I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 445

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:45 AM

Chapter 445: Love in love

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On this issue, Ye Guangyuan did not perfuse, thought about it carefully, and then said, “Yu Luo, to be honest, if you haven’t seen your performance on the battlefield today and this scene now, my sense of In fact, it is relatively missing. Because usually, you belong to the relatively low-key group of people in the military, plus when we were in the Earth and Star experience before, we were not in the same team, and the chances of meeting were very few. Naturally, I don’t know much about you. My impression of you is equivalent to the impression that the public has of you. You give people the feeling of being very calm and calm. It seems that nothing can move you. It’s all a sense of confidence, and this makes you feel indifferent and difficult to approach easily. And in terms of personal strength, you are not as famous as the others in the army. Before today, except for yours Outside of the team members, I am afraid that no one knows that you have such a terrifying formation talent! I really shocked me by looking at you. If you can prepare in advance, I may not be your opponent. So, I am actually very curious, what kind of woman is Yuluo, which I like?"

Li Yuluo chuckled lightly, then said, his words were full of sorrows, "Guangyuan, you know, I was cultivated by the military since I was a kid. After awakening my own powers, I found out that I was because of this. Because of the abilities, I became more mature overnight. Because of "Resistance", I was able to isolate all my negative emotions and make the most calm judgment under any circumstances. Originally, I also thought this was a good thing. But then I found out that I was losing the feelings that I should have step by step. In this way, besides becoming stronger, nothing else is left. I am very afraid that I will become like this in the end. So actually I was very resistant to my own abilities! It’s just that I couldn’t help it. At that time, as a member of the top eight, I was a well-deserved commander in everyone’s minds. There was no way I could only let things develop until Later, I entered the "Candle World" practice, and everything changed. I found that after changing the path of practice, the abilities that we had relied on became less important, some powerful spells and formations. , Can completely replace the role of the ability! After knowing the result, I am very happy, as long as I can work hard to learn other things, I don't have to use my own ability all the time, right? And it is indeed a coincidence. My understanding of the core of those formations is very easy, and there is no obstacle at all. It is precisely because of this that I can learn the layout of so many formations, so as to reach the present point."

Hearing Li Yuluo's experiences and thoughts over the years, Ye Guangyuan felt deeply moved, and a little bit distressed that he held Li Yuluo tighter in his arms, and said softly, "Yuluo, you are still too strong! But you can’t help it. After all, in the serious environment of the army, if you don’t work hard, you can only be eliminated! But in the future you don’t need to hold on like this anymore, because I’m in front of you to block you All the storms and difficulties! I, Ye Guangyuan, promise you today that as long as I still breathe, I won't let you hurt a little!

At this time, Ye Guangyuan also wanted to understand. He could feel that what Li Yuluo said just now came from the heart. Li Yuluo really likes him. If that's the case, why bother about why he likes him? ? Therefore, Ye Guangyuan was no longer ready to dig into the roots. He just wanted to take good care of the beloved woman in his arms in the days to come, so as not to let her suffer any more difficulties and sufferings.

Li Yuluo is in a very good mood now, mainly because he and Ye Guangyuan have explained everything clearly. Although they don’t know each other very well now, the two hearts can feel that they are slowly approaching. In the days to come Here, if you get along slowly and tolerate each other, you will definitely be able to go to the end.

In fact, the reason why Li Yuluo didn't say about why he liked Ye Guangyuan was because of the shyness in Li Yuluo's heart. Li Yuluo has always been a relatively regular person due to his abilities and the growth environment when he was a child, so he has always acted very rigorously, and his dealings with people seem relatively dull and staid. But when she met Ye Guangyuan later, she found that Ye Guangyuan felt completely different from her. Although Ye Guangyuan lost his parents since he was a child and grew up under Ye Lao's care, Ye Guangyuan's heart is very cheerful. In normal times, there are still many childish behaviors, which are very funny. It is precisely this Ye Guangyuan that has brought Li Yuluo a very different experience. The people she met in the army before were all relatively old-fashioned and serious. I haven't been in contact with someone with a personality like Ye Guangyuan, so I followed Ye Guangyuan secretly.

As the saying goes, if a woman is interested and curious about a person, then the woman is not far from falling, and this is the case. Under such secret attention, Li Yuluo finds that she likes it. This is usually very funny, but at the critical moment, Ye Guangyuan is very reliable. However, as a girl, Li Yuluo's mind was naturally much more delicate than Ye Guangyuan's. She hid her mind better, but she keenly felt Ye Guangyuan's mind. In fact, when Li Yuluo discovered that Ye Guangyuan also liked her, he was very happy, and he had an urge to talk about everything. It was only because of the restraint of a girl and the shackles of the task in his heart at that time. I temporarily buried this feeling in my heart without directly expressing it. She believes in her heart that Ye Guangyuan must also be able to like her from a distance for this reason, not to say it directly, they are both captains of a team of twenty people, whether they know the other's mind or not, but like this The entanglement will definitely affect the next action, so the two chose to hide and not speak very tacitly.

And after returning to "Candle World", without the pressure of the team on his shoulders, and the stimulation of Ye Lao at home, Ye Guangyuan's mind naturally became active. Taking advantage of Lin Hang's visit to the goalkeeper, he asked Lin Hang for advice and then helped. He fulfilled his wish. But what Ye Guangyuan didn't know was that Li Yuluo didn't have any arrangements in his heart?

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