, "But this is just my guess as well as the high priest. Maybe these immortal monks are also unable to do it. How about discovering this Qingtian Island? After all, although our cultivation base has not yet been ascended to the immortal, we can feel the mystery of this Qingtian Island. Therefore, I think it is still very possible that these ten thousand races of the ascending cultivator could not find this Land on the island so that we can keep it."

After saying this, Lin Hang continued, "Teacher, the battle between the ten thousand races on this planet is coming to an end, which means that it will take a few months for the outside world to It’s time for the final plan to be realized! The time left for us is almost a few years. During these times, the clones on our planet will always pay attention to this war and will definitely take us before the end of this war. Those teams from Huaxia came back safely!"

Lin Hang and Wang Lao were in Wang Lao's room again, and they talked about some matters. Finally, Lin Hang resigned to Wang Lao, left here, and returned to his room.

After returning to the room, Lin Hang took out a white brick from his space. The shape of this brick is no different from ordinary bricks, except that the color is milky white, and the overall feel is like a piece. Hard tofu. Lin Hang gently placed the white brick on the ground, and then intertwined his hands to perform the magic trick. After a while, Lin Hang pointed his right hand and a beam of light hit the brick, and then Seeing that the brick started to skyrocket frantically, it quickly turned into a milky white bed.

Lin Hang was very satisfied with the milky white bed. The brick was not an ordinary thing. It was called Nuanyu Bed. It was a rare and innate magical thing that resembled Lingbao silk material. Its biggest The effect is to look like Lin Hang is now, changing into a warm jade bed, the monk lying on it can soothe his mind and dispel a lot of negative emotions. After the warm jade bed becomes larger, it is not a hard brick like it did not. The warm jade bed becomes very soft and comfortable to lie on. It is most suitable for resting.

Lin Hang also obeyed the high priest's suggestion, prepared to think about nothing, first start to sleep well, and then do something he once wanted to do but did not do. Since it is going to sleep, it is natural to get the most comfortable sleep. This warm jade bed was specially recommended by the high priest when he followed the high priest into the "Houbao Pavilion" of "Back Realm" He said that it can help him stabilize his mind and focus more when he is practicing. Lin Hang originally wanted to refuse, because he had the magical light curtain from the inheritance zone, and it also had a similar effect. It was not that he had not twisted the high priest, and copied it. In normal times, Lin Hang It was used as an auxiliary prop for cultivation, and it was generally just sitting on it for cultivation, lying on it like today, but something that has never happened before.

Lin Hang slowly closed his eyes and cleared all the distracting thoughts in his mind. He has his own clones in "Candle World" and other caves and heavens, and on the earth and stars, and these clones are all He can complete things independently without his manipulation, so he can enter a deep sleep with his deity with peace of mind. Because there are some small things, his clone can also be done directly instead of him, and if it is more serious Regarding the matter, his clone can also notify him the first time, and then just wake up directly.

As Lin Hang slowly cleared the distractions and burdens in his mind, Lin Hang, who closed his eyes, soon fell asleep. In his sleep, Lin Hang didn't have any worries, even a little dream did not appear, and the whole person appeared very peaceful and calm. The warm jade bed under Lin Hang also radiated light continuously, dispelling negative emotions for Lin Hang, and ensuring Lin Hang's sleep this time.

In this way, Lin Hang’s long-lost sleep lasted for a full half a month. It can last for such a long time. First, Lin Hang prepared enough conditions at this time, and the warm jade bed was enough to maintain a stable sleep. It’s because Lin Hang hasn’t taken such a rest for too long, so the body and spirit are indulged in this sleep, and when the conditions are met, he naturally doesn’t want to wake up and wants Get a longer rest. It’s just that in Lin Hang’s heart, there is still no way to take such a rest with peace of mind. He has a kind of paranoid self-control, so in just half a month, Lin Hang slowly opened his eyes. Woke up during sleep.

Lin Hang got up from the warm jade bed, then opened the door of the room, stretched his waist fiercely, soothing his body that had been inactive for a long time. When he got used to it, Lin Hang paid a visit to Wang as usual. Lao, asked Wang Lao for a cup of tea, and then returned to his room.

Lin Hang was sitting on the warm jade bed still horizontally in the center of the room, thinking about what he should do next. Now that he had agreed to the high priest and put aside his own cultivation for the time being, Lin Hang ignored his own cultivation base. After thinking about it for a while, Lin Hang also remembered something that he had always ignored.

The reason why Lin Hang was able to reach the present level was that his awakened copying ability played a very important role. It not only helped him to become an almighty monk, but also helped him obtain a lot of resources. It can be said that without this copying ability, it would be impossible for Lin Hang to have such an achievement today. However, with the improvement of the cultivation base, now, apart from copying some rare items, other abilities previously copied by Lin Hang are already very difficult to use. This is of course related to Lin Hang’s recent experience. Lin Hang hasn’t encountered any occasions that require a major battle recently, so his current shortcomings have not been reflected, but a careful analysis shows that Lin Hang’s use of many abilities, Still staying in the water skin long ago, only a few commonly used abilities such as clone ability can keep up with Lin Hang's footsteps. Although it is said that at Lin Hang’s current level, facing most people of the same level, he still has a crushing advantage, but this is only equivalent to ordinary people, if it is an elite disciple who is also faced with the major forces. Or relying on one's own strength to cultivate to the tribulation period, that could be another scene.

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