I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 456

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:18 AM

Chapter 456: "Warcraft" reproduced

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After Zhuo Sheng announced the ranking of this time in the Secret Realm Ranking Tournament, the members of the other seven groups except Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan all intentionally or unintentionally looked towards Ye Guangyuan. They were all in Ye Guangyuan and Li Yu. Those who rushed to the location of the central magic circle after landing also crossed these two people out of the secret realm in doubt. Especially Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang. They thought that they would definitely be the last one this time, but they did not expect that Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan had their own special plans. In the end, they picked up a seventh place. I didn't care much when I was in the secret realm. Now that I came out, the doubt in my heart could no longer be suppressed.

After Zhuo Sheng announced the ranking of the secret realm, he observed the situation and reactions of everyone, and then said, "I think many of you consume a lot of time when passing through this secret realm. So let's , I will give you an hour to restore your own state to the peak, and then start the first arena. The eighth-placed Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan teams will challenge Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang!"

Regarding Zhuo Sheng’s arrangement at this time, many members of the team have no objection. Although they pass through this secret realm faster or slower, without exception, they consume their own spiritual power and soul. It is huge, after all, whether it is to use supernatural powers or use spirits to resist the erosion of the phantom array, the consumption is very large. Although the time they came out was different, they didn't take a good rest. The loss of spiritual power is better to say, and recovery is relatively simple, but the soul has suffered a loss, and it must be time to recover.

After an hour's time passed, everyone's state was restored to its peak, and one by one began to show their aura, all with a feeling of eagerness to try before the test.

As the first two teams to play, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan, Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Hang and Zhuo Sheng. At this time, Lin Hang lightly waved his right hand, and four strange chairs appeared in the field. The appearance of these chairs was no big difference from the ordinary ones, except that there was a helmet on the seat of each chair. In terms of style, the four helmets are all connected with the chair underneath by some thin lines, and the four chairs are connected by the same thin line.

The others didn't feel anything, but Ye Guangyuan's eyes did reveal a gleam of light, and then there was some doubt. Ye Guangyuan naturally felt that this helmet was very familiar. After looking carefully, he found that it was very similar to a treasure of their Ye family. It was the "War Simulator" used by Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan under the arrangement of Ye Lao. !

Lin Hang laughed at this time. Of course he noticed Ye Guangyuan’s eyes and introduced to everyone, “Because our usual ring battles are actually not fair to some people. After all, you are all our disciples of China. So when you start, you will naturally converge a lot, but I also know some disciples that if you can’t use killer moves, your strength will be greatly weakened. So, I thought of another way! This helmet was originally called "The Simulator" is a top secret of the Ye family. Its original function was to create an independent spiritual space for the person wearing the helmet. In this space, a realm same as yours will be automatically generated. Illusion, this illusion has exactly the same abilities as the user after the helmet scans the user, so this "War Simulator" is very suitable for everyone to understand themselves and accelerate the understanding and development of their own abilities."

Everyone nodded curiously. From Lin Hang's introduction to the role of this helmet, they vaguely guessed the pattern of this ring battle. Many of them were already excited because of such rules. They didn't need to constrain themselves. You can fight with all your strength!

Lin Hang paused for a while and continued, "However, the "War Simulator" in the Ye Family's collection was unearthed from the ruins and was congenitally damaged. Therefore, it could only be used by a single person before. If the cultivation base exceeds the Qi refining period, it won’t work anymore! I used this "Simulation Warfare" when I was a teenager, and I felt very good about its special function. Later, I felt that it was too much to be left idle. It’s a pity that I checked the ancient books, repaired it, and made a few more. Now you see these four "Warcraft", I connected them together through the chair under them, which is It is said that the four people wearing helmets will consciously enter the same spiritual space. In this space, you will have a virtual body with the same strength as yours. The next challenge will be in this spiritual space. If you’re doing it in your hands or if you die, it will only cause a little damage to your mental power. So, next, in the mental space formed by this "War Simulator," Go bold and let go!"

As soon as Lin Hang said this, the expressions of the sixteen disciples in the eight groups present were different, which just confirmed the old saying that there are family joys and family sorrows. Some of the strategies originally set by each group have to be changed, and some previous disciples who are good at life and death must be reassessed. And this kind of analysis and evaluation takes time. At this time, the top team members in the ranking match are all secretly grateful. No wonder it was said that this secret ranking battle had a great influence on the subsequent ring battle. In addition to allowing them to play fewer games, they now have more time to think about countermeasures and occupy a greater advantage.

Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo also glanced at each other after hearing the words, and both saw that they didn't care about each other's eyes, and couldn't help but laugh together. In their opinion, although they were a little surprised by this new rule this time, it did not exceed their acceptance level. At the beginning, they did not necessarily achieve good results. All they wanted was to be able to compare. A few games. Now that such rules are set, it is indeed beneficial to the top-ranked teams and the teams that are good at fighting, but there is no fear in their hearts, but a stronger will to fight.

Lin Hang had almost guessed the original plan of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. At this time, seeing the high morale of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, Lin Hang had already decided on his own thoughts.

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