I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 437

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:52 AM

Chapter 437: Win

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But now, with the aid of "Fog Array", Wu Zhenjun's own fog can be perfectly hidden in the fog produced by "Fog Array", it is difficult for people who fight with him to find Wu Zhenjun's body. , And because he himself has the ability of "Fog", Wu Zhenjun can also manipulate the fog produced by "Fog Array". In this case, other people and Wu Zhenjun will fall into a protracted battle. This kind of battle is a very test of the willpower of those who are fighting against him, because although Wu Zhenjun's tactics are powerful, they are equivalent to giving up the spells he has learned. Such a fogging state cannot cast spells. It relies on the mist's weak attack power to exhaust the opponent's spiritual power, and then win. However, although he cannot cast spells, Wu Zhenjun in this state is not worried about his opponent's spell attacks. After all, his body is hidden in the fog. In such a large field, unless a large-scale spell attack, otherwise it will be injured. It’s not his, and the super-large spell requires a long time to prepare. If the opponent really has this idea, Wu Zhenjun is not a fool, he will take the initiative to disperse the fog, restore the body, and then defeat the opponent when the opponent is accumulating power . In general, Wu Zhenjun's tactics are equivalent to standing in an invincible position. If it is not for the crush of the realm, whoever faces Wu Zhenjun will have a headache.

Looking at the mist spreading across the entire site, Lin Hang on the high platform instantly saw the clues, and he couldn't help but nodded. Ye Guangyuan had a high evaluation of Wu Zhenjun, and now it seems that he does have two brushes. And now Wu Zhenjun’s exploration of his own abilities does not seem to be particularly useful, but once he enters the Yuan Ying stage, and even the later stage of the transformation, he will know the meaning of such exploration. Lin Hang estimates that if this Wu Zhenjun If the cultivation process goes smoothly, you may be able to understand your own path initially around the time of transforming the gods, and Wu Zhenjun who finds the path at that time may achieve an unimaginable level beyond the current Ye Guangyuan and others. But this is something to follow. The current situation can only reflect that Wu Zhenjun may have such potential. Right now Wu Zhenjun still has many difficulties to go. If he has been stuck in a state, then these follow-up potentials will not need to be discussed. It's just a dream.

Lin Hang now looked at the fog and the unchanging face of Li Yuluo in the field, and also watched with great interest, wanting to see how Li Yuluo cracked Wu Zhenjun's almost rogue style of play.

Li Yuluo is not like Ye Guangyuan. She has almost some understanding of the two hundred disciples who participated in the experience hunting plan, especially these top-ranked late Jindan disciples, and Wu Zhenjun, as her former teammate in the military's top eight, Li Yuluo was obviously more concerned about the progress of Wu Zhenjun and others' cultivation, so Li Yuluo knew what Wu Zhenjun showed, and he knew it for a long time.

Li Yuluo gave a rare chuckle, then raised his right hand lightly, and then slapped heavily towards the ground. After completing this action, Li Yuluo raised his left hand again and slapped it heavily on the ground. , And then a magical scene took place. With the location of Li Yuluo as the centerline, the entire venue was divided into two halves, generally emitting a blue light, while the other side was a fiery red light.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hang's eyes burst out with a dazzling look, and he glanced at Liu Ruyan next to him, and then confirmed his own opinion. The action set by Li Yuluo was obviously caused by Lin Hang and Li Yu. When Luo saw his heels, Lin Hang sighed, and then said, "This Li Yuluo, we really underestimated her! She is not only a good soul cultivation base, but now it seems that she has a talent for formation. It’s even stronger! In her first competition just now, she also quietly arranged a "Quick Sand Array", but it did not attract my attention. Now it seems that Li Yuluo may be after practicing. He is more specialized in the study of formations, and now his knowledge of formations is still not low!"

Liu Ruyan was also full of admiration, and nodded and said, "Well, Xiaohang, you are right, Li Yuluo has two formations at this time, one is called "Arctic Ice God Formation" , And there is another called "Blasting Vulcan Array", all of which are super-large output arrays. The power of a single arrangement is already very powerful. If they stimulate each other, they will evolve into "Ice Fire and Burning Heaven Array". The power of the time is not something Wu Zhenjun of the Golden Core Stage can bear! I just don’t know how well Li Yuluo masters these two formations? However, judging from the situation of her fleeting formations, her mastery is definitely not low. , And with her current strength and spiritual power level, it is actually a bit difficult to arrange these two formations. If it were not for her powerful spirit, the possibility of failure would be great! But now she has successfully deployed these two The formation method, we have to see how Wu Zhenjun is going to deal with it!"

Lin Hang also nodded. After the successful arrangement of "Cold Ice God Array" and "Burst Vulcan Array", Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan did not worry that Li Yuluo would not be able to break Wu Zhenjun's fog attack because of this. The two formations are cold and hot, and the scope is huge. They can instantly evaporate or freeze the fog released by Wu Zhenjun. It was originally Wu Zhenjun’s "Misting Fog Array", the current situation, if Wu Zhenjun is not active If the fog is dissipated and the original body is restored, it will also be treated as fog to accept the attack of the two major formations, and that situation is very bad.

At this time, the scene in the field was exactly what Lin Hang had expected. After Li Yuluo pressed his hands down, the two formations took shape instantly, and then I saw Li Yuluo on the left and the right, filling the entire field. The fog began to be divided into two sides, one side was directly evaporated and disappeared, and the other side was frozen into small drops of water and fell on the ground. In such an instant, all the fog was cleared, and then a figure fell from the air. It was Wu Zhenjun who was still confident before. But at this time, Wu Zhenjun had his eyes closed tightly, passed in a coma, and lost his fighting ability.

Seeing such a scene, Li Yuluo also showed a smile, which is the joy of victory. She lifted her hands from the ground, and the icy cold and fiery feeling that permeated the audience slowly dissipated. Li Yuluo's spiritual power at this time was also a little too exhausted, and the next moment he was teleported to the resting disciple Gaotaizhi on.

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