I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 42

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:08 AM

Chapter 42: "Somatosensory" by Wu Bufan

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And Wang Feiyu's preparations obviously didn't stop there. The other fragments of the shield that had just been shattered appeared on Wu Bufan's path back at some unknown time. Seeing Wu Bufan had no room to move in the air, and he didn't even notice the debris behind him, Wang Feiyu finally smiled. The audience also agreed that Wu Bufan should have been defeated. After all, under Wang Feiyu's precise arrangement step by step, he stepped into the trap of killing, and there was no chance of a comeback.

However, the major players in the military did not have any impatience, but smiled. At this time, Wu Bufan's body, who was about to hit the fragments, turned around in the air, rubbing the fragments and falling on the ground behind him. The fragments were less than one centimeter away from Wu Bufan, but they didn't touch Wu Bufan. This is the power of Wu Bufan’s "Somatosensory" ability. Although Wu Bufan himself did not find the fragments behind him, his body reacted correctly before him, avoiding the fragments by a tiny margin, in a thrilling manner. Through this mortal crisis.

Wang Feiyu was obviously also surprised, but his expression hadn't changed much, his emotions and anger didn't show up in expression, and the city was indeed very cultivated. He recalled those fragments, combined into two huge metal arms in the air and put them on his arms. Wang Feiyu bumped his fists and hooked Wu Bufan enough. He actually provoked Next fight with Wu Bufan!

Wu Bufan has absolute self-confidence in close proximity. Although Wang Feiyu's two metal arms look extraordinary and are obviously the results of the Wang family's latest research over the years, Wu Bufan still sighed and greeted Wang Feiyu's iron fist. After the real fight, Wang Feiyu understood the horror of Wu Bufan’s ability. The deep "Somatosensory" not only escaped all his attacks, but also saw the weakness of the inconsistency of the strength of his two arms. I was miserable.

Everyone off the court was also ignited by this second match, which is now full of fists. They saw it with gusto. Wu Bufan was originally the king of melee combat, and Wang Feiyu relied on his iron fist and his excellent melee skills, and the two actually fought each other. Well matched!

Lin Hang was lost in thought as he watched Wu Bufan fighting. Wu Bufan’s abilities are simply tailor-made for him. He doesn’t need too much close combat training. As long as he acquires this "Somatosensory" ability, he has the'passive' ability in close combat. He only needs to consider offense and defense. Don't worry about it at all. Lin Yi coveted this ability, thinking about how to communicate with Wu Bufan after a while.

And when Lin Hang was distracted, the battle on the field had already entered a white-hot battle. The two of them were struggling in the collision again and again, panting heavily, and soon, the two of them will decide the winner.

When the two collided again, the metal giant fist in Wang Feiyu's right hand suddenly flew out, and under the control of Wang Feiyu, it quickly combined into a giant sword, and stab Wu Bufan straight. While fully controlling this attack, Wang Feiyu's face also appeared empty, Wu Bufan threw away the thought of retreating, gathered all the remaining psionic energy in his body on his fist, and hit Wang Feiyu's forehead heavily. The situation on the field suddenly changed, and the two were about to decide the winner with this move!

Wang Feiyu's giant sword passed through Wu Bufan's chest first, and a large amount of blood flowed out, but Wu Bufan didn't care, and it still attacked Wang Feiyu indefinitely. When Wu Bufan’s heavy punch was about to hit Wang Feiyu, he was blocked by Wang Feiyu’s prepared left metal arm. When everyone thought the victory or defeat was divided, Wang Feiyu laughed and said at the end, Wu Bufan yelled, The psychic energy exploded, smashed the metal arm abruptly, and went on to hit Wang Feiyu's forehead. Wang Feiyu was obviously unprepared. He was repelled by this powerful force for several meters, fell to the ground, passed out, and Wu Bufan She also covered her chest and knelt on one knee.

At the last moment, Wu Bufan stunned Wang Feiyu's attack. Wu Bufan was seriously injured and Wang Feiyu was in a coma. Such a losing-lose situation obviously shocked everyone present. In the end, the referee ruled that Wang Feiyu was unconscious and lost to Wu Bufan. Although Wu Bufan basically lost his combat power, he was more than enough to deal with a comatose Wang Feiyu. When Wu Bufan heard the referee's announcement, he smiled, and finally couldn't bear it. He leaned forward and fell to the ground. It turned out that he was also the end of the crossbow, relying on will to persevere, now waiting for the news of victory, he was discouraged, and because of too much blood loss, this also passed out.

Such a tragic situation is obviously beyond everyone's expectations. Although Wang Feiyu is mysterious, his strength has always been regarded as the bottom of the existence, but now he almost killed the second-ranking figure in the military. Sure enough, no one can underestimate the smiling tiger.

Wang Feiyu suffered internal injuries and needed recuperation. After some treatment, he was immediately sent back to Wang's house.

The military medical abilities present on the scene could not solve Wu Bufan's injuries. They were not prepared at the beginning. Who would have thought that they would be hit so hard. At this moment, Lin Hang stepped onto the stage and said to everyone in the military, "Let's take a look!" Thinking of Lin Hang's ability and identity, everyone nodded in agreement, and gave Lin Hang a position.

Lin Hang stepped forward to check and summoned a stream of water, first wrapped Wu Bufan who was in a coma, cleaning the wound, while also moisturizing the broken cells. After a while, Lin Hang withdrew the water flow. The wound no longer bleeds. Lin Hang breathed a sigh of relief. His left and right hands radiated green light, which were printed on the front and back of Wu Bufan's wound, and began the repair work. After half an hour of recovery, Wu Bufan slowly woke up. Lin Hang was a little relieved, retracted his hand, stood up, and said, "It's not a serious problem anymore, but the blood loss is too much, and he is still relatively weak. It's all right."

Supported by Huazhi, Wu Bufan stood up, clutched his chest, and said solemnly to Lin Hang, "Brother Lin Hang, forgive me for being prejudiced against you before, but you can save me and let me I am deeply ashamed! From now on, you will be my brother Wu Bufan! If you say anything, I will never refuse!"

Lin Hang waved his hand and said, "It's not so serious. After all, I am also a teacher's disciple. Although I am not a member of the military, I still need a friendship to help you. Go back and take a good rest. I also look forward to fighting with you next time. !"

Several people exchanged greetings, Wu Bufan was taken away by Huazhi, and Lin Hang also stepped off the stage, leaving it to others to clear the ring and prepare for the next match.

Next is the contest between Liu Jia Liu Rulong and the military Guo Xiaoquan. Both of them belong to the mid-range strength, and they are not very public, so the result of this game seems a little uncertain.

After the two came to the stage and met with each other, the referee announced the start of the game.

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