I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 413

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:34 AM

Chapter 413: Road research

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Lin Hang had personally experienced such a thing when he was in Ziwei Emperor Star. In order to enter the four major inland forces, he sent four clones with different cultivation bases. Jin Yi, Yuanhui, and Yingchuan did not talk about their low cultivation bases, and the opponents they encountered were not counted. Particularly strong. However, Lin Hang also noticed the situation of Filigree. Filigree was the cultivation base of the initial stage of transforming gods, and all he encountered were geniuses who practiced independently to the stage of transforming gods in the West Polar Sea. These casual cultivators are still cultivating in the barren land like the West Polar Sea to the state of transforming gods. Although they have a lot to do with their respective opportunities and talents, it is even greater because of their Everyone has made a very good exploration of their own path. Every monk has explored extremely deep in his field of expertise. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang's clone filigree is also working hard. Only then can they defeat them one by one and finally win. All of this is supported by Lin Hang’s changeable abilities. In the eyes of the deity in the transition period, if Lin Hang, who is in the same transformation stage, fights against them, Lin Hang really feels that he may not win. May be defeated by them.

It's just that this kind of casual cultivator is only at the stage of cultivating the gods. If he encounters a monk who is born in the same period of tribulation, Lin Hang feels that he no longer has any advantages after relying on his cultivation. All this is because Lin Hang still possesses countless abilities, but because there is no in-depth study, there is no one that can be obtained. If this situation continues, even if Lin Hang can gather the materials to successfully ascend to the immortal, because he has not determined his own path, he will not go too far.

And such a result, Lin Hang is naturally unwilling to accept, he is ready to take advantage of this period of non-cultivation time, to tidy up his own path, and to lay a foundation for his future cultivation before ascending to immortality.

You know, the reason why every monk who crosses the peak of the Tribulation faces a different way of opening his own "Gate of the Immortal Road", because there have never been two existences that walk the same path and climb the immortal, that is In other words, not only is the way to open "The Gate of the Immortal Road" different, every monk who successfully opens his own "The Gate of the Immortal Road" will have a completely different path after ascending to the immortal. This is the power of those monks who have stepped out of their own path. Because they have already laid the foundation before ascending to the immortal, there is no obstacle in their cultivation after ascending to the immortal, because this is the path they have decided long ago. . Therefore, if Lin Hang wants to go further, he must prepare his own path before he reaches the immortal, otherwise, it will be difficult to become a truly peerless powerhouse.

And for such things, for every monk, he can only rely on himself, because no one knows you better than yourself. The problem facing Lin Hang at this time, no matter how rich the experience of the chief priest and others, there is no way to give Lin Hang any help. Lin Hang must rely on his own efforts to determine his own path, otherwise, others will give advice. The road may not be a good thing.

Sitting on the warm jade bed, Lin Hang had no distracting thoughts at this time, and his thoughts became particularly clear. He knew his ability, in the final analysis, would fall on the original copying ability, and it was precisely because of this ability. Only by existence, Lin Hang has become so comprehensive, basically invulnerable. Now to find his own way, most of it is inseparable from the copy ability, but Lin Hang also understands that the copy ability is a completely inseparable ability, and its existence must rely on other abilities or It is innate ability, so if you want to copy the ability as your future path, then it must be inseparable from these other abilities and innate ability.

After clarifying his thoughts, Lin Hang also had some general context in his mind as to how to move on. Lin Hang is still ready to be the same as the goal he set before. During this period of time, he has worked hard to study the abilities he has obtained, and strive to master them more deeply. Lin Hang has roughly set the path for himself. That is To implement and continue his previous style, to be a comprehensive monk with no weaknesses, and to achieve this, it is not necessary to make ordinary efforts. This requires Lin Hang to invest more effort and effort, otherwise , For so many abilities and talents, Lin Hang couldn't understand them all.

However, Lin Hang also understands that the abilities between the world and the talents of various races are really countless. Even if Lin Hang had the opportunity to copy all these abilities, Lin Hang would not be able to develop all these abilities in a short time. To a very high degree, even if his talent is strong, there is no way, this is simply not something that can be completed in a short time. Just like Lin Hang’s avatar Filigree encountered during the selection battle during a deity transformation stage, the one-handed fire spell cast is called a supernatural transformation, and it can even exceed the limit of attributes, truly invincible and undefeated. The water-attribute attack that Filigree displays can't compete with such fire spells. But to reach such a point, what is needed is the study of fire spells from the beginning of cultivation, until finally stepping out of his own path. Lin Hang's desire to reach this point in a short time is simply a dream. Therefore, this path is not suitable for Lin Hang, although if Lin Hang is given time and waits for him to explore all the copied abilities to an extremely high level, then Lin Hang at that time can be said to be absolutely invincible at the same stage. . But Lin Hang couldn't have such time. The burden on his shoulders did not allow him to take such a path. What he urgently needed was to be able to increase his fighting power in a short time, because he was the hope of the Chinese race.

Therefore, Lin Hang has not set too many obstacles for himself based on the decisions of fellow practitioners with various abilities. In other words, when he feels that one of his abilities is almost adequate, he will not continue to study for the time being Going on, this will not take a lot of time, and it will also allow Lin Hang to have some understanding and insights into these different abilities. After all, Lin Hang did not rely on a single ability to feed himself. When he played against others, Lin Hang was still the invincible king who was comprehensive and able to restrain enemies of different styles!

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