I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 450

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:40 AM

Chapter 450: Announce

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It’s just that in front of so many people, Lin Hang’s surprise in his heart did not directly show, he just glanced at Liu Ruyan next to him, and clearly saw the same puzzled look in Liu Ruyan’s eyes. It seems that Liu Ru Yan was also very confused about the state of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo at this time.

It’s still early, and the mutual help duel has not officially started, so Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan were chatting with Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng, and the sixteen members of the eight teams that participated in the competition also gathered together to discuss this time. Mutual help duel competition has not yet announced the format.

It's just that Tian Dayong had vaguely guessed Ye Guangyuan's special concern for Li Yuluo during the previous trials. At this time, seeing the scene where Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo were getting along, the soul of gossip in his heart also burned. However, although Tian Dayong didn’t speak much, he still knew something about the importance. So when he didn’t get the exact news from Ye Guangyuan, Tian Dayong did not say it directly. Instead, he quietly asked Ye Guangyuan by voice transmission, "I said Lao Ye, Did you fall in love with this girl Li Yuluo! I found something was wrong when Li Yuluo was in the competition that day. Today I realized that you were in the same team with her! Hurry up! Let me talk about it, one month has passed here, is there any progress between you and her!"

Ye Guangyuan was taken aback when he heard Tian Dayong’s voice transmission. Although he also knew that he was too excited to be seen by Tian Dayong when he was competing in Li Yu's previous test, he did not expect Tian Dayong to be so keen. , Had actually guessed his desire to pursue Li Yuluo. However, in the next moment, Ye Guangyuan recovered his calm. Regarding the relationship between him and Li Yuluo, Li Yuluo and him have unified their minds during this month, and they decided not to hide that they were together. For one thing, I can explain to Ye Guangyuan’s grandfather, Ye Lao. After all, Ye Lao hopes that Ye Guangyuan’s family will not be a day or two. Secondly, they both feel that it is not easy to find each other and succeed together. Yes, in the days to come, the two of them are also destined to be together, so naturally they want to get blessings from other people, especially friends.

Therefore, after hearing Tian Dayong’s slight gossip and ridicule, Ye Guangyuan did not answer, but coughed slightly, and then said loudly, "Everyone, excuse me, I have something to tell you. !"

The people who had been chatting separately were attracted by Ye Guangyuan's words instantly. Although they were all very confused, they all stopped talking and moved closer to Ye Guangyuan's direction.

At this moment, Li Yuluo, who was standing next to Ye Guangyuan, felt a little more nervous and a little sweet in her heart when she thought of what would happen next. This was a feeling she had never had in so many years. However, thinking of the rest of his life he would spend with Ye Guangyuan in the future, Li Yuluo's courage instantly filled his heart, waiting for Ye Guangyuan's announcement beside Ye Guangyuan.

After everyone's attention was concentrated, the people of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan in the distance also turned their eyes, and Ye Guangyuan started his own actions. I saw Ye Guangyuan lightly deepen his right hand, holding Li Yuluo's left hand beside him, then put the two hands to his chest, with firm faces, and said, "Please be a witness today! I, Ye Guangyuan , Has officially become a companion with Yu Luo! From now on, no matter what the troubles, we will go on together! I talked about this with you today because you are all our partners along the way. Here, Yu Luo and I sincerely hope that we can receive your blessings!"

When Ye Guangyuan just took up Li Yuluo's hand, Lin Hang who was still sitting still couldn't help but stand up, and after Ye Guangyuan finished speaking, Lin Hang's shock was hard to attach. In fact, after seeing Li Yuluo’s hidden talents, he had no hope of Ye Guangyuan’s pursuit of Li Yuluo. After all, in the analysis of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan, Li Yuluo was trained by the military. Orthodox disciple, naturally everything is based on the development of the military and China as the first element? His feelings must be behind. As a woman, Liu Ruyan also made similar judgments as Lin Hang, so Liu Ruyan who saw this scene at this time was also very surprised.

Liu Ruyan said softly, "Xiao Hang, a completely different result from what we two guessed occurred! I can feel that they both appreciate and adore each other, and this situation is not a long time at all. The kind of feeling that arises from getting along! It seems that we still don't understand the real Li Yuluo, her current appearance is really far from the previous test!"

At this time, in the field surrounding Ye Guangyuan, all the elite disciples heard such news, except for Tian Dayong who had guessed some in advance, everyone else was extremely surprised. In their view, when Ye Guangyuan and Li Yu fell before, they were completely unmatched. The next intersection is the lottery and they got together, but they didn’t expect that just one month later, the two ended up like this. Become a Taoist couple, and seem to have a very good relationship, without the feeling of a new lover, it really makes them a little unacceptable for a while.

Seeing this scene was a little bit cold for a while, Hua Zhi in the crowd suddenly said, "Hey, what are you guys doing in a daze! Yuluo can find a good home, we should bless them!"

After Huazhi spoke to break the silence, Tian Dayong and others also reacted, and they stepped forward to send out blessings to Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. And Li Yuluo also smiled and glanced at Huazhi, blinked at her, expressing his gratitude.

To say who Li Yuluo has the best relationship with over the years, he must have escaped or not. Both of them have been orphans since childhood. They grew up under the training of the military together, and at about the same time they awakened their superpowers. Hu Lingfeng and other six people formed the team of China's top eight teams. As the only two women in the team, the two of them will naturally be closer together. And before, Huazhi had also vaguely heard Li Yuluo mention that she had a person she liked, but at that time everyone was hunting and killing plans in the journey to the earth and stars, and Li Yuluo did not elaborate on that with Huazhi. Who the he is, until now, Hua Zhi didn't understand that the person Li Yuluo liked was actually Ye Guangyuan, who looked extremely funny.

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