I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 433

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:56 AM

Chapter 433: "Quick Sand Array"

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Seeing this scene, Ye Guangyuan, who was on the high platform, stood up directly, looking very nervously in the direction of Li Yuluo, worried that Li Yuluo would be eliminated directly because of this, and worried that Li Yuluo would be injured in Hu Lingxu's hands. . Tian Dayong and Xu Li next to Ye Guangyuan were very puzzled. Looking at the direction of Ye Guangyuan’s gaze, Xu Li asked suspiciously, "Brother Guangyuan, what are you doing? Why do you suddenly stand up when you look at it? Up?"

Ye Guangyuan knew that he had behaved very abnormally because he was concerned about Li Yuluo's situation, but Ye Guangyuan still calmed himself down, sat back in the chair, laughed, and then said, "No, no, just saw one place. I couldn’t help but stand up! Xu Li, Big Brother Tian, ​​the strength of these disciples is really not to be underestimated, we are just one step into the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, if later If we slack off, there is a real possibility that they will be surpassed!"

Xu Li and Tian Dayong didn't doubt anything anymore. Indeed, many of the elite disciples in the field were quite exciting, and following the topic of Ye Guangyuan, the three also began to chat about the situation of the disciples in the field. Although Ye Guangyuan was on the surface discussing the contest with Xu Litian Dayong about these disciples, he secretly watched Lin Hang's direction and found that Lin Hang was still sitting in his chair motionless, and he had no intention of making a move. Can't help but want to remind Lin Hang.

At this time, Lin Hang was chatting with Liu Ruyan, and he did not mean to help Li Yuluo secretly, because under Lin Hang’s divine sense detection, it was discovered that Li Yuluo, who was being pressed by Hu Lingxu step by step, seemed to Embarrassed, but his eyes were still extremely firm and indifferent. It seemed that Li Yuluo's heart must have already thought out a countermeasure, how to deal with Hu Lingxu who had already bullied him in front of him.

And the fact is just as Lin Hang expected. When Hu Lingxu's fist was about to touch Li Yuluo's body, he suddenly couldn't get in. The outstretched fist just hovered in the air, and Li Yuluo was also exposed at this time. With a smile, he walked forward with his right hand and made a sword finger, and reached Hu Lingxu's throat, declaring his victory in this game.

Lin Hang was not surprised by this result. He observed the route that Li Yu had previously retreated under Hu Lingxu's strong attack. Li Yuluo's feet exuded a kind of invisible light, which was Yu Luo's spirit. When Li Yuluo retreated to the edge of the field, the spiritual energy scattered from under Li Yuluo's feet was combined into a small formation called "Quicksand Formation". The attack power of this formation was not very strong. But the effect of trapping the enemy is indeed very good, because Li Yuluo is only to deal with Hu Lingxu alone, and for concealment, so this "Quick Sand Array" is actually only a super simplified version, but it is still trapped. Hu Lingxu, who was a little aware, and Hu Lingxu who was later trapped by "Quick Sand Array", of course had to be slaughtered by Li Yuluo.

After winning this competition, Li Yuluo also loosened his restraint on Hu Lingxu and sighed for a long time. Obviously, although Li Yuluo's expression has always been calm and calm in this battle, It is indeed not easy for Li Yuluo to win. Such a restricted field competition is indeed very friendly to similar reckless men like Hu Lingxu, but somewhat restricts Li Yuluo's ability to play. Fortunately, Li Yuluo’s head has always been sober, knowing what he should do, and the simplified version of "Quick Sand Array" that was finally arranged can be considered as exhausting Li Yuluo’s spiritual power before he can trap Hu Lingxu. If a calculation fails Well, the formation cannot be completed without spiritual power, and Li Yuluo, who walks the tightrope, has no spiritual power and can only be defeated.

At this time, Hu Lingxu, who was unbound, had a regretful expression, but he was not convinced. He knew that even if he understood Li Yuluo's way of dealing with him, if he fights another game, it is very likely that he will fall. Lost, his temper was too anxious, and Li Yuluo was pinched to death.

After the two saluted again, they were transported to the disciple’s high platform to wait. At this time, the competitions in the other seven venues were all over. Because Li Yuluo was the final lore in the formation, the progress was the most advanced. Slowly, after the completion of these sixteen players, sixteen brand new figures appeared in the field, and the connection speed was very fast.

On the high platform, Tian Dayong, Xu Li and others were still discussing the previous test. Tian Dayong said with a hint of amazement, “That kid Zhao Gang just won really cleanly! Although now because everyone is cultivating the flesh, we These enhanced abilities have lost their previous deterrence, but close combat is still our home court! Zhao Gang just pressed his opponent and didn't give him a chance to breathe. He really looks like a **** of war!"

Zhao Gang is also one of the eight small strong, has a good "Diamond Body" ability, this ability is not like the general ability to strengthen the body, it also gives the user the ability of the diamond skin, so in close combat, Zhao Gang's repressive power is still very good.

Xu Li nodded, and then said, "Zhao Gang is really like you, Brother Tian. He has carried out his strong attacking fighting style all the time, but I still feel that Yudieyi gave me a more shocking feeling. She is entering Jin After the later period of Dan, the power of the "Fantasy" inherited by the family became even more terrifying. Just now, her opponent didn't even touch the Yudieyi at all, so he lost directly. If you are against her, if you have mental power There is no way to beat her, it really will only result in defeat."

Ye Guangyuan saw that the two had been complimenting the many outstanding players in the previous game, but did not mention Li Yuluo, and felt a little unhappy, so he said casually, "I see you have been talking here for a long time. It's all nonsense! Zhao Gang and Yudieyi's opponents are not particularly strong in the first place. As the two disciples who can enter the top five disciples of our Chinese Golden Core disciples, how surprised? I think this time Li Yu fell. Her performance was amazing. In her weakest field battle, she won the competition with the weak and the strong. By the way, she also showed her extraordinary mind and calm judgment! Haven't you noticed all of this? ?"

Tian Dayong suddenly felt very strange. Li Yuluo’s performance was indeed good, but Ye Guangyuan’s praise was very exaggerated. Tian Dayong and Ye Guangyuan were considered very familiar. With their long-term understanding of Ye Guangyuan, Tian Dayong’s I vaguely guessed something in my heart.

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