I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 452

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:38 AM

Chapter 452: Calm

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Regarding the rules of this mutual help duel match, everyone including Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo was also very curious. Zhuo Sheng only revealed it a little before, not a complete arena, but the specific content was not revealed. . This has also led to this month’s time. In fact, everyone’s layout and tactical arrangements are also greatly restricted. The final arena battle is definitely inevitable, so the time spent is not less at all, but I don’t know other things. In the case of the competition system, there are indeed some difficult feelings.

At this time, Zhuo Sheng chuckled, and then said, "In fact, there are no major changes in the rules. In the end, the ranking is still determined by the ring, but the process before the ring is also very important!"

As he spoke, Zhuo Sheng took out a sterling silver-white stone, and then continued, "This is a secret realm stone with a small artificial secret realm in it. I need each of your groups to enter it, the central location of the secret realm. There is a channel to the outside world. We will wait for you outside to see how quickly each group emerges from the secret realm. We will first rank you in a famous ranking. Although this ranking is not your final result, It has a lot to do with the final arena, so don’t let go of this level. The sooner you can come out, the later the arena will have a greater advantage!"

Looking at the people who know some, Zhuo Sheng nodded, and then said, "After you all left this secret realm, the ranking of the first round has also come out. The next round of the competition will follow this ranking, starting from the first round. The eighth place starts, and the seventh place is played first, and the winner can continue to challenge upwards until the first place at the end! Therefore, the higher-ranked team in this secret realm can stand at a high place and wait for the follow-up team. In this case, although you won’t be able to win directly, it will have a lot more time for observation and rest than the lower-ranked teams! Don’t think the challenge rules this time are a bit too simple and rude. In the end, it’s easier, so in the beginning of the mystery, you can show your strength! If the starting ranking is in the forefront, the final ranking will not be very low, so no matter what the rules, as long as you If you have enough strength, you can get good results! Now, give each of your groups ten minutes to discuss, and then enter this unknown secret realm and start your battle!"

After Zhuo Sheng said the rules, none of these disciples questioned the rules. They were all people who were very confident of themselves. Instead, they felt that the rules were very good. If they could be ranked in the top ranks in the ranking battle in the secret realm. The subsequent arena battles will undoubtedly require several rounds less battles. In this case, it is definitely easier to win the final victory. Therefore, when Zhuo Sheng finished speaking, they all gathered together from each group and began to discuss the next tactics and arrangements in the secret realm.

Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan also walked to a corner and began to discuss the next arrangements. Although the original intention of this mutual help duel match was for Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, Lin Hang did not tell Ye Guangyuan the specific rules and arrangements for this time, so in this month, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan discussed more It is also how to cooperate with the challenge, and there is not much communication with others.

Li Yuluo thought for a while, and then said softly, "Guangyuan, just now when I heard Brother Zhuo talk about the rules this time, I suddenly had a different idea in my heart. I wonder if you would like to do it with me?"

Ye Guangyuan chuckled lightly, and then said, "Yu Luo, you can just tell me if you have any thoughts, you don't need to do that!"

Hearing this, Li Yu smiled, and then said his thoughts, "Guangyuan, Brother Zhuo said, the final arena battle is ranked according to the order of appearance in the secret realm, that is to say, he is ranked eighth. If you want to win the championship, you need to defeat seven opponents in a row to reach the top. The difficulty is very great! And my idea is that after we enter the secret realm, we will not compete with them. , Naturally came out eighth, then we would be eighth, what do you think?"

Ye Guangyuan thought for a while, and then understood what Li Yuluo meant, and said, "Yuluo, you mean, we don't have to fight for the final championship position, but we have to fight with them more and increase our own Combat experience?"

Li Yuluo was very satisfied that Ye Guangyuan understood her meaning in the first place, smiled and nodded, then said, "Well, that's right! Guangyuan, I told you before, and finally met you, I I really want to be able to go on with you! In the current environment, the only thing that can support us to go on is our own strength! So, in the next days, I don’t want to let go of anything. A chance to improve yourself! After analyzing, I found that although the eighth place has little hope of winning the championship, it is not without a chance. At the end of each game, we must be able to get rest time. In this case, we say Maybe you can get more and more bravery, just wear seven and get the final championship! And even if you don’t get the championship in the end, it doesn’t matter. After all, we have gained a lot of training in this kind of battle, so I decided, Let's just finish our trip to the secret realm this time!"

Ye Guangyuan nodded without even thinking about it and said, "Okay! Yuluo, I naturally support you, so let's visit the secret world this time as a parade!" Ye Guangyuan turned his head and looked around and found others The seven groups of s are all discussing in a low voice. It seems that even if they don’t choose to give up, they may not be able to get a high ranking in this secret battle!

Soon after ten minutes, Zhuo Sheng greeted everyone to his side and said, "Okay! Let's start entering the secret realm! Before entering, let me remind you, this secret realm space The range is not very large. If you fly with all your strength, you can finish shopping in less than half a day, but this secret is not that simple! It is not easy for you to successfully reach the center! So, after entering, be careful, you can Obstruct the progress of other groups, but don't make any big bugs! After all, this time we are an internal exchange meeting. Don't make it too serious, you know?"

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