I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 428

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:15:17 AM

Chapter 428: Finalize

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Lin Hang pushed Ye Guangyuan's hand away with a bit of cold, and then said, "The problem now is to ensure that Li Yuluo absolutely enters these eight seats. If there is no accident, then I can only do it myself! "

Lin Hang already had a solution in his heart, thinking in his heart, I can only sorry those other late Jindan disciples, this time I will do some cheating for Li Yuluo! After the matter is over, Lin Hang will find a way to make up for these disciples.

Having decided in his mind, Lin Hang said, "Brother Guangyuan, it seems that we can only take an unusual path! I will discuss with the teachers and them, and then start to select eight people from the disciples of the late Jindan period and join them. During this mutual help duel match, you don’t have to worry about the following things, but this selection process, I also have to do some tricks! Brother Guangyuan, among the two hundred pairs of elite disciples, has entered the late Jindan disciple , What proportion does it occupy?"

Ye Guangyuan thought for a while, and then said, "Except for me and Big Brother Tian and their disciples in the Nascent Soul Stage, the others have basically entered the Golden Core Stage. Among them, there should be about 70 disciples in the late Golden Core Stage."

When Lin Hang heard this number, he had a plan in his heart, laughed, and then said, "Well, in this case, then we will select the most outstanding 64 disciples of the late Jindan to participate in this trial. , To compete for these eight seats. Sixty-four people competed in pairs, and the losers were eliminated directly, so that each disciple only needed to win three battles to enter the last eight seats. These sixty-four people Li Yuluo’s place must be able to enter it. If this is the case, I will assist in the subsequent battles. When she wants to show her defeat, I will secretly use some means to enable her to win the game. Of course, if she can win the quota by her own strength, it will be better. If it doesn’t work, I will take the shot, and she will surely get a seat. As for the disciples who are really eliminated because of me, I will compensate them afterwards! If so, there won't be too many disputes!"

After careful consideration of Lin Hang's words, Ye Guangyuan nodded. Indeed, as Lin Hang said, the best way is now. Since there is no way to 100% guarantee that Li Yuluo can break into the eighth with his own strength. Strong, then let Lin Hang help in secret, I believe that with Lin Hang's strength, there will be no problem with some secret manipulation. Ye Guangyuan also prayed silently in his heart. He could only be sorry for the disciples who were defeated by Li Yuluo, and compensate them later!

Ye Guangyuan nodded, and then said, "Well, Lin Hang, do what you said! In this matter, I really rely on you, and I can't help much. Everything is up to you. !"

Lin Hang waved his hand, and then said nonchalantly, "In fact, it doesn't take me too much thought, even just let a clone of me do this thing! And I just had a new idea, A mutual help duel like this is not the only one that can be held once. Since for a long time in the future, you elite disciples of China should not be able to get such a good opportunity to go to Earth Star to experience as before, but The necessary battle is absolutely indispensable. And we can hold a duel match like this once in a while, it is indeed helpful to improve the strength of our Huaxia disciples. Besides, you and Li Yuluo, if you can be in the first place If you get along well when forming a team, then we can still help you combine her and you in the next few activities. In this case, the effect of one or two times may not be obvious, but the number of times is more. Indifferent people will also have some feelings for those who get along day and night! But after you have the emotional foundation, how to act next depends on your own control. We can't help you with this!"

Ye Guangyuan kept nodding his head, and then said with a smile, "Ha, Lin Hang, what you said is too much to my heart! Don't worry, you have created such a good opportunity for me to be alone, and I will not let down your pains. Yes, I will definitely cherish the time spent with Yuluo! You said, if I take Yuluo in the mutual help duel afterwards and win the championship, will it have better results?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, and then said, "I don't know about this. However, I can help Li Yuluo to cheat in the previous selection battle, but in the subsequent mutual help duel, it was impossible for me to shoot. Help you guys! Because this is really unfair. We still have basic rules in a game like this! But I think, no matter whether you can win the championship in the end, if you bring Li Yuluo, the two will work hard for this goal together. Now, the final result is not that important anymore! The most important thing is, in the opportunity of getting along like this, can you finally grasp Li Yuluo’s heart, or whether you can become Li Yuluo’s ideal Taoist candidate?"

After listening to Lin Hang's words, Ye Guangyuan came back to his senses, and then said, "Yes, Lin Hang, you are right, I am really a bit too much! It is already one thing to be able to team up with Yu Luo in such a competition. This is a very good thing, why should I want to fight for more things? I will work with Yu Luo for the final championship, but we must rely on our strength to fight for it, and you will not be embarrassed! "

Seeing Ye Guangyuan's attitude, Lin Hang also let go of his heart. He was really worried that Ye Guangyuan would do everything in order to win Li Yuluo's favor. It now appears that although Ye Guangyuan likes Li Yuluo very much, some of his persistence and attitude are not lost, which makes Lin Hang very satisfied.

Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "Well, brother Guangyuan, you are here to wait for my news! I will go to the teacher and those high-level Huaxia military to talk about this matter, presumably they are for The development and progress of many Huaxia disciples will definitely pass my suggestion!"

Ye Guangyuan also nodded. Ye Guangyuan also knew Lin Hang’s position in China. He also understood that Lin Hang’s words had multiple tones throughout China. So Ye Guangyuan didn’t worry at all. Lin Hang’s suggestions would be given by the military. Veto out.

After Lin Hang bid farewell to Ye Guangyuan, he did not go back to find Liu Ruyan, but went straight to the military's location and found his teacher Wang Lao.

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