I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 434

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:55 AM

Chapter 434: Against Wu Zhenjun

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For the sake of Ye Guangyuan's face, Tian Dayong did not speak, but with a smile, he looked at Ye Guangyuan deeply, until he saw Ye Guangyuan a little guilty, and Ye Guangyuan's expression sank, and then said, "What are you doing? Isn't it right? Okay, let's not quarrel with you, the next batch of disciples duel begins, stop chatting, watch it!"

What happened to Ye Guangyuan was naturally seen by Lin Hang. Lin Hang stroked his forehead with some helplessness, then whispered to Liu Ruyan on the side, "Yan'er, you say light How did Brother Yuan become like this? Although he was a little confused before, he hasn't been as brainless as he is now! Look at what he looked like just now, I dare not say Xu Li, but Brother Tian must have discovered After some clues, I'm really curious, just like this, how did he keep him from being discovered when he was on Earth?"

Liu Ruyan was also a little helpless at this time. He was overwhelmed by Ye Guangyuan's performance, and then said with a smile, "Maybe this is the person in love, especially no brains! Don't blame him, he originally felt that there was no hope. , And you gave him such a chance, he was naturally very excited. I believe that if he can really succeed in holding hands with Li Yuluo, he should become more reliable!"

Lin Hang couldn't help but shook his head, and turned his attention to the first round of the third batch of disciples in the field. Soon the third and fourth batch of disciples in the first round were all dueling. This time the trial. The top thirty-two of the company was also successfully produced. Because of the rules set by Lin Hang and Zhuo Sheng, in the first round of the competition, instead of drawing lots to select opponents, they directly appoint opponents. Generally, those disciples who performed well were not arranged together in the first round. , And the facts are exactly as Lin Hang expected. Those players who they thought could pass the first round basically defeated their opponents and successfully advanced to the next round. Only one group had an accident. It was an opponent prepared for Liu Ruyan’s younger brother, Liu Rulong, and an elite disciple brought back from "Emperor Realm". He was not particularly good at first, but suddenly broke out in a battle with Liu Rulong, awakening his talent. Ability is a kind of black flame covering the whole body, directly burning all the plants summoned by Liu Rulong into ashes. Even when the first outbreak was somewhat uncontrollable, it burned Liu Rulong's body, and it was Lin Hang who was watching the battle. , Extinguished the black flame and prevented a disaster from happening.

Of course, this is only a special case. Most of the disciples who successfully passed the first round can be named by Lin Hang. They are basically the geniuses of his contemporaries or the elites cultivated by the military. There are few exceptions. At this point, the first round of this trial is over, and the top thirty-two of the trials have been produced, and then the competition will continue to determine the top sixteen of the trials.

After entering this stage, Lin Hang naturally can't be as relaxed as at the beginning. Among the thirty-two people, there are definitely many outstanding disciples like Yudieyi and Zhao Gang. If it is not for lack of some opportunities, They may not be weaker than Ye Guangyuan, Xu Li and others on the stage, and now they are all at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and will soon be in contact with the Nascent Soul Stage. Therefore, Li Yuluo and There are still some gaps between them. This gap does not mean the difference in realm cultivation, but the respective abilities have reached this stage, and the help to them is not the same, especially for such single-player restricted venues. Fighting, Li Yuluo's ability is not dominant. Therefore, Lin Hang didn't bother to manipulate the result of the draw, because it didn't make much sense. Then Li Yuluo would be watched by Lin Hang all the time. Once the duel was defeated, Lin Hang would secretly use tricks. Help Li Yuluo turn defeat into victory. This is also because there is not a big gap between everyone's strength, Lin Hang can do such a thing, otherwise, it is difficult to have room for manipulation.

After giving all the winning thirty-two top disciples enough rest time, the second round of selection of thirty-two into sixteen also began immediately. When eight venues are competing at the same time, the second round only requires two Only one batch can determine the remaining 16 people.

After the lottery, every disciple also knows the opponent he will face next. The disciples who only think that they can solve the opponent are naturally in a good mood, but there are families who are happy and worry about the family. Those who are drawn to Zhao Gang and Yu Die Yi, who are recognized as powerful disciples, also showed a wry smile, but no one gave up such a chance to fight, even if they feel that they have little hope of winning, these disciples still want to fight each other to improve their fight. Experienced, this was originally their biggest purpose for participating in such trials.

Lin Hang, who has been paying attention to Li Yuluo's situation, also learned that Li Yuluo's opponent in this round was actually Wu Zhenjun, a teammate of Li Yuluo's previous eighth quarter, with the family heirloom "Fog". Knowing that when Li Yuluo had drawn Wu Zhenjun, Lin Hang's brows frowned. Wu Zhenjun was able to transform into fog when he was still in the gas refining period, interfering with the enemy's actions, and being able to corrode and swallow and be wrapped in fog. The person's spiritual power supplements himself, and he is considered a very difficult opponent. If Wu Zhenjun meets opponents like Liu Tianqi or Lin Chengye who have a wide range of explosive offenses, he will not be able to show the grinding characteristics of the "Fog" ability, but for Li Yuluo, he will only be immune to the "Fog". The negative effects came, but they could only passively withstand the attack, and there was no way to cause effective damage to Wu Zhenjun. To put it bluntly, that means that Li Yuluo's ability is not suitable for strong attack, so in the case of insufficient offensive power, encountering an opponent like Wu Zhenjun is really a headache.

However, these disciples of Huaxia are not the same as before, who only know how to fight with their own abilities, but are true immortal cultivators who have practiced many spells. In other words, whether it was Li Yuluo or Wu Zhenjun, during this period of study, they all mastered many common learning techniques, many of which had powerful attack power. And these abilities that they had before, after their development, can also help them well, allowing them to provide direction for the future cultivation path, but it is no longer a definitive ability.

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