I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 414

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:31 AM

Chapter 414: Choice of abilities

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Having determined the goal and the direction of progress, Lin Hang is still quite satisfied at this time. He is ready to deal with this matter with a relaxed attitude, without putting a lot of pressure on himself, because he knows his own affairs. He has always I'm not a person who likes to follow the rules. Even if I have initially determined my path forward, I don't have to cover my head all the time and do it directly. The gradual process is still very important. Also, even though Lin Hang said that his current understanding and use of various abilities is completely unable to keep up with his own current cultivation base progress, Lin Hang still has use and understanding of these abilities after all. Basically, it doesn’t really take time to adapt. It’s just a matter of familiarizing yourself with the use of abilities and studying them in depth, because Lin Hang didn’t plan to study every abilities. At a very high level, he can exist as his assassin. He only needs to use these abilities to be able to keep up with his realm, so that Lin Hang will not suffer too much when he is fighting at the same level. You can also face different enemies through the combination of different abilities, so as to achieve the goal of restraining the opponent in every battle.

Regarding the many abilities, Lin Hang was not prepared to choose too many to improve the research, because in the past few years, Lin Hang has rarely copied abilities, but some talented abilities and spells have been copied a lot. Based on the subsequent cultivation path and the direction of improvement, Lin Hang has already determined the direction he wants to improve.

First of all, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, Lin Hang must focus on research, because these five elements represent the core elements that make up the world, and are also an important experience of the power of the rules of the world. After familiarizing and mastering the elements, Lin Hang is equivalent to standing in an invincible place, because now basically all the spells between heaven and earth are derived from the five element spells, so he has mastered the five elements perfectly. After Elemental, facing most of the opponents, Lin Hang can complete their restraint. Because every monk, with the exception of those true perverted geniuses, is basically only more friendly to one type of five element element. This does not mean that they cannot practice other five element spells, but they can practice one type of five element spells. It is more handy, and it will be very smooth to perform. It is not impossible to practice other five-element spells forcibly, but not only the speed of practice is slow, but also affects the power, so most monks generally only specialize in one type of five-element spell In this way, there will be targets and deficiencies, and Lin Hang can use these deficiencies to strike in a targeted manner to accomplish restraint.

Then, the space that Lin Hang has been using all the time still has time ability, which Lin Hang cannot pull down. However, because of Lin Hang's continuous use of space ability, Lin Hang is still very familiar with space. It’s very high, so you don’t need to focus too much on it. In terms of time abilities, Lin Hang only copied the method of time stillness from Master Candela, so besides this time stillness is more familiar, Lin Hang is relatively unfamiliar with other time ability manipulation methods. .

Lin Hang himself knew that space and time were the two most important elements and authority between the heaven and the earth, and they had been the most invincible existence since the establishment of the Primordial Continent. At that time, the reason why the ancient witch tribe was able to run wild on the prehistoric continent for so many years was supported by the powerful strength of the twelve ancestral witches, and the two strongest ancestral witches among the twelve ancestral witches were space and speed. The ancestral witch candle nine shades, these two legendary ancestral witches represent the two most powerful powers between heaven and earth. If it weren’t for the perverted situation at the time, it would be impossible for the Wu Clan to confront the Monster Clan to this point. degree. At that time, the two emperors of the monster clan, Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, were all the first creatures born innately. According to their origin, they were even better than the twelve ancestor witches. The innate speed of Emperor Jun was not at all. Under the authority of Dijiang, and Donghuang Taiyi’s innate treasure, Donghuangzhong is the first time law between heaven and earth, which also makes the time authority of Jiuyin Useless. This Yaozu’s The two emperors were able to crush Dijiang and Zhujiuyin, and the Wu Clan also relied on the twelve ancestor witches to join forces to compete with these two emperors. However, the power of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi also proved the power of the laws of space and time from another aspect. Mastering these two laws, to a certain extent, can be regarded as mastering the general trend of the entire prehistoric continent.

Of course, with Lin Hang's current strength, it was premature to talk about studying the laws of space and time. You should know that the space transmission, space confinement, or other applications that Lin Hang uses now are just a copy of the abilities inherent in Wang Lao’s bloodline, and the principle of the use of these abilities, Lin Hang The current level is impossible to understand clearly, he is just a user of natural ability. As for the law of time, let alone the law of time. Even "The Gate of Immortal Road" has not been opened, and it is not qualified to study the law of time. What Lin Hang said at this time was to grasp space and time abilities, just to grasp the use of these skills. The principles and rules behind them were really beyond the reach of Lin Hang's current level.

In addition to these abilities, Lin Hang feels that with the exception of some abilities that he likes better or that have miraculous effects on his own battles, he can stop studying them for the time being. For example, from the military such as Jiang Huacong. The abilities that were copied from the eight small powerhouses, such as Jiang Huacong’s "Beast King Madness" and Zhao Gang’s "Vajra Body", which strengthen the physical combat power, have already been practiced after Lin Hang's practice of his own practice "The Body Chapter" It's not needed anymore, and there are "Somatosensory" abilities like Wu Bufan, and with the "Omen" talent of "Mengyizu", it is not necessary.

In Lin Hang's thoughts, there are a few abilities that he prefers, and he will invest some time and energy to research. The first of these is to copy and Qi Jiaqi Xiaosheng's "Psychic Stick" ability, this ability has helped Lin Hang a lot in the early stage. Because this manifested stick has many good additional effects, such as'stun','destruction', etc., as his cultivation level has been upgraded to the present, there must be some other effects that he is not clear about. Waiting for him to study, so the sudden sacrifice in the battle can still have a miraculous effect.

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