I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 417

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:30 AM

Chapter 417: ready

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Liu Ruyan nodded and said, "Okay! Then Xiaohang, go find Mr. Wang quickly, the clone on Qingtian Island must hurry up!"

Lin Hang gave Liu Ruyan a relieved look, and then disappeared directly to the spot, and went to discuss the future with Wang Lao.

And Lin Hang’s clone on Qingtian Island has already begun to return to the work of more than two hundred disciples who have invested in Huaxia’s experience in Earth and Stars. Because of the special circumstances, the leaders of the gods of the various races suddenly plunged into the battlefield. They have now entered the final stage, and they don't need these Huaxia human race teams to speed up the process for them, so if they meet Huaxia's disciples, these ten thousand race monks in the transformation stage, they will not be merciful. In order to prevent these teams from encountering these cultivators, Lin Hang’s clones began to compulsorily capture these disciples. I saw that Lin Hang’s clones were constantly grabbing out of thin air in front of him, and then they saw each and every Huaxia The disciple appeared on the clearing of Qingtian Island with a dazed expression. Not long after, all the more than 200 disciples sent by China to the Earth Star Experience appeared in front of Lin Hang's clone.

The forcible capture of these disciples by Lin Hang's avatar is also an application of spatial ability, but it is also because the difference between these disciples and Lin Hang's cultivation base is too large that it will have such an effect. If it is those monks in the transformation stage If he insisted on resisting, Lin Hang would not be able to easily complete such a process.

Lin Hang's clone looked at the Hua Xia disciples who were puzzled, but hadn't done anything, couldn't help but nod their heads. The quality of these disciples was much higher than he thought. Facing strange and strange phenomena, there is no irritability or panic, and he is relatively calm.

Lin Hang's clone coughed slightly, and then said loudly, "Dear elite disciples of China, this time I will bring you all back to Qingtian Island without your consent. It is because the situation is urgent and there are reasons for it. Before, you were able to carry out the experience relatively safely on this planet. It is because we are sure that the monks who do not have the transformation stage will take action against you, so we can rest assured that you will come out for the experience. Each of your teams has a hunting and killing period. The monks’ abilities. But the current situation has changed. The ten thousand race monks on the earth and the stars have reached the final stage of their plans. The leaders of the gods of various races have also joined the battlefield and started the clearing operation. In such a situation, we have to temporarily evacuate the Earth and return to "Candle World"! I know you may feel sorry, but your experience has been going on for a lot of time, it's time to return Go to "Candle World" to settle down! In the days to come, don’t worry, Earthstar really has no way to continue to experience, but we have also prepared a brand new experience place for you! So, don’t have What regrets and reluctance, for the sake of safety, everyone will come back to "Candle World" with me this time!"

Standing at the forefront of the crowd of disciples, Tian Dayong stepped forward and said, "Lin Hang, we will do what you arrange. After all, having such experience is also due to your arrangement, so we will not There is any objection. And you are right. Although we have gained a lot through this continuous experience, we lacked time to digest and absorb it. This time we can return to "Candle World" We are also very happy and supportive during the rest period!"

Lin Hang laughed. Although he didn't particularly care about the attitude of these disciples, Tian Dayong was able to stand up and help him explain that Lin Hang was still very happy.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, of course I won't hurt you. When we return to "Candle World", we will introduce the current situation to you in detail, so that your heart will no longer be so. doubt!"

With that said, Lin Hang waved his big hand and loaded all the more than two hundred disciples on the open space in front of him into his "Sleeve Universe", and then appeared at the entrance of Diancheng "Candle World" the next moment. At some point, he took out the key to open the light door and entered the "Candle World.

When Lin Hang's clone acted, Lin Hang's deity had already approached Mr. Wang and reported to Mr. Wang that the situation had changed only once.

Hearing this news, Wang Lao also concentrated his mind and said, "Hang'er, since the heads of their gods of all races and races have begun to participate in the final clearing of this war, let's not talk about anything else now. Those disciples who have experienced on the earth and stars take them back!"

Lin Hang laughed, and then said, "Teacher, don't worry! After sensing this situation, my clone on Qingtian Island has already begun to recall those disciples!". Then Lin Hang sensed it carefully, then smiled and continued, "Teacher, my clone has already entered the "Candle World" with those disciples. There is no accident and will be able to rush to us soon! "

After listening to Lin Hang's words, Mr. Wang relieved his heart and said, "Oh, Hang'er is as thoughtful as you think! Since this is the case, then we don't need to be particularly eager! According to your judgment, when will we It’s better to send the clone to Qingtian Island?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, and then said, "Teacher, this time I came to you to discuss this matter! However, because I escorted these disciples back to "Candle Realm", there is no clone of me on Earth and Stars. Yes! In this case, we will lose the monitoring of the earth and stars! So according to the disciple’s idea, I think we will send the clone to the Sky Island now, so we don’t need to take care of the clone too much. You can monitor the development of the situation of the Earth and the planet, otherwise, we can't determine when they really end!"

Wang Lao thought carefully about Lin Hang’s suggestion, and felt that there was no problem. After all, it was only their clone that went to Earth Star Skyliner Island, and the clone made by Lin Hang was not like Lin Hang's own clone. That way, there is no need for manipulation. In other words, Lin Hang can bring Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan's avatars to Qingtian Island. Normally, there is no response. Only when it is critical, Lin Hang will remind the two of them. Then he turned his attention to the clone of Qingtian Island, and he could realize the purpose of spying on the movement of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance.

After Wang wanted to understand, he also nodded, and then said, "Okay, just do what you said Hanger!"

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