I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 427

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:19 AM

Chapter 427: problem

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"Mutual help duel match?" Ye Guangyuan frowned upon hearing Lin Hang's suggestion, not knowing what Lin Hang's idea was.

Lin Hang nodded, laughed, and then replied, "Yes, brother Guangyuan, I have worked hard for you! This mutual help duel match is the best way I can think of now. I didn't do it before. Have you told me that the biggest problem between you and Li Yuluo is not whether she likes you, but the lack of basic understanding and communication between you, so you will not have any expressions of your development and yourself. A little bit of confidence, and this mutual help duel match is the opportunity I give you! Unlike Li Yuluo, you must know her a lot, right? So, brother Guangyuan, you also know that Li Yuluo is a Cultivation madman, so Li Yuluo will definitely be willing to participate in a duel match that can enhance his knowledge and fighting experience. And my plan is to choose eight disciples from the late Jindan period and you eight people in the Nascent Soul stage. Two or two teams, and finally after a period of familiarity, they start to team up and fight, and the final winner can get the big reward I set!"

After talking about her plan, Lin Hang continued, “You know, Li Yuluo may not care about the rewards set by this competition, but participating in this competition itself is a very important thing for her. Before, I used some tricks to put you and Li Yuluo into a group, so that before the fight officially starts, you will have the opportunity to get along alone, and it is the fighting method that Li Yuluo is more interested in. I believe you If you like, it’s not difficult to get her favor! Brother Guangyuan, I have created all the opportunities for you. Don’t miss the opportunity yourself!"

While listening to Lin Hang's slow introduction, Ye Guangyuan's eyes slowly lit up, and after careful analysis, Ye Guangyuan was also happy in his heart, rushed towards Lin Hang, and gave Lin Hang a fierce one. The bear hugged him, then hammered Lin Hang's chest, and said happily, "Lin Hang, you are really my good brother! You really deserve to be someone who came here, can think of such a good way! Tell me, this time When will the mutual help duel match be held, and what should I do to prepare?"

Lin Hang pushed Ye Guangyuan away with a bit of disgust, and after sorting it out, he said, "Brother Guangyuan, don't rush for a while! I just have this idea for the time being, and I need to go back for the specific implementation. The military and the teachers, as well as those high-level military officials, can only use the final plan. However, you should not wait too long. After all, in my opinion, the teachers will agree that it should be There is no problem. As the only eight Yuanying stage disciples, participating in the war is a sure thing. As for the best eight Jindan stage disciples, is Li Yuluo sure to enter it?"

Regarding this question, Ye Guangyuan did not pack a ticket. After thinking about it carefully, Ye Guangyuan said, "According to our previous understanding, there are not many disciples in the late Golden Core of China. You know, practice. This path is not very easy. After entering the foundation-building period, all cultivation cannot be achieved by simply retreating. Opportunity and comprehension are indispensable. Therefore, apart from us, the two hundred or so disciples who went out to practice, in fact, There are not many Golden Core disciples throughout China. Just like my younger brother Ye Guangjie, he is still stuck in the late stage of foundation building and has been unable to enter the Golden Core phase. So, the two hundred of us are actually very talented. Outstanding. Although I am a little bragging about it, it is the fact that the two hundred or so disciples who participated in the hunting plan are the most outstanding people in China today."

Lin Hang nodded. He didn't know what Ye Guangyuan said suddenly, but he didn't interrupt. He continued to listen to Ye Guangyuan's description.

Ye Guangyuan sorted out his thoughts and continued, "Lin Hang, among the two hundred or so disciples, many of them were converted from the original Huaxia cultivation path, and thus achieved their current realm. Among them, the most outstanding They are the disciples cultivated by the Chinese military and disciples of our top families. You know that we have passed on for so many years, and the talent is basically ahead of most ordinary people. Before changing the path of cultivation, our talent It’s also shown, so it’s not very surprising to be able to have the current scene. The reason why I told you this is because I want to emphasize to you that the internal competition and secret rivalry of our two hundred people is also very powerful. Now Although the eight of us have taken the first step and reached the Nascent Soul Stage ahead of schedule, I can’t guarantee that we will always be ahead of the two hundred people. I can only say that it’s our own efforts. Therefore, the other under the eight of us Many of the disciples of the Golden Core Stage have cultivated to the later stage of the Golden Core. Because they have also experienced the training of the hunting plan, the difference in strength between them is actually very small, and they have not been able to stably suppress the existence of other people. Is it okay to say that Yuluo’s strength is in the top 20 among all of our disciples? Actually, this is just a valuation. The gap between the top 50 disciples is very small and there is no actual ranking at all, so we are all It is said that they have the strength of the top 20, but such people are far more than 20 people, can you understand?"

Lin Hang finally understood what Ye Guangyuan meant. Although Li Yuluo claimed to be ranked in the top 20 among all his disciples, he might not really stand out and become the eight players in the Lin Hang mutual help duel. One of the disciples of the late Jindan is really because the competition is too fierce, and there are a lot of disciples in the late Jindan, and it is really not so safe to compete for eight seats.

Lin Hang touched his chin with his right hand and fell into thinking. After a while, he said, "It seems that I have been neglecting this issue before! I thought Li Yuluo would definitely be able to compete for these eight seats. For success, it seems that even if she tries her best, she is only hopeful. Then I have to think about it again and see if there is a safer way."

Ye Guangyuan also nodded and said, "Lin Hang, this matter really needs to be thoughtful, otherwise it's easy to be busy for nothing. Although this mutual help duel is definitely worth training, there is no happy feather. What's the point for me to join in! Lin Hang, you must help me find the safest way. Brother, I count on you for the happiness of the rest of my life!"

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