I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 462

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:56 AM

Chapter 462: "Replacement"

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Just as everyone was waiting for Ye Guangyuan to be unable to support the ice giant and then lose to Jiang Huacong, Li Yuluo, who was trapped by Sun Xi in the mask of the "Seal of Light", did open his eyes and faced Jiang Huacong. And Sun Xi smiled. Seeing this smile, Sun Xi suddenly felt an inexplicable premonition, and hurriedly strengthened her control of the "Seal of Light". However, what Sun Xi expected did not happen. Li Yuluo, who was smiling in the mask, did not move. However, at the next moment, Sun Xi felt her pressure relieved, and then saw Li in the mask. The feather fell as if it turned into a piece of glass, and the next moment it shattered every inch, and the spiritual power that was directly transformed into a shattered mass dissipated in the mask. And because Sun Xi’s "Seal of Light" mask lost its goal, it was directly transformed into a group of spiritual power and recovered into Sun Xi's body.

""Substitute Technique"? No, the effect of "Substitute Technique" shouldn't be like this. What exactly is it?" Lin Hang also had some doubts in his mind at this time, as for Li Yuluo's state at this time, he was also in his heart. Constantly guessing.

Even Lin Hang did not see the origin of Li Yuluo's action at this time. The people in the field of battle and Sun Xi who was fighting against Li Yuluo were even more ignorant. He didn't know what happened to Li Yuluo. What kind of means was used to evade the restrictions of his "Seal of Light".

At the same time as Li Yuluo turned into fragments and dissipated, Li Yuluo's figure appeared at the same time on another open space about a hundred meters away. At this time, although she had some spiritual energy consumption, but There was a light of excitement in his eyes.

Li Yuluo knew that there was a fluke in her escape this time. After winning the first match, she and Ye Guangyuan resumed the power of the soul with the help of Lin Hang, and then immediately started with Jiang Huacong. Sun Xi's second match, so before the match, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan actually had no time to discuss tactics.

However, in this month, she and Ye Guangyuan had already formulated a two-on-two tactic, and each team had a different tactic. Originally dealt with Tian Dayong's team and Jiang Huacong's team, the tactics they agreed upon were similar, but after the tactical response was exposed in the first game, Li Yuluo also knew that Jiang Huacong would definitely adjust his countermeasures and would not be willing to go to the field. Da Yong's old way. Only after Jiang Huacong still chose the ice giant that entangled Ye Guangyuan, Li Yuluo's heart was very vigilant against Jiang Huacong’s player Sun Xi. She knew that since Jiang Huacong had the confidence to send Sun Xi directly to face him She inevitably had the means to restrain her whole body defense and guard, so before starting, Li Yuluo had an eye on it.

When Li Yuluo actually sat down, he did not arrange the formation, but cast an unusually unpopular spell called "Replacement Art". Although this spell was similar to the famous "Substitute Art" name in ancient times The difference is not much, but the true power is indeed far away. The "Substitute Technique" in ancient times is an ultimate life-saving magical ability that can truly change life and death. This "Substitute Technique" has been lost, and it is said that it is extremely difficult to cultivate successfully. Once the practice is successful, it is equivalent to more. A life, no matter what danger it encounters or a seal or the like, "Stand-in" will be automatically activated, and it can also be used actively. Anyway, after it is activated, the operator will directly disappear into a bubble and disappear. Reshape the body in a safe place, without any weakness and sequelae, after the reshape, it is the peak state! It's just that although this "substitute technique" is extremely powerful, it will have a very long cooling period when it is cast once, and there is no way to use it consecutively, but even so, the powerful effect of this "substitute technique" cannot be denied.

However, "Substitute Technique" was also a technique that tens of thousands of people competed in in ancient times. However, because of the great changes in the world and the key factor that makes it difficult to practice success, at the end of the ancient period, this "Substitute Technique" It has long since been lost, and until now, I haven't heard any news about this world. Therefore, in the development of so many years, many great abilities of all races are determined to reproduce this ancient anti-sky magical power. It's just that this "Substitute Technique" is so against the sky, how can it be so easy to derive and reproduce? Therefore, although these great abilities of various races have some experience, after all, they can't compare with this heaven-defying "Substitute Technique".

However, although these great powers are very dissatisfied with the magic techniques that they have studied and imitated the "Substitute Technique", they are completely judged from the standpoint of their respective powers. In fact, many of them The magic techniques derived from "Surgery" are all very good. Later, during the period when the "Substitute Technique" completely lost its trace, it was these spells created by these various powers that became famous in the heavens and all realms, and among them, one of the witches' " "Replacement" is one of the more famous techniques. And the birth of this technique must start from the two powerful ancestors of the Witch Clan.

An ancestor of the Wu Clan Zhu Jiu Yin Zu Wu line and an ancestor of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu line, once united to study the principle of "Substitute Technique" for some time. As for why the two ancestors of the Witch Clan were interested in reproducing the "Substitute Technique", it was because although everyone had not practiced this "Substitute Technique", they all knew the core artistic conception of the "Substitute Technique". It involves the two laws of time and space. Think about it, when the "Substitute Technique" was launched, the operator's spatial position instantly changed. This is the use of the law of space, and all the injuries or situations on the body returned to the peak state, which is the law of time. The magical effect.

Based on this core conception, the ancestor of the Jiuyin Channel of Zhunjiu is responsible for the part of the law of time, and the ancestor of the Channel of Dijiang is responsible for the part of the law of space. It took countless years to finally study this " "Replacement" spells. However, after researching it out, the two ancestors of the Wu clan were very dissatisfied with the power and process of this "Replacement Technique", but they also knew that with their insights and cultivation skills, they could have this " The production of "Replacement" was already at their limit, so after the production of "Replacement", the two stopped studying, and this research result "Replacement" was passed down among the witches. Come down.

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