I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 464

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:54 AM

Chapter 464: Sun Xi's talent

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The situation in the field at this time is indeed exactly what Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan expected. Sun Xi is not a mediocre person. He has also realized the situation in the field at this time, in another direction that Yu Guang glimpsed. Jiang Huacong had already begun to exert his full strength at this time, ready to take Ye Guangyuan in one go, and Ye Guangyuan was indeed inferior to Jiang Huacong in melee combat. After Jiang Huacong broke out, Ye Guangyuan's decline became more and more obvious. Seeing such a situation, Sun Xi knew that as long as he made no mistakes and was able to hold Li Yu down, the victory in this game would definitely belong to them. Sun Xi and Jiang Huacong were able to judge this situation, and Li Yuluo naturally could, so at this critical time, Li Yuluo also had no lack of decision. The next moment, Li Yuluo began her actions.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Li Yuluo, who had always been circuitous to win before, actually rushed in the direction of Sun Xi! Obviously, Li Yuluo's intention is to directly engage in close combat with Sun Xi! And the reason why Li Yuluo chose close combat at such a critical moment is because close combat is not as complicated as ordinary magical combat. Even if the gap between the two sides is very small, it is easy to separate the close combat. Winning or losing, because close combat cannot tolerate mistakes, once a mistake is made, it is very easy to be caught by the opponent, thus ending the battle. With Ye Guangyuan being pressed by Jiang Huacong step by step, Li Yuluo knew that he could no longer delay with Sun Xi, otherwise Ye Guangyuan would be eliminated. In the current situation, he must be with Sun Xi within a short time. The winner is divided, so this is the method of close combat.

Looking at Li Yuluo's choice at this time, Lin Hang silently agreed with him. Such a decision is already very good. If he can quickly solve the Sun Xi who is haunting him, Li Yuluo can help Ye Guangyuan. Sharing the pressure of Jiang Huacong, under such circumstances, they still have the hope of victory. However, Lin Hang still feels that Li Yuluo's chance of winning is not great. First of all, Sun Xi's current thinking is different from those opponents that Li Yuluo participated in the trials before. He does not need to win the singles with Li Yu. It is enough to be able to drag Li Yuluo here, so he will definitely take a defensive position. Li Yuluo's plan is not so easy to succeed. And the most important thing is that Li Yuluo's spiritual energy consumption is greater than Sun Xilai's. Under such circumstances, blindly attacking will definitely not be able to achieve the best results. Close combat is a fierce and dangerous battle, and the consumption of spiritual power and spirit must be very huge, and if Sun Xi has been on the defensive and does not take the initiative to attack, it is difficult for Li Yuluo to have a breakthrough.

In fact, the development at the beginning of the battle was almost the same as Lin Hang had expected. Sun Xi was very stable. Facing the aggressive Li Yuluo, Sun Xi directly cast several defensive spells on her body. Sun Xi also saw the spiritual power gap between himself and Li Yuluo, such as "Fighting Technique", "Strengthening Technique", and so on, so he still had room to put some spiritual power into these defensive spells. In this way, on the one hand, he would not be at a disadvantage in spiritual power, and with the help of these defensive spells, Sun Xi felt that he would never be directly defeated by Li Yuluo in close combat in a short time.

Seeing Sun Xi’s performance at this time, Zhuo Sheng also laughed, and then said, “This Sun Xi is really good! Not only is he very savvy, but his mind is always very clear. Now In this situation, he only needs to be able to hold Li Yuluo, then when Ye Guangyuan loses, their group is equivalent to a direct victory. At this time, Sun Ximing has a big advantage and can directly eliminate Li Yuluo on his own. It's possible, but he still chose the safest way, which is really not easy!"

As Zhuo Sheng’s old partner, Si Meng heard Zhuo Sheng’s emotion and understood that Zhuo Sheng now has some love for talents, and couldn’t help but smile and said, “Brother Zhuo, if you think this Sun Xi is good, this After the game, you can ask Hua Cong to tell him about joining our military! Hua Cong, as his captain for so many years, must have a great influence on him, and Sun Xi is also ours The disciple that has been cultivated, now let him directly join the core of our military, there should not be much difficulty compared to that!"

Zhuo Sheng nodded affirming Si Meng’s suggestion, and then said with a smile, “Let’s not rush for this, and wait until the end of this competition! Yu Luo can be regarded as the grown-up child of you and me. Her performance these days is indeed true. It made us all get to know her again, but don’t forget, what is she best at? So, I don’t believe that Yuluo will make such a decision. Although this is the most effective, it takes too much risk. It's a risk. It doesn't conform to Yuluo's usual thinking. I don't think the situation will be so smooth. Yuluo must have other arrangements!"

Only then did Si Meng think of the ability "Resistance" that Li Yuluo has been unable to directly show them. This ability is a passive ability that can make Li Yuluo immune to many negative emotions and attacks, and can make Li Yuluo immune to many negative emotions and attacks. Keep the most awake brain at all times. And now Li Yuluo’s strategy of close combat may be the best way in the eyes of others, but Si Meng and Zhuo Sheng know Li Yuluo so well, of course they know that Li Yuluo’s sober brain does not Making such a risky move, so Li Yuluo must have a different arrangement, and it is definitely not as simple as a direct close combat.

As if to confirm Zhuo Sheng's words, Li Yuluo, who was in a group with Sun Xizhan, didn't have the slightest anxious expression at this time. Everything was a sense of confidence. At this time, Jiang Huacong, who could already be distracted, shouted in Sun Xi's direction. "Xiaoxi! Don't take it lightly, take out all your attention, Yu Luo is not so easy to deal with!"

Just like Si Meng and Zhuo Sheng watched Li Yuluo grow up, Jiang Huacong and Li Yuluo have been comrades-in-arms for many years, and they only know Li Yuluo better than Zhuo Sheng. So at this critical moment, Although Jiang Huacong thought in his heart that Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan had no hope, he still reminded Sun Xi that he didn't want such a failure at such a last moment.

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