I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 43

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:28:07 AM

Chapter 43: The power of "Fantasy"

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Liu Rulong is a standard descendant of the Liu family, so he sprinkled many seeds from the beginning and produced countless green plants, directly turning the ring into a small forest. This is also a strategy generally adopted by many elemental players in the arena. Using the characteristics of the elements, turning the battle arena into their home arena will have a great advantage in subsequent battles.

Obviously, Liu Rulong was extremely proficient in mastering the family abilities. This process only took three seconds. With such a short time, Guo Xiaoquan could not use this time to attack Liu Rulong. By the time the forest took shape, Liu Rulong's heart had been put down halfway, and fighting in such an environment would definitely have an advantage over Guo Xiaoquan.

Liu Rulong began to manipulate the plants to attack Guo Xiaoquan. While Guo Xiaoquan dodged the attack, he was also looking for an opportunity to attack Liu Rulong. This is the correct process of elemental battles. In fact, Ye Guangyuan's previous strategy was also the same. Elemental elements must grasp the entire arena and give play to their strengths in order to be more beneficial to them to win the game.

In this small forest, every flower and grass can be Liu Rulong's eyes, ears, and weapon of attack. Therefore, Guo Xiaoquan's pressure is still very high, and he suffers from Liu Rulong's various plants all the time. But what is strange is that half an hour has passed, and the two have not yet decided the winner.

Lin Hang knew what was going on. According to the information Tian Dayong gave, Guo Xiaoquan’s combat power was the lowest among the eight military members, but because of his abilities, it was also very difficult. Guo Xiaoquan’s ability is "Absorption", which can absorb other psychic energies within a certain limit and transform into his own psychic power to fight. That is to say, in this forest, not only Liu Rulong gets the gain, but Guo Xiaoquan can almost get a steady stream. The psionic supply. As long as Liu Rulong couldn't beat Guo Xiaoquan to the point of losing his combat power at one time, he could absorb and transform Liu Rulong's psychic energy and continue to continue. If it hadn't been for Liu Rulong's wood element ability, the battle would not last for so long. The next thing to see is whether Guo Xiaoquan couldn't prevent Liu Rulong's attack first, or whether Liu Rulong exhausted his psychic energy and was frustrated by Guo Xiaoquan.

After another twenty minutes, all the plants on the ring disappeared one by one. Liu Rulong smiled bitterly and said, "I lost, Brother Guo really lives up to his reputation!" Then he arched his hands and lowered the ring.

Guo Xiaoquan was also a little tired, and also took a rest in the ring. During this game, everyone was doing nothing, and some spectators even fell asleep! It's really because this kind of battle is too boring, and now the two have finally decided the victory or defeat. Everyone clapped happily, looking forward to the start of the next game.

Next is the last game this morning, which is also the focus of the morning. Diancheng Yujia's daughter in jade butterfly clothing faced military Li Yuluo. Needless to say, Yudieyi’s "Fantasy" ability, and Li Yuluo's ability is called "Resistance". Not only can it resist many control effects, such as vertigo, freeze, knockback, etc., it also has abilities for the spirit system. Great resistance. So she is the trump card against Yujia Yudieyi this time. If Yudieyi's abilities fail to her, then she will be a lamb to be slaughtered in front of her.

Soon, the two sides came to power and began this much-anticipated showdown.

Yudieyi chuckled and lost her figure on the ring. Li Yuluo felt carefully, as if she hadn't found any trace of Li Yuluo. The next moment, she kicked the air behind her, and the air trembled. For a moment, he avoided Li Yuluo's kick. Obviously Li Yuluo's abilities played a role, resisting Yudieyi's illusion. Yudieyi was not really invisible, but used illusion to deceive the eyes of everyone present, but Li Yuluo did not fall into the illusion and found it directly. The body of Yudie Yi attacked.

The next situation was more one-sided, losing the power of the supernatural power she had always relied on, and Yudieyi was in a big crisis. Li Yuluo grabbed Yudieyi's position and chased after her, finally seizing the opportunity and hitting Yudieyi's body with a punch. But a strange scene happened. The moment Li Yuluo's fist touched Yudieyi's body, Yudieyi was broken into pieces like glass and dissipated in the air. It turned out that at the beginning, Li Yuluo didn't resist Yudieyi's illusion. Instead, he was deceived by Yudieyi's second-layer illusion. He had been entangled with the illusion and consumed a lot of psychic energy in vain.

In the corner of the ring, Yudie Yi showed his figure, covering his mouth and smiling secretly. Looking at the Yudieyi in front of him, Li Yuluo couldn't control his anger a little, and he was chasing after Yudieyi. But when everyone saw the situation off the court, Li Yuluo had already stepped out of the ring and was struggling with the air, but he was deeply stuck in it, completely unaware of it.

Under the referee's signal, Yudieyi released the magic spell against Li Yuluo. Li Yuluo looked at the disappearing Yudieyi and where he was, knowing that he had lost the competition. Seeing his teammates, he was a little ashamed, but he arched his hands at Yudie Yi and returned to the position of the military.

Everyone didn't laugh at Li Yuluo. You must know that Li Yuluo has the ability of "Resistance", but still has the illusion of Yudieyi. Is it easy to face her? Everyone thought silently in their hearts that the Yu Family deserves to be the pinnacle family of Diancheng. The ability of "Fantasy" is really all-encompassing. With this ability, Yudieyi definitely has the strength to compete for the championship.

It was already twelve o'clock at noon, mainly because the battle between Liu Rulong and Guo Xiaoquan consumed more time. The officer announced that he was temporarily disbanded, and the afternoon game began at two o'clock. Then everyone left the martial arts hall, looking for a place to eat, preparing for the afternoon competition.

At a restaurant next to the martial arts hall, Lin Hang and others were having lunch together. After a break after the meal, everyone discussed the morning test.

"There is really no weak person in the military! Including Li Yuluo, who seems to have lost miserably, everyone is not mediocre, so in the afternoon, we must cheer up and not let go!" Xu Lishen Speak loudly.

Lin Hang nodded and said in agreement, "Indeed, if Li Yuluo hadn't been against Yudieyi, Liu Rulong and Wang Feiyu would not be her opponents. We were confronted by two stronger military men in the afternoon. Take it lightly."

Although Li Yuluo's abilities are good, according to Lin Hang's intelligence, Li Yuluo has no awakening mental power. Lin Hang wondered, if he copied Li Yuluo's "Resistance" ability and matched his mental power, would he be able to resist Yudieyi's "Fantasy"? With this idea in mind, Lin Hang decided to get acquainted with the military in the afternoon and check their abilities by the way.

Soon, everyone returned to the martial arts hall, and the afternoon contest Mashan was about to begin.

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