I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 426

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:20 AM

Chapter 426: Mutual help duel

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Liu Ruyan chuckled lightly, and then said, "Xiaohang, don't you know? Since the human race of Huaxia learned of the final catastrophe, the upward and enterprising heart of every disciple has been stimulated. That is to say, every responsible Huaxia disciple wants to work hard to improve his cultivation level, and then contribute to the entire Huaxia. And your rapid improvement in cultivation level has given these disciples a huge excitement! Among them, these disciples who belong to the military have stronger desires, so in Li Yuluo's heart, the improvement of his cultivation level is definitely the first place. Therefore, if we want to achieve our goals , The most important thing is to do what he likes. If we give Li Yuluo an opportunity to improve her strength, would you say she would gladly agree?"

Listening to Liu Ruyan’s analysis, Lin Hang nodded steadily, and then said, “Well, I understand this too. It’s just the truth, but how do we improve Li Yuluo’s cultivation base and Guangyuan? Brother, will he join together?"

Liu Ruyan lightly nodded Lin Hang's head, and then said, "Xiao Hang, you are also a very intelligent person. Why are you so ignorant about this matter? No matter what Ye Guangyuan said, it is already Have you successfully broken through to the Yuanying stage? This cultivation base, in the entire Huaxia disciples, there are only seven or eight in the Yuanying stage. Although Li Yuluo can be among the best in the late Jindan disciples, but with Ye Guangyuan and the others Compared with the disciples in the period! Xiaohang, I think we can hold a mutual help duel event, and then set up some incentive measures to encourage the cultivation enthusiasm of the major younger disciples. Including Tian Dayong and the others, all younger disciples It happens that there are eight people in the Yuan Ying stage cultivation base, we let the eight Yuan Ying stage disciples choose one of the best late Jindan disciples, two or two teams, give them some time to familiarize themselves with their own tactics Get used to it, and then start eight groups of people to participate in the battle, so that we will give a big reward to the final winner. In this case, I believe that the 16 disciples participating in the competition will be extremely passionate and can also make this peaceful practice. Life, have more color!"

After Lin Hang listened, his eyes lit up, and then he said, "Yan'er, you mean we use some means, and then group Li Yuluo and Guangyuan brothers into a group, and then give them two before the competition really starts. People have enough time to get along with each other. In this way, no matter what the problem is, it can be answered and solved during this time. I have to say, Yan'er, your idea is really wonderful! Li Yuluo will never find us Carefully, only when this competition is an opportunity for her to experience and a way to improve. According to her temperament, she should be more willing to participate. And besides helping brother Guangyuan fulfill his wish, this competition is just As you said, there is no harm to our Huaxia disciples. On the contrary, it can allow them to understand more and increase their fighting experience. It can be said that it is multi-purpose!"

Thinking that the problem that bothered him was so easily solved by Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang was also in a good mood, and put Liu Ruyan in his arms, and said softly, "Yan'er, you are really mine. Yan'er! Not only can accompany me to discuss things about cultivation, but also help me solve some problems that I have no clue! Being able to have you as my Taoist companion, I, Lin Hang, is really a blessing for several lifetimes. Divide!"

Hearing what Lin Hang said, Liu Ruyan, who was in Lin Hang’s arms, was also extremely happy. In Liu Ruyan’s heart, many things are not very important. Only Lin Hang can touch her heartstrings. Let her give willingly without feeling tired.

However, although I enjoy the time alone with Lin Hang, there are still important things to do at this time. Liu Ruyan broke free from Lin Hang's arms and said, "Well, Xiao Hang, stop making trouble! Now that you are. I also feel that there is no problem with my suggestion, so hurry up and implement it! I just provide you with a direction. You need to implement specific activities one by one. After all, you have to make arrangements in many places! "

Lin Hang nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Well, this event does not need to be too large, only the 16 most outstanding junior disciples we have set to participate! And this scale In the competition, I believe that the teachers and Brother Zhuo have no reason to refuse. It should be easy to get them to agree. Therefore, I first explain this to Brother Guangyuan, so that he has a bottom in his heart. I will go to discuss with Master and Brother Zhuo and start holding this kind of mutual help duel competition in the form of abnormal communication!"

Speaking of this, Lin Hang's heart was also very excited, and continued to say to Liu Ruyan, "Yan'er, don't you know, my cultivation speed is indeed too fast, especially from the Jin Dan stage. When it came to the stage of transforming the gods, even crossing the two great realms, all were achieved in "Candle World". Among them, I have not experienced much fighting and tempering, and it seems to be very smooth. But then I did too. I understand that just this kind of penance is especially simple and applicable to monks who have no bottleneck, but now I also understand the drawbacks, that is, the understanding and use of the current realm is not complete. Be thorough, so that although we can use our talents to improve the realm, it also leaves a lot of hidden dangers! During this period of time, when I was retreating and studying abilities, I was also repairing the ones brought by my previous explosion and promotion. Hidden danger. This time, if such a mutual help duel match can be held smoothly, watching their disciples fighting in the Golden Core and Nascent Soul Stages, they can still provide me with some new insights and touches!"

Liu Ruyan nodded, then gave Lin Hang a little lightly, and said, "Okay! Xiaohang, how can I not understand what you said? So you don't need to talk to me anymore, go quickly Make arrangements! Compared to Ye Guangyuan's mood at this time, he must be more anxious than you!"

Lin Hang laughed when he heard the words, then nodded, his figure disappeared in an instant, and he arrived at Yecheng in the next moment. However, this time Lin Hang didn't enter the location of Yecheng's core Ye Family, but gently released his mental power and touched Ye Guangyuan in the city. It didn't take long before Ye Guangyuan came to the remote location where Lin Hang was.

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