I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 442

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:47 AM

Chapter 442: As wished

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After the results of the third round of the trials came out, this time the Golden Core disciple selection was all over. Originally, Lin Hang still thought about whether to rank the eight strongest Golden Core disciples through battle. But after thinking about it, I gave up. After all, they were selected for the purpose of teaming up with eight disciples of the Yuanying stage. Anyway, they will team up to fight later, so I don’t want to do this again and leave the suspense of the battle. In the following mutual help duel.

After the trials, Li Yuluoyudieyi and other eight late Jindan disciples who had won all came to the high platform where Lin Hang and the others were. At this time, Tian Dayong and Ye Guangyuan also stood up, and Li Yuluo and other eight people stood together.

At this time, the 16 most outstanding disciples among the younger generation of Huaxia disciples stood together, and Wang Lao and others also showed smiles. Seeing the development and rise of these disciples, they seemed to see the future of Huaxia, and they had great hope. And the future of vitality.

These sixteen disciples are also familiar with each other. After all, they are the top existence among the two hundred disciples who have participated in the experience plan, and many of them were teammates before, like Tian Dayong and Xu Lilin. Chengye belongs to the same team, but now this team seems to be a bit strong, and there are actually these three Yuanying stage monks. And Jiang Huacong, Sun Xi, and Wu Bufan are also in the same team, and now it seems that their team strength is also good, with two primordial infant stage monks. The rest are also the main players of each team, all of which should not be underestimated.

After everyone stood still, Zhuo Sheng stepped forward and handed out a small sign to Li Yuluo and the others according to each person's position. Each sign was written with a number, arranged from one to eight. , These eight brands all showed blue light, Li Yuluo glanced at the brand in his hand, which was clearly marked with a'seven'.

After Zhuo Sheng had issued eight number plates, he walked up to Ye Guangyuan and other Yuan Yingqi disciples with a box in his hand, and talked about the rules of this draw, "This time we arranged it like this. You just watched it. When it’s there, the eight of them have already got their own number plates, from one to eight, and in this box we also put eight number plates with numbers. You draw lots in turn, which number is the same as before. People with numbers will automatically become your teammates. There is no problem with this rule, right?"

Tian Dayong and others all shook their heads. The rules Zhuo Sheng said are still very easy to understand. People who get the same number can automatically form a team, which saves a lot of trouble. And looking at Zhuo Sheng's certainty, this box must be able to isolate the detection of divine consciousness, and this way the possibility of cheating is prevented.

Ye Guangyuan didn't show any doubts on his face at this time. He was also shaking his head with everyone, saying that he had no problem, but he pretended to be inadvertent, glanced at Lin Hang who was standing and watching in the distance, and almost shouted in his heart. Lin Hang, it's up to you next!"

Lin Hang didn’t know what Ye Guangyuan meant. At this time, he secretly passed the message to Ye Guangyuan, “Brother Guangyuan, you will be the first to draw the lottery in a while. Don’t grab it randomly. I will secretly drop the number card with Li Yu. The'seven' brand injects a slightly hot energy, you only need to feel it by the feeling in your hand, don't make your own decisions!"

Hearing Lin Hang's words, Ye Guangyuan's heart was completely put down. At this moment, he chuckled lightly, and then stepped forward and said, "Okay, Brother Zhuo Sheng, if this is the case, then I will be the first to draw?"

Zhuo Sheng was stunned for a moment, but after a moment he smiled and nodded, and then said, "Okay! Guangyuan, you have this meaning, I will naturally not refuse, then start with you!"

Ye Guangyuan resisted the excitement in his heart, walked in front of Zhuo Sheng, gently put his hand into the box in front of Zhuo Sheng, and then with his right hand in the box, he felt the hot feeling that Lin Hang said. He touched a number plate, and he felt a hot feeling that was different from other number plates. To be on the safe side, Ye Guangyuan touched the other seven plates one by one. After making sure that he did not make a mistake, he touched it. A warm number plate was taken out.

After taking it out, Ye Guangyuan hurriedly checked the number on the number plate. A bright purple "seven" came into his eyes. Ye Guangyuan resisted the surprise in his heart and showed it to Zhuo Sheng. Zhuo Sheng also saw clearly. He nodded his head and said, "It's the'seven' number plate. Then Guangyuan, your next teammate, is Yuluo!"

Ye Guangyuan nodded, tilting his head with a normal feeling of self, cast a smile that he thought was very handsome at Li Yuluo, and then returned to the original position.

After Ye Guangyuan, the remaining Tian Dayong and other seven people also drew lots one by one. When the last Lin Chengye draws, all the eight teams that will cooperate next have been determined. Ye Guangyuan naturally achieved his wishes and formed a team with Li Yuluo, but the rest of the combination was also very interesting.

Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang both got the number plate marked with'one', so they automatically became a group. The two people in this group have very similar fighting styles. They are both melee and aggressive monks. If they can cooperate well, they will be strategic If they are well arranged, they still have a great advantage. In such a restricted competition and a unified style team, the advantage is still very large.

Yudieyi and Huazhi are the only girl group drawn to the'two' number. After Huazhi has entered the Yuan Ying stage, her own "Light" ability has also been greatly improved. Not only is it invisible to the naked eye, but it can also induce the perception of others through light, unable to find her true location, and then suddenly launch a killing blow. Huazhi's fighting style is biased towards the assassin, and Yudieyi has the most secretive If the power of "Fantasy" can be assisted by Huazhi on the side, then the combined power of the two cannot be underestimated, but both of them are women with higher spirits. Whether they can get along well depends on the future. Performance.

Jiang Huacong and his former player Sun Duxi got the'three' number plate. This is also a very coincidence. The two former teammates are now together again. According to the long-term understanding and understanding of the two men, the cooperation is affirmed. It is also perfect, so this combination may be the most harmonious group.

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