I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 424

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:21 AM

Chapter 424: Tsundere Liu Ruyan

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Seeing Liu Ruyan’s smiling face, Lin Hang’s mood obviously improved a lot, slowly reaching in front of Liu Ruyan, taking out the purple gold cold iron sword he got from Ye Lao, nodding his head, and then speaking. Said, "Lao Ye really spent his thoughts on my business. He not only turned over the unknown materials in the Ye Family’s exposure, but also searched for it from various places. Some of the collections obtained through the channels, let’s see if there are any items made of Zijin Hantie in these collections. No, it really made Ye Lao discover it. This little sword was made by Ye Lao a long time ago. I didn’t know what material and specific purpose it was before, so it was always placed. Later, I thought of the characteristics and appearance of purple gold and cold iron. Ye Lao found it out. I checked it carefully. Fan, I discovered that this small sword was carved from a whole piece of purple gold and cold iron, but it was not blessed by any refining techniques! Although I can’t understand how the predecessors thought about it, this small sword is really real. It can be used by me. I only need to copy a few more and smelt them together to become the purple gold cold iron I can use!"

Hearing about the last four materials that Lin Hang lacked, and one of them was settled, Liu Ruyan was also happy from the heart, but when he saw Lin Hang’s expression, he obviously encountered some problems again, Liu Ruyan couldn’t help but wonder. Asked, "Xiao Hang, I should be very happy to find this purple gold cold iron. Why do you have this expression? Is it because you found the purple gold cold iron, so you are starting to worry about the remaining three materials?"

Lin Hang shook his head, and then said, "No, after I have figured it out, how can I still worry about these materials! However, this time I went to Ye's house, Ye Lao and Guangyuan brothers also gave me a problem. !"

Liu Ruyan was immediately aroused by curiosity, blinked her eyes wide, and then asked, "Oh? Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan have any problem now that still makes you so entangled?"

Lin Hang sighed, and then said, "Oh! It's not because Ye Lao is always thinking about the marriage of Brother Guangyuan! You know, Brother Guangyuan is the eldest grandson of the Ye family, and he is also the best of the Ye family. Therefore, in order to have better offspring, Ye Lao naturally hopes that Brother Guangyuan can get married as soon as possible, and then inherit them from the Ye family. Originally I thought this was a good thing, after all, brother Guangyuan is also not old When he is young, if he can get married, there will be one more person to take care of him. So I also helped Ye Lao persuade Guangyuan brother and agreed to Ye Lao’s arrangement. In my opinion, the method Ye Lao provided is also very reliable. He didn’t directly help Brother Guangyuan decide who he wanted to marry. Instead, he asked Brother Guangyuan to get in touch with the girls from other families. If you met someone you liked, everyone would be happy, if not. It doesn't matter if you see it right, Ye Lao doesn't need an answer right away, he just asks Brother Guangyuan to do this now."

After hearing Lin Hang’s introduction, Liu Ruyan nodded her head. As a member of the Liu family, she was naturally familiar with this model. If it weren’t for so many changes later, Liu Ruyan should have been. Enter a similar mode to find your significant other.

Liu Ruyan said, "Xiao Hang, Ye Lao’s method seems to me no problem. Ye Guangyuan is in the hands of Ye Guangyuan himself, so what’s the problem? ?"

Lin Hang smiled bitterly at this time, and then said, "Yeah, I think so too. It doesn't matter if you just go on a blind date and meet a few times. Anyway, everyone is single. It's just that Ye Lao has such a loose condition. Brother Guangyuan didn’t want to do it! Ye Lao also had no choice. I was there and seeing Brother Guangyuan twitching, I also had a guess in my heart. After leaving Elder Ye, I chatted with Brother Guangyuan for a while. , I also understand why I don’t want to go on a blind date."

Liu Ruyan is also extremely smart and astute. Hearing Lin Hang's description, he already had a guess in his heart, and said, "Xiao Hang, Ye Guangyuan, he won't be..."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Yes, I thought so at the time. Later, after a private chat with Brother Guangyuan, it also confirmed my guess that he already had the right candidate, so he was unwilling. Go on a blind date because he knows that he won't have any sparks with the girls in those families, and he doesn't want to leave some things to his sweetheart that he thinks is a stain."

Liu Ruyan understood it, and then became a little puzzled, and said, "Xiaohang, I still don’t understand! You said that Ye Guangyuan has a sweetheart, isn’t it a good thing? If he brings this sweetheart back Ye Family, I believe that as long as the conditions are not particularly bad, Ye Lao will be happy? This is in line with Ye Lao's idea, why did it end up like this?"

Lin Hang shook his head, and then said, "Yan'er, if things are like this to you, it will be fine. It has the best of both worlds. Elder Ye and Brother Guangyuan will not have such a big contradiction! All this is because of Brother Guangyuan I just have a person I like, but I have never expressed my thoughts with that girl, and I am not sure if others will follow him, so it has been delayed until now, and things have become complicated. The main contradiction is that Here, Brother Guangyuan didn't have the courage to confess to others, for fear of directly scaring them, so that he would have no chance at all, but now he has no good way, so he asked me for help. I do it for my brothers. I agreed with the big emotional event and the sound of happiness without thinking about it. Aren’t you just worrying about this now!"

Liu Ruyan snorted at this time, and then said, "Xiao Hang, are you very experienced? And you are too embarrassed to say that at the beginning, if I hadn't pierced this layer of window paper between us, I'm afraid There is no progress in our relationship now? You said that Ye Guangyuan did not have the courage. I think you were inferior to him at the time! He can at least clearly understand his own mind, how about you? Waiting stupidly, If you don't say I take the initiative, hum!"

Lin Hang did not expect this incident to make Liu Ruyan react, and he scratched his head in embarrassment. It was indeed Liu Ruyan's situation that Lin Hang could not refute it. The progress of their relationship was also due to Only by Liu Ruyan's brave speech will the progress made today.

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