I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 421

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:25 AM

Chapter 421: Ye Guangyuan's marriage

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Hearing Ye Guangyuan’s explanation, although Ye Lao didn’t change his aura, the expression on his face had already eased. Just as Ye Guangyuan said, Ye Guangyuan was practicing the hunting plan on Earth and Star, which lasted for several years. At this time, Ye Guangyuan's younger brothers and sisters were all in "Candle World", practicing and living for decades. With this comparison, it is not difficult to understand that Ye Guangyuan would lag behind Ye Guangjie and others in the issue of breeding offspring.

However, although Ye Lao understood in his heart, there was still no easing in his mouth, and he said, "I won't care about you before. Now that you are back in "Candle World", I will not be able to do anything in a short time. After leaving "Candle World", I started to practice for a long time. Then, in addition to practicing during the time you stayed in "Candle World", you should seriously consider what I just said to you! Even if you are not for yourself , And think about it for our Ye family. Most of the prosperity of the Ye family will fall on you!"

Ye Guangyuan still had a bitter expression on his face, looking at Lin Hang pitifully, hoping that Lin Hang could speak for him at this time.

Lin Hang looked at Ye Guangyuan, who was taught so by Ye Lao, and couldn't help but laughed, and then said, "Brother Guangyuan, I think Ye Lao is right! You have been alone for so long, it's time to find A suitable woman will accompany you. Not only can you take care of your life, but you can also do your filial piety and serve Elder Ye when you are away! This question, as the eldest grandson of the Ye family, you really have to think about it. !"

Ye Guangyuan also understands what Ye Lao and Lin Hang mean. His current cultivation level has reached the Nascent Soul Stage, and he is considered to be the second master of the entire Ye Family. The cultivation level of the monk has improved, and the life level and bloodline intensity of the entire person It will increase with the increase. In other words, the children of Ye Guangyuan and Ye Guangjie will definitely be more talented than Ye Guangyuan's children. That's why Ye Lao said that Ye Guangyuan would start to leave heirs for the development of the Ye family. Because Ye Guangyuan's child, if only the woman he is looking for is not particularly wide, then he will definitely discover the strength of his talents at birth.

Ye Guangyuan saw that Lin Hang was still facing his grandfather on this matter. For a while, he became more embarrassed. He hesitated for a long time, and then said, "Grandpa, Lin Hang, how can this kind of thing happen all at once? Just do it! I'm not the kind of person who will give up his bottom line for the sake of family reproduction! Besides, isn't our Ye family now in a stage of rapid development? Where is the need for me to do this!"

Hearing this, the anger surged up again in an instant, and he gave Ye Guangyuan a fierce look, and then said angrily, "You kid, I really don't put my grandfather in my eyes after going out! I don’t want you to give birth to me a great-grandson right away, but I want you to find a satisfactory daughter-in-law first, and then consider the issue of having children. Why are you so resistant?"

Ye Lao slowed down a little, and then continued, "Did you know? When you left "Candle Realm" and went to the Earth and Stars to experience, the major families that we made with the Ye family were more or less I thought, overtly or secretly, that I wanted to marry our Ye family. Over the years, Guangjie and their marriages were basically facilitated in this way. Don’t think that I appointed them a marriage, I just Let the juniors first come into contact with themselves. If they think it’s suitable, we will really get married. It’s not as old-fashioned as you think! So, there are still many old guys who are still thinking about you as a bachelor and want to The outstanding woman in their family is married to you! I can’t directly push it away. I can only say that it’s inconvenient to get in touch with your experience outside. Now that you come back, there is naturally no way to use this reason. Go and meet those girls for me. It doesn’t matter if you are dissatisfied, you just have to complete a task set by your grandfather! And, if you really meet a girl who looks right, you won’t be able to become it. Is it okay? You know, Guangjie was unwilling to do so at the time. Isn’t that the children are so old now? So, Guangyuan, you just listen to your grandfather, I will help you arrange the meeting with those girls, you go away Is this process okay?"

After listening to Ye Lao’s words, Lin Hang on one side also nodded unceasingly. Ye Lao’s words were very reasonable and didn’t mean to persecute Ye Guangyuan. Moreover, this kind of pattern can be regarded as very good among their twenty-fourth generation. The place is normal, whether before entering "Candle World" or now in "Candle World", this method is an important way for the younger disciples of their major families to get married. According to Lin Hang's consideration, Ye Guangyuan could spare some time to meet the girls from the major families that Ye Lao arranged for him. No matter what the process is, he might really meet Ye Guangyuan's favorite. .

However, when Lin Hang saw Ye Guangyuan’s expression, he still had a very unwilling feeling. Lin Hang suddenly felt very uncomprehending. Then after thinking about it carefully, a bright light flashed in his mind to avoid being known by Ye Lao. , Lin Hang said to Ye Guangyuan’s voice transmission, “Brother Guangyuan, looking at you, can you already have someone you like in your heart? You also come from a big family like the Ye family, so why don’t you know about the big families? Tradition, now so repulsive, shouldn’t it be for your sweetheart to ensure your chastity?

Ye Guangyuan received Lin Hang's voice, and a look of shock and embarrassment appeared on his face involuntarily, and Lin Hang, who had been watching him early, looked straight. Although Ye Guangyuan didn't answer, Lin Hang could already understand from Ye Guangyuan's expression. Ye Guangyuan really had a favorite candidate in his heart, and only then could he reject Ye Lao's arrangement so much.

As a good brother of Ye Guangyuan, Lin Hang would naturally not tell the matter in front of Ye Lao before the matter was understood clearly. At this time, when the scene was frozen, Lin Hang gave a light cough, and then said, "Lao Ye After all, Brother Guangyuan has just returned. The journey on Earth and Star is really very difficult. Please let Brother Guangyuan take a good rest and give him some time! I will help you persuade him more. , Don’t push too **** Brother Guangyuan!"

Ye Lao looked at Ye Guangyuan's appearance, and snorted because of Lin Hang's presence, and said, "Well, Lin Hang is right. I won't force you when I just came back, but after a while, Guangyuan you You must give me the answer!"

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