I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 444

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:45 AM

Chapter 444: Show your heart

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Ye Guangyuan didn't know why Li Yuluo behaved like this, and tentatively said softly, "Yu Luo, do you think this is bad? If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. You want me to call you whatever you want! Don't Because of this, it became like this! The smile you just made really made me panic!"

Li Yuluo had already stopped laughing at this time, but there was still a smile on his face, and he said softly, his voice was extremely soft, "Ye Guangyuan, you are so courageous! Why haven't I noticed it before? I thought you only dared to like me behind your back. I can’t imagine that you have set up such a big battle and want to be alone with me. Now I give you a chance, how would you do it?"

After Ye Guangyuan listened to Li Yuluo's words, he was completely stunned. The meaning of Li Yuluo's words was very clear, that is, Li Yuluo knew that Ye Guangyuan liked her, and Li Yuluo was still very smart and careful. From this sudden mutual help duel match, he immediately guessed the real reason behind it. Ye Guangyuan was completely overwhelmed by such a sudden change, and he froze innocently on the spot without knowing what to do.

Li Yuluo also kept his smile, did not say anything to interrupt Ye Guangyuan, but quietly waited for Ye Guangyuan to digest what had just happened.

After all, Ye Guangyuan was not an ordinary person. Although he was very immature in dealing with Li Yuluo, he was also a monk in the Yuan Ying stage at any rate. It was natural that he would be firm. After a moment, Ye Guangyuan reacted. He thought carefully about what Li Yuluo said, and found that Li Yuluo didn't reject his liking of her at all, but rather cared about Ye Guangyuan's next actions.

At this time, Ye Guangyuan's heart is naturally not lacking in determination. Ye Guangyuan gritted his teeth, then faced Li Yuluo, staring at Li Yuluo's eyes, and then said in a deep voice, "Yuluo, let You laughed! Since you already knew it, I won’t hide from you stupidly anymore! Indeed, as you said, I, Ye Guangyuan likes you, Li Yuluo! I don’t know when to start, yes For some reason, but I know and I am very sure that I really like you! Every time you lead your team to perform a mission on Earth and planet, my heart is worried for you, I am afraid that you will be because of the first team. It’s a long duty, and I took on the ultimate duty, fearing that you might be injured in an accident! On the Sky Island, when I can occasionally see you from a distance, my heart can settle down, and my heart will also have Landing. When I see you talking and laughing with the male disciple, I will become very uncomfortable, as if something with my beloved has been snatched away! Yu Luo, I am not saying you are a thing, but , But I really can’t endure how close you are with other men. Although I know that as the captain, it is common to regulate the relationship between the players, I still feel uncomfortable in my heart and there is no way to control it!"

With that, Ye Guangyuan rushed forward, supporting Li Yuluo's shoulders with both hands, and then continued, "Yu Luo, I know that in such a short period of time, it is definitely unrealistic for you to accept me! But, even if If you don’t like me now, I will not be disappointed or discouraged. I will keep reminding myself every day that I must work harder and be better to be able to be worthy of such a good you! And Yuluo, you must not have a heart Burden, it doesn't matter if you can refuse me, but be sure to give me a chance to like you! I will definitely prove to you that I, Ye Guangyuan, is the one who can protect you and keep going with you!"

After speaking, Ye Guangyuan looked at Li Yuluo nervously, and didn't feel that his hands were unconsciously exerting force while he was speaking just now, and he had already pressed Li Yuluo's shoulders to some extent.

In Li Yuluo's eyes at this time, there was also a gentleness and playfulness that he had never experienced before, and then frowned, and said softly, "Big fool, you hurt me!"

Ye Guangyuan only reacted when he heard this, and hurriedly released his hands holding Li Yuluo's shoulders, but when Ye Guangyuan put his hands down, Li Yuluo stepped forward gently, wrapping his hands around Ye Guangyuan's waist. Then he hugged Ye Guangyuan heavily and buried his head on Ye Guangyuan's chest. Ye Guangyuan was directly frightened by Li Yuluo's move. He didn't know whether to put his hands down or what to do, and he was a little at a loss.

And at this moment, Li Yuluo, who was buried in Ye Guangyuan’s arms, said softly, "Guangyuan, do you know? You said you like me, why don’t I like you? It’s just that you big fool made me wait. For so long! Every time I see you sneaking at me, I really want to punch your big head hard, is it shameful to like me? I haven’t said it for so long. If it wasn't for the pressure in your home this time, would you drag it back?"

Ye Guangyuan heard that Li Yuluo also expressed his thoughts to him, and his heart was filled with infinite emotion. He also remembered the bit by bit that he liked Li Yuluo over the years. At this time, he stretched out his hands and hugged Li Yuluo tightly. In the arms.

Ye Guangyuan sniffed the scent of Li Yuluo’s hair, and then said softly, “Yulao, I blame me! I have never had the courage to tell you clearly. Of course it’s not a shame to like you, I’m just afraid that things are not certain Before, I rashly announced the news that I liked you, it will cause a lot of trouble to your original peaceful life! Moreover, I am also very scared, if you suddenly tell you like this, you reject me, then I really don’t have it. A chance! So I have been thinking of ways to find a better way, and then deepen our relationship, and then make our feelings more natural! But Yuluo, the current scene really makes me afraid Believe, when did you like me, and since we have so little intersection, how did you like me?"

Although Ye Guangyuan also knows the current situation, asking this question is very disappointing, but this is the doubt in his heart, there is no way to hide it, only to speak it out.

Li Yuluo still didn't come out in Ye Guangyuan's arms, but at this time, her left hand was still resting on Ye Guangyuan's waist, and her right hand was climbing on Ye Guangyuan's chest, gently rubbing, without directly answering Ye Guangyuan's The question, instead, asked, "Guangyuan, I ask you, what kind of woman would you think of me before today?"

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