I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 422

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:24 AM

Chapter 422: Ye Guangyuan's sweetheart

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With that said, Old Ye turned his head and said to Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, keep this purple gold cold iron sword with you! As for what you said just now to provide us with the support of this purple gold cold iron material, Just do what you want! You talk to Guangyuan, and I won't bother you here!"

Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "Lao Ye, don't worry! I will send a batch of this purple gold cold iron to Ye's house soon. As for Brother Guangyuan, I will try to persuade him. Worried!"

Old Ye nodded, and then stopped saying anything, turned and left the meeting room, leaving the space here for Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan.

After Ye Lao left, Ye Guangyuan, who had been sitting tightly beside him, let out a sigh of relief, and fell heavily on the sofa behind him, and said to Lin Hang, his voice full of resentment, "Lin Hang, just now I want to give you a punch! Is it a brother? How can I help my grandfather say this to me? You said that if I want to, I need my grandfather to force me like this. I have been married like Xiaojie and the others. Up!"

Lin Hang chuckled softly, and then said, "Brother Guangyuan, let's not talk about this! Didn't I help you deal with Ye Lao temporarily? You can't hide this from me, is it true? It's the same as I guessed. Now that you have a girl you like, will you be so resistant to Ye Lao's arrangement?"

Ye Guangyuan heard Lin Hang's words, his momentum instantly weakened, and then he said, "Oh, Lin Hang, why do you think so!"

Seeing Ye Guangyuan’s appearance, Lin Hang knew that his guess was correct. He laughed and then continued, "Brother Guangyuan, I told you, you can only talk to me about this matter. Say, brother, I can help you only if you understand what happened! Otherwise, you should face the urging of Ye Lao alone! Then you will feel better!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Hang made a gesture of no longer intervening, Ye Guangyuan suddenly became a little anxious, and said hurriedly, "No! I can't do it according to Grandpa's idea. This is a blind date! It will definitely destroy me in Yu Luo's heart. It’s a perfect image, it’s definitely not good!

With that said, Ye Guangyuan saw Lin Hang smiling and groaning, and suddenly felt that Lin Hang was owed very much now, and knew that he had already leaked in front of Lin Hang, and then continued to say, quite a bit of a broken jar. Well, since I have already said it, I will not hide it from you, but I have a sweetheart, and it is Li Yuluo from the top eight of the military! It's just me. I just hid it in my heart. I didn’t tell anyone, and I hadn’t explained it to Yuluo. Of course, it was impossible for me to agree to my grandfather and have a blind date with girls from other families! Although I didn’t confess to Yuluo, I did. It is clear that Yuluo has not been in love during the military training for so many years, and has never heard of someone he likes, so in this case, I should still have a chance! So let’s say. , How could I go on a blind date first, so in Yu Luo's heart, what kind of person Ye Guangyuan I have become!"

Lin Hang couldn't stand Ye Guangyuan a little, gave Ye Guangyuan a blank look, and then said, "Brother Guangyuan, stop and stop! You haven't told them clearly yet, don't let them fall out one by one! I really can't Understand, since you are interested in others, and you know that she is still single, why is this twitchy, and you don’t make it clear to others, you have to keep talking about this matter and stay here? If it is me, it must be generous Fangdi made it clear to the other girl, that it's OK, if it doesn't, it won't work. What is the matter with you?

Ye Guangyuan looked sad when he heard Lin Hang's words, and then said, "Lin Hang, you don't understand! Yu Luo is different from ordinary girls, she is relatively indifferent by nature, and she has been compared with the eight small tops in the army for so many years. These teammates who grew up with her and get along with each other day and night are more familiar. They look cold to other people. Didn’t she also lead a small team, so we don’t usually have a lot of time and opportunities to meet her. With their respective teams, under such a meticulous hunting plan, naturally there is no chance to confess. One more point, don’t laugh at me when I tell you! You know, since I practiced, I’ve never been I have never had a girlfriend, so the experience of getting along with girls is also very lacking. To be honest, I actually don’t know how to talk to Yuluo. Even if you say that it’s okay, it’s okay, but if you can’t succeed, I would feel very sorry, so I dared not act for a long time, so I dragged it to the present!"

Listening to Ye Guangyuan’s description, Li Yuluo’s figure and daily performance also appeared in Lin Hang’s mind. Because of his own "Resistance" ability, Li Yuluo has a very clear mind and can remain calm in any situation. Although this has become a major advantage for her against the enemy, it has also created her indifferent character. Lin Hang had a lot of contact with Li Yuluo on Qingtian Island, but Li Yuluo has always been on business, and has a clear relationship with Huazhi, who is also a female member of the eight small strong in the army. Different performance.

Lin Hang carefully analyzed what Ye Guangyuan said, and he knew it in his heart, and then said, "Brother Guangyuan, with all due respect, the two reasons you said are just excuses. The most important thing is that you still dare not talk to her. Confession? Are you afraid that once the confession fails, not only will you be unable to become a Taoist companion, but your relationship with her will deteriorate further, and you will not even return to the past?

Lin Hang’s words directly hit Ye Guangyuan’s deep pain in his heart. Ye Guangyuan gritted his teeth and said, “Lin Hang, I am not afraid that you will laugh at me today! Indeed, as you said, there is no time and no chance. It can be squeezed out, but I'm really afraid that once I have explained it clearly to Yuluo, and after telling the matter clearly, Yuluo will have a high probability of rejecting me directly. In this case, I may lose the opportunity forever! Although I am right Now I am relatively confident. The cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period can be regarded as a master, but Yu Luo I know very well that she is not an ordinary girl, she is very thoughtful in her heart, and my cultivation base is not Become a factor that impresses her! I originally planned to get in touch slowly so that she can also learn more about me, so that my plan can be achieved over time, so there has been no big progress."

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