I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 416

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:31 AM

Chapter 416: Near the end

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In this way, Lin Hang has been developing various abilities of his own for three full years. During these three years, Lin Hang has focused on the various abilities that he has determined before. I have almost kept the use and mastery of these abilities up to my own level of cultivation. Although I can't compare the perception of every abilities with a professional like Wang Lao, he is also extremely proficient. And the most important thing is that when Lin Hang was familiar with his various abilities, he discussed with many Chinese monks at different stages, and also sorted out his own cultivation path again, which also made his whole person relaxed now. Many, many hidden dangers have also been eliminated.

On this day, Lin Hang was discussing with Liu Ruyan about the use of wood-type abilities. Although Liu Ruyan awakened his body, Jinlian, but his mastery and use of wood-type elements were not lost, but because My own body is also because of the plant system, and I have a deeper understanding and understanding of wood elements. In the aspect of wood elements, Liu Ruyan can definitely be called everyone, Lin Hang will naturally not give up such an opportunity, and ask Liu Ruyan for advice on this aspect.

After the two discussed, Lin Hang said with some emotion, "Yan'er, when I was in Huicheng a long time ago, I just awakened my copy ability and copied your wood element control ability. After that, I became familiar with the abilities under your guidance. At that time, you really helped me a lot! I really missed that time. Apart from finding my parents, there was no other worry. It’s wrong, unlike now, if you want to do something, you can’t follow your own ideas freely, and you’re burdened too much!

That is to say, in front of Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang will unbridled in his inner thoughts. Regarding the pressure on his shoulders, Lin Hang is also relaxed in front of other people including Wang Lao, only facing Liu Ruyan, he was able to let go of all the shackles and be the most authentic and comfortable Lin Hang.

Liu Ruyan gently held Lin Hang’s hands, and understood Lin Hang’s current thoughts and feelings, and said softly, “Xiao Hang, I also miss the time when I didn’t know anything before, so we might not be like Now that this is the case, you may be able to be a happier and more relaxed Taoist couple! However, you should not be like before, you still have to combine work and rest, and you can't pay too much attention to the speed of cultivation!"

Lin Hang backhanded Liu Ruyan's hand tightly, and just about to answer, suddenly his expression became serious. Seeing Lin Hang's performance at this time, Liu Ruyan already knew that something must have happened, so too Without speaking, waiting for Lin Hang's response.

After a while, Lin Hang finally opened his mouth and said, "Yan'er, just now I felt that nearly a hundred cultivators from the ten thousand races and dozens of races on Earth and Star had all left their respective residences. Join the battlefield!"

When Liu Ruyan heard this, she frowned and said, "In the three years of our "Candle World", the earth and stars of the outside world have almost passed for nearly three months. Could it be that they are still fighting now? Has the plan come to an end?"

Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "Yan'er, my clone on Qingtian Island has been paying attention to the movements of the ten thousand peoples in this land. It is to pay attention to when they will end the battle, and then start their final plan. Secondly, to be able to transfer all of our many disciples back before the start. Now looking at this situation, the leaders of the ten thousand races in the transformation stage are already After participating in the war, it is estimated that the other cultivators of the ten thousand races will be quickly eliminated. The time that they ten thousand races planned to wait should be approaching!"

Liu Ruyan nodded, and then said, "Then Xiaohang, what are we going to do now?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, and then said, "Since it has reached this point, it seems that within a very short time, they will clear the entire Earth Star! Our disciples are naturally not suitable to stay in the Earth. After practicing the star experience, if you leave later, you may be in danger! So I am going to let the clone of Qingtian Island bring back the two hundred disciples of our Huaxia outside to "Candle World", and then we go Find a teacher and discuss with him some next steps!"

Liu Ruyan nodded, and then said, "If this is the case, then I will go with you to find Mr. Wang later! Xiaohang, you said that they have confirmed their plans with Mr. Wang, this time not. Go and compete with their Ten Thousand Race Alliance for that opportunity, so what else is there to discuss, just let your clone bring those disciples back?"

Lin Hang laughed, and then explained, "Yan'er, I have indeed discussed with the teacher this time. I will not participate in the battle with the Ten Thousand Race Alliance. However, the teacher and I are going to be on Qingtian Island. Place two clones to see if you can see what their final plan is, and to lay a foundation for our future struggle with them. Therefore, I have to discuss with the teacher this time. Participate in this plan to destroy their Ten Thousand Race Alliance, but when will you drop your clone and go to Qingtian Island!"

Only then did Liu Ruyan understand what Lin Hang meant, and nodded and said, "Then I will also participate in this time! You will also make a clone for me, just because I want to see the demeanor of Monk Dengxian!"

Lin Hang laughed and shook his head. Liu Ruyan's reaction at this time was similar to that of Lao Wang at the time. Although he had always been in close contact with Monk Dengxian, the high priest and others acted in front of them. Just like ordinary people, without the slightest coercion, you can't feel the horror of Monk Dengxian at all. Therefore, Liu Ruyan and Wang Lao have shown great expressions for Monk Dengxian of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance who may appear on Earth. interest of.

Lin Hang thought about it carefully, and felt that there was no problem. Liu Ruyan's current strength, with the power of the awakened Jinlian body and the power of the life Jinlian, the strength is not below Lin Hang and Wang Lao, so he participated in this. There is no problem at all. And this time, the plan was originally to go to Earth as a clone, so there is no danger, so Lin Hang did not refuse, nodded and said, "Okay! Then Yan'er, wait until my teacher and I determine the time to go to Earth Star. We will send a clone to the earth and stars!"

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