I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 454

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:22 AM

Chapter 454: Give in

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Si Meng covered his mouth and said with a light smile, "Lin Hang, it seems that you guessed wrong this time! Yu Luo and Ye Guangyuan just stopped to sort out their thoughts and analyze the situation of the secret realm. Now they understand the situation of the secret realm clearly. , The speed of this advancement is not comparable to other teams!"

Although Lin Hang was puzzled, there was no sign of annoyance. He also laughed, and then said, "Sister Si Meng, it seems that I have come to a conclusion too early! At this rate, this time the secret realm ranks the top two. The names should have already appeared, and Brother Guangyuan and Li Yuluo were able to take the first place, but Huazhi and Yudieyi, who had been so strong just now, could only be second!"

Everyone had no objection to Lin Hang's judgment at this time. Seeing that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo perfectly used their abilities in the light curtain, they were unimpeded along the way, and they soon caught up with the progress of Huazhi and Yudieyi. , And undiminished momentum directly towards the center of the secret realm.

After about an hour, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo finally arrived at the destination of this trip. In front of them was a magic circle emitting a silvery white light. They understood the moment they saw the magic circle. Just step on this magic circle, and you can directly send it out.

Lin Hang and others outside were waiting for Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo to step onto the light array, and when they were directly teleported out, something unexpected happened to them. Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan didn’t actually step onto the light array. It was sitting cross-legged again in front of the magic circle, and looking at their appearance, it seemed that there was no intention to leave in a short time!

The shocked expression on Si Meng's face at this time had not dissipated. He remembered Lin Hang's judgment before, and then said incredulously, "Lin Hang, is it really as you said? They were preparing for the eighth from the beginning. Come out, now the first one to rush here, just to be able to determine when the other groups will go out?"

The smile on Lin Hang's face remained unchanged, and he said, "Sister Si Meng, let's stop guessing about this question now. After all of them come out, we will be able to understand their thoughts! If we guess now, wait a moment. It's not good to be slapped again!"

Si Meng calmed down at this time, stopped talking, and stared into the light curtain, wanting to know the final development. In Si Meng’s heart, she still couldn’t believe that Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan would make such a choice. She would rather believe that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo were playful and wanted to wait for the second team to come. Entering the circle in front of them, and being a little bit naughty, he didn't want to believe that these two people would give up the first place they got.

And what exactly did Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo plan for? Before entering this secret realm, because they did not understand the specific circumstances of this secret realm, the two decided to take it slowly, and then go out last. But after entering this secret realm, the two quickly understood some of the mysteries of this secret realm, knowing that it was very easy for them to get through. At this time, Li Yuluo was not a rigid person, she had a better idea in an instant. In the previous plans of the two of them, there were still some drawbacks and problems. In other words, no matter how slow they were, they could not completely control the speed of other groups. It is very likely that they will still be in the top few. Out. After discovering the test of this secret realm, the two of them combined with the characteristics of the other groups, and soon understood that their ability to cooperate with each other is very hopeful that they will be the first to rush to the center of the secret realm, so Under such circumstances, Li Yuluo had a new idea, that is, the two of them rushed to the center of the magic circle first, and then did not go out. In this way, if they guard the circle, they can clearly grasp the other groups. There is no information about whether they are going out, so that after the seventh group goes out, they can leave immediately without wasting too much time, which is a very good way.

Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo knew that among the other seven teams, there were combinations like Huazhiyudieyi that would surely pass quickly, and some combinations might be very difficult, such as the combination of Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang. Individuals are physically tough, but facing such a test of the soul, the two of them have no advantage. Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo worry that a combination like this will definitely take a lot of time. Being able to rush to this center, staying here, and also knowing the time when these teams passed, it seems much more efficient.

After Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo sat down to rest, another half an hour passed. In the other direction where Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo broke through, two figures slowly walked out, it was Huazhi and Yudieyi. . When the two of them saw the silver-white magic circle that appeared in front of them, even the always cold Yudieyi smiled, and the two women held hands and walked towards the circle quickly.

When Huazhi and Yudieyi approached the magic circle, they found Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo who were sitting cross-eyed on the other side of the magic circle. Huazhi couldn't help but say, "Yuluo! I know your team is sure. It can be the first one to come here! But, what are you doing here? Since you have already arrived here, why not enter the circle and send it directly outside! Or is there any problem with this circle that we need to answer? "

Li Yuluo opened his eyes at this time, laughed, and then said, "Zhizhi, you really are the first to arrive here! Although I didn't stand on this magic circle, based on my experience, there is no problem! You and Dieyi only need to stand up to be able to teleport outside and get the first place in this secret ranking battle!"

Huazhi was very puzzled, and then said, "Yu Luo, I see you, it seems that you came much earlier than us? But why do you give us the first position?"

Li Yuluo didn't speak any more, but quietly closed his eyes again. The meaning of not competing for the first place in this secret ranking battle was already very clear.

Although Huazhi and Yudieyi were very puzzled, they both came this time for the first place in this secret ranking battle, so they didn't plan to struggle with Li Yuluo anymore, and they held hands and set foot together. The formation method, the next moment the formation method shines brightly, Huazhi and Yudieyi were directly teleported out of the secret realm, and walked out of the light gate in front of Lin Hang and others.

Seeing Li Yuluo handing the first place in this secret ranking to Huazhi and Yudieyi, Si Meng from the outside world was incomprehensible, but Lin Hang vaguely guessed Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan's plans.

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