I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 457

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:14:16 AM

Chapter 457: First round

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Lin Hang thought secretly in his heart, "Brother Guangyuan, such a plan is naturally no problem, but these teams are not experienced babies to give you experience! Each group has its own uniqueness, you want to experience it. There’s nothing wrong with his mind, but I’m afraid you will be eliminated if you can’t make it through the first round, so you won’t be able to play the role of experience!"

However, no matter what Lin Hang or Ye Guangyuan thinks, the rules have been set, and there is no room for regret.

On one side, Zhuo Sheng saw that Lin Hang had already announced the completion of the ring battle rules, and he stepped forward and said, "Guangyuan, Lao Tian, ​​just sit on this chair and start the first ring match!"

Ye Guangyuan and Tian Dayong both nodded, and then the four people who participated in the first battle all sat on their chairs and put on the helmet-style "War Simulator" on their heads. Lin Hang then activated the "War Simulator" function. , The four people on the chair closed their eyes, and their consciousness entered a spiritual space.

Lin Hang waved his right hand again, and then in front of everyone, a huge light curtain appeared again. This light curtain allowed people outside of them to clearly see the situation in the spiritual space.

But after Ye Guangyuan and the other four had entered the spiritual space, they all found that although their current body was just a virtual body, it was very real, and there was basically no difference between their real strength. After looking around, I found that this spiritual space is really a huge ring, showing the shape of a huge disc with a diameter of 500 meters. All four of them have understood that this disc is their battle this time. The venue.

At this time, the consciousness of the four people in the spiritual space heard the voice from the outside world, which was made by Lin Hang, "I believe you have your own judgment. This disc is the place for you to compete. Come down, no matter what method you use, as long as you can get the final victory, you will be the winner of this competition! Count down dozens of numbers and start straight away! Ten! Nine!"

When Lin Hang yelled ‘zero’, the four people in the field who were still looking at each other instantly changed. Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang were able to possess abilities at the same time very tacitly, and rushed towards the location where Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo were. The five-hundred-meter diameter of this disc does not seem small, but in the eyes of these four people, it can be reached in a moment. Facing the impact of two powerful melee fierce men, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo didn’t have any surprises. Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang’s style of this group was very clear. In the beginning, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo had already known their tactics. Can be expected. It’s just that, although it had been predicted, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo also looked solemn in the face of the violent impact of Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang at this time. They knew that once the two offensives were formed, they would be sleepless one after another. Endlessly, if you can't resist it, relying on their abilities, it is absolutely difficult to compete with Tian Dayong in close combat.

When Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang activated their abilities to attack Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo also moved at the same time. Li Yu sat down in the surprised eyes of the outside world, as if seeing Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang as nothing, while Ye Guangyuan's expression was solemn at this time, his hands opened quickly, and then he saw countless water elements converging, and then continued. Compressed and finally turned into a solid ice block and sheathed Ye Guangyuan's body. At this time, Ye Guangyuan was blessed by the ice block and turned into an ice giant over three meters high.

This move was a close tactical method that Ye Guangyuan himself created by combining the ancient methods on the classics and coordinating with his own abilities. Yes, this is a close tactical method called "Ice Giant". Ye Guangyuan knows that his strength is the control of the water element, but in close combat, it is out of disadvantages, so in order to make up for his own. Disadvantage, Ye Guangyuan deliberately spent a lot of time studying this original technique of "Ice Giant". After the extreme compression of the water element, the hardness of the ice formed is very strong. Ye Guangyuan, who is covered with such ice, will Barely had the capital to be able to fight with Tian Dayong in a short period of time. However, this technique of "Ice Giant" is not easy to perform and consumes more spiritual energy, so Ye Guangyuan can't last, and can only resist Tian Dayong for a while.

In fact, except for Ye Guangyuan, almost all of this group of disciples have their own unique skills research. After all, they are the first batch of elite disciples carefully cultivated by China, and naturally they will not allow themselves to have too many shortcomings. So while constantly strengthening their own strengths, they are always trying to solve their own weaknesses. Although the results have been different until now, they are indeed working hard. Ye Guangyuan's progress is among all the disciples. It's pretty good.

Seeing Ye Guangyuan supporting "Ice Giant", Tian Dayong knew that he would definitely be entangled by Ye Guangyuan in a short time, and he felt the momentum accumulated in Li Yuluo, who was sitting cross-eyed in the distance, and he had already felt it. How could Tian Dayong, who is capable of Li Yuluo, care about it safely? The next moment, Tian Dayong cast a wink at Zhao Gang who was on one side, Zhao Gang immediately understood, his whole body exuded golden light, and he rushed in the direction where Li Yuluo was. But the ice giant that Ye Guangyuan turned into wanted to stop him, but he was directly stopped by Tian Dayong who was already prepared.

Tian Dayong and Ye Guangyuan have known each other for a long time, and they are also very familiar with Ye Guangyuan's "Ice Giant" technique. He knows that although Ye Guangyuan can temporarily resist himself with this technique, time will not last. And Tian Dayong also guessed that the focus of Ye Guangyuan's tactical layout must be on Li Yuluo, so he was not in a hurry at this time, and directly chose to drag Ye Guangyuan, and let Zhao Gang on the side solve Li Yuluo first. , And then deal with a lonely Ye Guangyuan, it will be much easier.

Regarding the tactical arrangement of Tian Dayong and Zhao Gang, although Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo had expected it, they were still shocked by their decisive execution. They did have a way to deal with it, but if in this wave of fierce offensive If you can't survive it, there will be no future.

And Li Yuluo was at the critical moment of the formation. Facing the figure of Zhao Gang rushing over, Li Yuluo himself basically had no resistance at this time. Seeing that Zhao Gang’s golden fist was about to fall on Li On Yu Luo's body, everyone outside the court also became nervous.

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