I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 443

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:46 AM

Chapter 443: A month

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Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye won the'four' plate at the same time, which also made Lin Hang on the side emotional. Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye are old acquaintances of Lin Hang. Before the Rising Star Contest, the military held a training camp. , Lin Hang met them at the last moment and eliminated them all at once. When these two people were originally in the capital, they were the most outstanding geniuses among the two big families of Liu and Lin. They are usually very uncomfortable. Although they are in "Candle World", the relationship between them is definitely not. It will be very good, so this time they teamed up, it really made Lin Hang find it very interesting, looking forward to the next development.

On the other hand, Wang Feiyu and Wu Bufan got the'five' number card, and they were assigned together. The two people also have a connection. In the Rising Star Contest, the two have met before, and they both fought and lost. , Wang Feiyu is the ability to control the gold element, and it gives people the feeling that he has a blockbuster personality if he does not speak. He is usually gentle to others, but it can surprise people when it is critical. Wu Bufan is a pure melee fierce man. During the time he was practicing in "Candle World", Wu Bufan did not learn many techniques to improve his combat power like other people did, but instead constantly tempered himself. His own body and the several spells he practiced all strengthen the body’s power, so Wu Bufan’s fighting style is more violent than Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang, and he has to move forward. In this regard, he and Wang Feiyu In fact, the conflict of styles is very serious, and what to do later depends on their own adjustments.

And this time, the disciple Yue Yuanwu, who can be called a dark horse, won the'six' card together with Hu Lingfeng of the military. Although Yue Yuanwu hadn't seen the mountains and dews before, there is nothing impressive, but after this time, After the trials, his status in the hearts of many of Huaxia's disciples immediately rose. The terrifying black flames were simply invincible at the same level. Once they were contaminated, it would be difficult to extinguish, and it was very difficult to entangle. Hu Lingfeng's fighting style is indeed similar to that of Huazhi, using his own flashing abilities and strong physical fitness to carry out surprise attacks. He is also a difficult assassin. Lin Hang is also looking forward to the cooperation between the two of them.

The last group that got the'eight' card is the remaining Lu Sanjin and Xu Li. Lu Sanjin and Xu Li are also familiar with each other. They met Lin Hang in the first round of the StarCraft, but The combination of these two people seems to be the weakest group, all because Lu Sanjin’s natural ability is not suitable for combat, it is a detection type ability, and although Xu Li is quite strong, it is also The battle between two people, relying on Xu Li alone is definitely hard to support. However, Lin Hang felt that these two men might have a surprising performance. After all, Lu Sanjin relied on his own strength to defeat three strong opponents one after another and successfully won one of the last eight seats. It is already very powerful. In addition to his own "Shunfeng Er" ability, Lu Sanjin definitely has his own outstanding. Xu Li is also the representative player of the later stage, and Xu Li has always been calm and calm. Next, these two people may also be able to bring some surprises.

When everyone’s groupings have been determined, Zhuo Sheng also coughed slightly, attracted everyone’s attention, and then said, "Well, now you sixteen have completed the groupings. Our final competition will be in one month. From then on, this month’s time is the process of learning and understanding between each group of members. Regarding the final competition, it can only be said that it is not exactly a ring match, so when each of your groups is discussing tactical coordination, Don’t be too restrictive and take many things into consideration! Okay, so I’ll stop here. You will come back here a month later, then the real game will be!"

After Zhuo Sheng finished speaking, he left the high platform with the military, Lin Hang also stepped forward to recount the past with Ye Guangyuan, Tian Dayong, Xu Li and others, and then left with Liu Ruyan. This time, Lin Hang had accomplished Ye Guangyuan's request brilliantly. How to develop the next thing depended on Ye Guangyuan's own efforts. Lin Hang was already unable to help much.

And the one month Zhuo Sheng mentioned was not very rich for these elite disciples, so the sixteen people present did not chat for too long, so they left the high platform in pairs and looked for one. In a hidden venue, I began to discuss the tactical arrangements of each team.

Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo did not delay either. Under the leadership of Li Yuluo without a word, the two came to a military closed room.

After the two entered, Li Yuluo closed the door of the secret room, then waved his hand on the door and gently wiped it twice, and then said, "Okay, I have set up the formation of perception in this secret room. If someone uses God I will directly get the sense when we are inspected, so that we can guarantee the privacy of our discussion. I decided that we will spend the next month in this secret room and not waste time, you What do you think?"

Hearing Li Yuluo's simple and neat arrangement, Ye Guangyuan was naturally satisfied with 10,000 in his heart, nodded hurriedly, and said, "No problem, Yuluo, you don't need to ask me, just arrange it yourself!"

Hearing this call of "Yu Luo", Li Yuluo's eyebrows stood up instantly, like two sharp swords, and then asked softly, "What did you call me just now?"

Although Li Yuluo’s voice was relatively soft, hearing it in Ye Guangyuan’s ears caused him to blow up his hair all at once. Li Yuluo now gave him the feeling that a volcano was about to erupt, and the peace now was just to catch up. It's just a bigger outbreak.

Ye Guangyuan knew that he had said the wrong thing, but remembered that his purpose of getting along with Li Yuluo this time was not just to get acquainted with Li Yuluo and to understand more? How can you admit counsel at this time? So facing the about to explode Li Yuluo, Ye Guangyuan forced himself to stiffen up, and then said, "I call you Yuluo, is there any problem? I remember, Lao Jiang called you that way, right? As your teammate, what's wrong with calling you like this now? You can also call me Guangyuan, Ayuan, I have no problem!"

After Ye Guangyuan finished speaking, he stared at Li Yuluo carefully and checked Li Yuluo's reaction, only to find that Li Yuluo changed his state and smiled softly, making Ye Guangyuan feel a little hairy.

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