I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 46

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:49 AM

Chapter 46: Reunion

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The quarterfinals will be held in three days, and all players will be given a break and adjustment time.

Lin Hang, Ye Guangyuan and others also returned to the Ye Family Villa and had a good rest. Early the next morning, a person who surprised Lin Hang visited Ye Family Villa.

"Sister Yan! Why are you here!" Seeing Liu Ruyan smiling at the door, Lin Hang couldn't restrain his inner joy and hurriedly welcomed Liu Ruyan into the room.

After everyone sat in the living room, Liu Ruyan smiled and said, "Xiao Hang, how long has passed since, you are already so good! Now my sister is afraid that you won't be able to walk out of five rounds under your hand, you deserve it. Child!"

Although Lin Hang has a thick skin in front of outsiders, Liu Ruyan is different from others, and his position in Lin Hang's heart is very high. Lin Hang scratched his head infrequently, and said embarrassedly, "Sister Yan, don't make fun of me. You have brought me out step by step, I must not dare to do anything to you! Yes, what's the matter with you coming over this time?"

Liu Ruyan saw that Lin Hang still had the same attitude towards herself as Huicheng, and she smiled and said, "Xiao Hang, I am here this time. First of all, I will come to see you. Congratulations. Such a good result. Also, I want to invite you to my house."

Lin Hang asked puzzledly, "Sister Yan, your house? Are you talking about going to Liu's house?"

Liu Ruyan hurriedly said, "Of course not, why would I let you go to Liu's house! I mean my father's house, and my father is your uncle who wants to see you. Don't worry, he will definitely not be against you. ,Trust me!"

Lin Hang waved his hand and said, "Sister Yan, of course I believe you and don't have to explain so much to me. No matter what you are going to do, I know you won't be against me. Let's set off now?"

Liu Ruyan didn't expect Lin Hang to trust her so much, and said happily, "Okay, my car is outside, let's go now!"

Lin Hang and Ye Guangyuan greeted them and got into the car with Liu Ruyan. After driving for more than 20 minutes, the car came to a villa on the outskirts of the capital and stopped.

Lin Hang followed Liu Ruyan into the villa and introduced Liu Ruyan as he walked along, "Since the incident with my sister-in-law, my father has had trouble with the family, so our family moved to this suburban villa. Now." Lin Hang nodded and looked at this Hui-style villa.

Lin Hang followed Liu Ruyan to the living room and saw a middle-aged couple sitting on the sofa, obviously waiting for Liu Ruyan to return. After seeing Lin Hang's figure, the woman got up and said, "Come on, Xiaohang, sit down, talk to your uncle for a while, I'll go cook for you, don't be polite, treat it like your own home! "After greeting Lin Hang to sit down, he walked away alone, leaving the living room to the three of Lin Hang.

Lin Hang looked at the face in front of him that was five points similar to his mother, and couldn't help but yell, "Uncle!" This is due to the connection in the blood, and he yelled out unconsciously. However, this was also because Liu Jing was quite kind to him, and Lin Hang would not feel that way when he was replaced by the Lin family and other members of the Liu family.

Obviously Liu Jing was not at peace. Looking at the energetic young man in front of him, he couldn't help thinking of his brother-in-law, the face and the same genius. Look, how ugly those people in the family will look like in the future!"

Lin Hang said, "Uncle, in fact, after my understanding of this matter and what my master said to me, I no longer complain about the Lin family and the Liu family. Who knew what the specific things were like back then? I just want to be myself now, only I am strong, and I can calmly face whatever things I encounter in the future."

Liu Jing couldn't help feeling the growth of the young man in front of him. He looked at things so objectively. He smiled and asked, "Xiao Hang, I heard that you are now a disciple of the military Wang Lao?"

Lin Hang nodded and replied, "Yes, I participated in the military training camp. The teacher personally trained me because of my father, and because of my own abilities, the teacher also held me great. I’m looking forward to it, so I accepted me as a disciple and arranged a very good status for me in the world of supernatural powers. Meeting a teacher is also one of my luckier things.

After hearing Lin Hang's words, Liu Jingjing put his heart down. In fact, he was not familiar with Wang Lao, nor did he know what Wang Lao thought about Lin Hang, so he was a little worried before. But now that I heard Lin Hang's answer, I knew that Lin Hang must have his own judgment, so he did not continue to ask.

The three began to chat about the hegemony competition, and Liu Jing was also embarrassed. The four major families in the capital were so famous that they didn't have a seat in the quarterfinals this time. It was ironic.

Speaking of this, Liu Jing asked Lin Hang, "Xiaohang, are you sure of winning this competition? I heard people say that the military boys are not simple this time, and the quality is available in the military every time. It's outstanding. And that girl from the Yu Family basically has no natural enemies in this kind of ring battle."

Although Lin Hang also attaches great importance to these opponents, he still smiled at Liu Jing and said, "Uncle, don't worry! The enemy is very powerful, and I am not easy to provoke! I haven't played against it yet, Yudie Yi is still hard to say. But those in the military are sure to win!"

Although Liu Jing knew about Lin Hang's copying ability from Liu Ruyan, he hadn't experienced it personally, so it was just a concept. He didn't have the powerful experience of Lin Hang's ability in his heart. And because Liu Ruyan and Lin Hang were a little early, they didn't know much about it.

Lin Hang smiled and didn't explain much. Instead, he said, "You will know then, and now I won't spoil you with you!"

The three of them continued to chat about some homework, and the time soon came to lunch in the laughter of the three. And Lin Hang's aunt had already cooked a table of hearty dishes, and welcomed Lin Hang to their home for the first time.

Lin Hang stayed in Liu Ruyan's villa for another afternoon before Liu Ruyan sent him back to Ye's villa.

Returning to his room in the Ye Family Villa, Lin Hang began to think about how to deal with Wu Zhenjun in three days. Wu Zhenjun's ability "Fog" in such an arena can not only spread completely, but also restrict and weaken opponents. If Wu Zhenjun's body cannot be found, it is a bit difficult to say if it is delayed by him. Therefore, the first thing I had to do with Wu Zhenjun was to restrict Wu Zhenjun from exerting his strengths and forcing him to confront him head-on. Lin Hang thought about the problems he would encounter during the battle, thinking about the way to deal with it, and soon it was late at night.

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