I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 453

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:38 AM

Chapter 453: which performed

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After everyone nodded in agreement, Zhuo Sheng also stopped talking, took out the silver-white secret stone, gently urged it, and then a three-person wide light gate appeared in the center of the high platform. Zhuo Sheng's eyes signaled. , Tian Dayong's people knew, they all rushed in. After the last person entered, Zhuo Sheng returned to Lin Hang and sat down, and then Lin Hang lightly waved his right hand, the original entrance light gate disappeared, and then a smaller light gate appeared standing on them. In front of.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Well, Brother Zhuo, the current light gate is the central passage connecting the secret realm. As long as they reach the secret realm center, they can exit the light gate through the passage there. Now, let us see how each of them performed!"

With that, Lin Hang's right hand swiped once again, and in the midair in front of everyone, eight light curtains appeared at the same time. In the light curtain were the live broadcasts of the eight groups entering the secret realm. Today, after Lin Hang confirmed that the relationship between Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo was firmly established, there was no more concern in his heart. Now he really wants to see what is wrong with the younger disciples of China. Know the extraordinary.

Liu Ruyan and Zhuo Shengsimeng also watched the eight light curtains displayed by Lin Hang with great interest. They also wanted to know how these elite disciples of China were in this complex and mysterious environment. To solve the problem?

Zhuo Sheng laughed and said, "Lin Hang, is the secret realm you set up too difficult for them now? Other than that, it's the mist that pervades the secret realm. It can cause a lot of interference to the Nascent Soul cultivator with the highest level among them. When the mental power is blocked, then you set up the phantom array to induce them. It is really difficult for them to find the most central area. Little!"

Lin Hang also chuckled softly when he heard this. His original intention of setting up this secret realm was actually for Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo's considerations. In this not very big secret realm, he set up a large phantom array. The monks who walked into it would not be able to distinguish their direction if their spiritual cultivation was not enough. In addition to the mist that filled the entire secret realm, they couldn't see far with their eyes. This caused a lot of problems for the monks in it. Troubles. However, Lin Hang previously estimated that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yu might not be familiar with them so quickly in the period of one month, so they created such a space and made them more difficult. In this scenario, the two of them will Thinking about the problem together, and then thinking about the solution together, is invisibly a promoter of closer relationship between the two. But now that the relationship between Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo has progressed, it doesn't need Lin Hang's help anymore. Then Lin Hang simply didn't change the situation of the secret realm. Quan should be a test for these elite disciples.

When Lin Hang was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Si Meng's voice, "Hey, what's the matter with Yuluo? Even though this secret realm is indeed a bit difficult, why are they sitting in place and motionless? Are they thinking how? The way forward?"

Lin Hang looked at one of the light curtains. In that light curtain, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan held hands without making any movements. Instead, they all sat on the ground, not knowing what they were waiting for. . On the other hand, other people almost knew some of the circumstances of this secret realm, and they all began to explore cautiously. Among them, the fastest progress is the combination of Huazhi and Yudieyi. Yudieyi is a natural master of illusion. Naturally, she has also studied some illusion formations. She quickly saw the deployment in the secret realm. Large phantom array, so protect the two with their own powers to ensure that they are not interfered by the phantom array. Under the interference of the fog, Huazhi cannot stop the powerful light control ability of Huazhi. Through the direction of the light, Huazhi Easily found the way to the center, and now with Yudieyi, heading towards the center of the secret realm without hesitation.

Lin Hang is not surprised that Huazhi and Yudieyi can make such progress. Their abilities do have a very good resistance to Lin Hang's blockade. But everyone else, Lin Hang, could understand, but they couldn't understand the actions of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. To say that a combination that could be comparable to Huazhi Yudieyi in speed, it must be Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. It only takes the two of them to think carefully to find the key to breaking the level. Li Yuluo's natural "resistance" ability can make her have a very good resistance to this large phantom formation under her feet, and will not be confused. In addition to mind, Ye Guangyuan's water system ability can control the fog in mid-air. The two have such unique conditions. According to their dispositions, it is impossible to imagine.

Lin Hang thought for a while, and then said, "I think I probably guessed the reason! We all know that the ingenuity of Brother Yi Guangyuan and Li Yuluo will never miss the effect of their respective abilities. There is only one reason for the current situation! That is, the two of them decided not to compete for the top spot this time!"

"What? Why is it so?" Si Meng couldn't understand Lin Hang's explanation like this. In her opinion, the ranking of the secret realm this time has a lot to do with the subsequent arena. If you can rank first, then you only need to wait for the winners of the other seven groups to challenge. In the case of a fight, the hope of victory is very great. According to Lin Hang's analysis, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan decided not to compete for rankings, and they were willing to be the bottom.

At this time, the light curtain of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo also changed. After Li Yuluo got up and discussed with Ye Guangyuan, both of them stood up and changed the situation they had been sitting before. Ye Guangyuan lifted Raising his right hand, he turned the fog of one kilometer in a radius into a huge water ball and held it in his hand. Then Li Yuluo closed his eyes and felt it, and began to take Ye Guangyuan into the secret realm. From the perspective of God, Lin Hang and others can intuitively see that Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan are both hitting the center of the secret realm. And at their speed, although the start was a bit late, there shouldn't be any problems in rushing to the most central teleportation point in front of others.

Seeing the appearance of this scene, Lin Hang was puzzled this time, and Si Meng stretched his brows and smiled at Lin Hang who had made a mistake in judgment.

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