I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 448

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:42 AM

Chapter 448: Defensive counterattack

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Li Yuluo did shook his head at this time and said, "Guangyuan, although I really want the result to be like this, I only told the best situation of our combination! You also know those people, every A disciple who enters the Nascent Soul Stage at this stage, all have their uniqueness! And everyone is not mediocre. In this month's time, who knows what they can think of what suits them? What about the strategy? Another point. Although it is not good to say that, I feel that I have already caused a relatively strong impact on each of them during the trials. There will definitely be many teams that will study us. You also know that I am not in the Nascent Soul Stage like you now, and the power of my formation has a limit, but it can pose a little threat to them like Nascent Soul Stage cultivators. The real main attacker is still with you!"

Hearing Li Yuluo’s explanation, Ye Guangyuan also reacted. He also fell into a misunderstanding of his thoughts, and was stunned by Li Yuluo’s amazing performance. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, he realized that Li Yuluo is now The formations under his cultivation base were indeed sufficient for the opponents of the late Jindan to change the battle situation and win, but for the monks of a higher realm, there was no way to play such a big role. After all, Li Yuluo is also the cultivation base of the late Golden Core. Although the formation method is strong, it can only cause some restraints on the monks in the Yuan Ying period. The killer blow has to let Ye Guangyuan, who is also in the Yuan Ying period, come. Just start it.

Ye Guangyuan nodded, and then said, "Well, Yu Luo, I understand! I understand what you mean, you are saying that we are actually quite strong, but which opponents need to be cautiously faced? No problem, I We will set up the defensive position first, so that you will be able to arrange the formation you want. In this case, our competition has just begun, and we are also deeply trapped in the formation. I only need to spend a little effort to put the elements in their team. After the infancy period is solved, the remaining golden core period will not pose too much threat!"

After a pause, Ye Guangyuan also expressed some of his thoughts after thinking, "But Yu Luo, I think our strategy is very comprehensive, but it is more dangerous to have the first time! I think they Among them, there are two families that need our attention. They are the combination of Huazhi and Yudieyi, and the combination of Yue Yuanwu and Hu Lingfeng. Among the two groups, Huazhi and Hu Lingfeng were both cultivated in the Yuan Ying period. Because, you know them better and know their fighting style. If you have to categorize them, Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi can be regarded as the two most powerful assassins among us. Our combination may face other combinations. They are all able to support you to arrange the formation, but when facing Huazhi and Hu Lingfeng, I am not too sure that I can block their offensive route. After all, their abilities are really suitable for secret raids!"

After Ye Guangyuan's analysis, Li Yuluo said with a smile, "I didn't expect Guangyuan you to have ideas too! You are right. In my analysis, these two groups of them are indeed the biggest threat to my tactics. The two groups, especially Hu Lingfeng! I know him very well. Because of his relationship with the supernatural power "Blink", he has the deepest understanding of space among us! Especially after entering the Yuan Ying period, he is very The perception of space must be stronger than before! You know Lin Hang’s abnormality. I worry that although Hu Lingfeng’s "Blink" ability is not comparable to Lin Hang in the same period, it must be even more elusive. In the beginning, if I was the target of a forcible raid, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to hold on to him for too long! Therefore, in the coming days, besides implementing our own tactics, I think the most important thing is to discuss Dealing with each of our different opponents, what details should we do better? In this way, we will be able to make more changes on the basis of constant response to changes!"

Ye Guangyuan thought about it carefully, and nodded. Li Yuluo's method can be said to be the best method for both of them. No matter how other teams arrange their tactics, their tactics will not change. That is Li Yuluo came to contain his formations, Ye Guangyuan waited for an opportunity to attack, and when he encountered different opponents, he had to adopt different countermeasures, but this most fundamental strategy would not change. For example, if it is a strong attack combination like Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang, then Ye Guangyuan will attack first, temporarily blocking the two, and then give Li Yuluo enough time to arrange the formation. After the formation is completed, the two will again Relying on this formation to deal with them. And if you encounter an assassin group like Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi, then Li Yuluo still starts to arrange the formation at the beginning, but Ye Guangyuan will unswervingly guard Li Yuluo's side, and then Waiting for Li Yuluo to start the arrangement of the formation, after the formation of the formation was completed, and the opponent's actions were restricted, Ye Guangyuan would launch a counterattack.

Therefore, although they don’t know what the final result will be, and whether each battle will develop toward their expectations, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan don’t know, but they will do their best to face every competition. Go ahead and meet the battle with all your strength, so there will be no regrets even if you lose.

And when Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo talked about each other and discussed tactics, the players of the other seven teams also gathered in pairs to discuss their own team's deployment and plans. Although some of the members of these seven teams were not familiar with each other before, and some even disliked each other, everyone overcame their unwillingness and discomfort and forced themselves to get along well with their teammates. . The reason for this is not because of anything else, but the rewards for the winners this time are too generous. In order for Lin Hang to arouse the passion of every participant, he also asked Zhuo Sheng and others to agree to hold this time. The suggestion of the mutual help duel match is really costly!

In fact, Lin Hang was quite entangled with this reward at the beginning. It is because he was very good to these disciples of China at the beginning. It is not only some common resources for cultivation, but there is no shortage of supplies, it is very precious Disciples like soul grass and soul flower flowers have also been enjoyed by everyone. So this also caused Lin Hang for a while not knowing what to use to set this reward, but at this time Lin Hang noticed the purple gold cold iron sword he had obtained from the Ye family, and instantly had an idea in his heart.

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