I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 449

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:41 AM

Chapter 449: Mutual help duel match begins

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At this time, Lin Hang thought of the rare materials obtained from "Red Feather Realm" and the three big caves of the Wu Clan. These materials could be called unique before, but after being in the hands of Lin Hang, it is no longer like that. Up. Among the 25 materials that Lin Hang copied, many of them are actually rare and do not have any effect on the current human monks, so there are not many that can be provided to these disciples, but even if there are only a few. , Is also very defying.

Just like the more ordinary purple gold cold iron, although it feels more ordinary, it is only for the monks who have climbed the immortal. Under the monks, some spirit treasures made by the purple gold cold iron are added for a little sacrifice. , Can greatly improve the quality of Lingbao.

And these disciples of Huaxia, because the cultivation in the foundation building period and the golden core period are relatively fast, so they have always put the experience above the level of improvement, so they have insufficient training ground for their own life and spirit treasures. This is also the reason why these disciples don't often use their own life spirit treasures when fighting the law, it is because the gap between their spirit treasures and their own cultivation base is a bit too large. For example, Li Yuluo, her life spirit treasure is a big clock, but because this big clock does not have particularly powerful materials and takes a long time to sacrifice, the current grade still stays in the foundation stage of the spirit treasure. To the extent, the situation of other people is similar to that of Li Yuluo, because in this regard, their China's resource supply is insufficient, and the time is spent on cultivation, so everyone's life spirit treasure is in such a state.

Including Wang Lao, almost all Huaxia monks have such a defect, which is also a shortcoming formed by such rapid development of Huaxia, but among them, the only exceptions are Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang’s natal spirit treasure is the innate spirit treasure bred by the innate spirit cloud, and because it was refined by Lin Hang from the beginning, all have the ability to follow Lin Hang’s self-improvement to the realm. After spending a lot of materials and time to sacrifice, "Dijiang Arrow" itself can improve its quality every moment, but this situation cannot be replicated. This is only one case. And Liu Ruyan’s situation is somewhat different from Lin Hang. The natal golden lotus in Liu Ruyan’s body did not exist before. Later, in the resurrection ceremony, he used a soul power lotus exactly like Liu Ruyan’s body. Finally, such a change occurred. This was also an opportunity that belonged to Liu Ruyan alone, and no one else could imitate it.

Therefore, Lin Hang thought of this problem, only to realize that he had been ignoring a lot. The cultivation of these disciples of Huaxia took up their most important time, but now the top group of disciples has almost reached the level of the Yuan Ying stage. At this moment, it is no longer a matter of painstaking cultivation. To be able to move forward and break through the realm all the time, what is needed is opportunity and insight. And now that the hunting plan is terminated, these disciples can spend their training time in other places with peace of mind, and the current sacrifice of life spirit treasure is the best one they can find to improve their strength. Way out.

For the consideration of these disciples, Lin Hang prepared to distribute the purple gold cold iron to these top disciples, so that they could smelt the purple gold cold iron into their own life spirit treasure, improve the quality of the spirit treasure, and then spend it. I spent some time to sacrifice and practice, not to mention that all of them can reach their matching realm, but there should be no problem in raising the life spirit treasure to the level of the golden core stage.

Therefore, Lin Hang is not prepared to treat them differently. This time the 16 most outstanding disciples who participated in this final mutual help duel match will get a sufficient amount of purple gold and cold iron to upgrade their own destiny after the game. In the end, according to the ranking of each group, the unique rewards that each group can get are different. In Lin Hang’s plan, the top-ranked combination is to give them sky-defying materials like Kai Lingshi. No big deal, everything depends on their own efforts.

To be honest, under Liu Ruyan’s suggestion, Lin Hang decided to take the lead in holding such a mutual help duel. Although the most fundamental reason is to allow Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo to have the opportunity and space to be alone, but Lin Hang is not. When he set this test randomly, he just noticed the weakness of these disciples in their cultivation. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he just made up for the weakness of these disciples, and it would not appear that his favor to these disciples was too great. It is difficult for them to accept. After all, if they can achieve good results, even if they rely on their own efforts to obtain these rewards, they will naturally not have any resistance.

This month’s time passed through intense discussions among the participating disciples. Although Lin Hang was very curious about what tactics and methods each group had prepared, but in order to ensure their secrets, he did not investigate. , When it’s time for the real competition, see if there is anything that can make his eyes shine.

Before the start of the game, Zhuo Sheng reminded them that the mutual help duel this time is not exactly a ring match. Therefore, in addition to studying how to fight against each other, the eight groups of Chinese disciples are more familiar with the two. Inter-coordination. They also know that when the competition system has not been determined, there will be no problem with this alone. No matter what kind of competition is going on next, as long as the two disciples in the same group are familiar with each other, many situations after that can be solved. Up.

Soon, one month of preparation time passed, and all the participating disciples returned to the previous high platform, but this time the military did not come so many people, only Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng were present. Lao Wang, Lao Jiang, etc. are all practicing in retreat. During this month, they also received the Zijin Hantie gift from Lin Hang, and now they are working hard to sacrifice their life and spirit treasures.

And Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan had nothing special, so in order to pay attention to the development of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, the two of them continued to appear on the high platform instead, continuing to watch these disciples' next mutual help duel competition. .

However, when Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan arrived, they saw Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo walking side by side, Lin Hang intuitively felt something wrong, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo were walking side by side, giving him a kind of The feeling of perfect harmony and perfection.

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