I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 469

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:49 AM

Chapter 469: No mediocrity

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Wang Feiyu was a direct disciple of the Wang family, one of the four major families of China Capital. He has always been a very famous genius in the capital. He is basically the four young masters in the capital who are also known as Liu Tianqi, Lin Jialin Chengye and Liu Rulong. And now, the situation of the four people is not very different. Liu Tianqi and Wang Feiyu are both one of the eight most outstanding disciples in the Jin Dan stage, and Lin Chengye’s cultivation at this time has reached the Yuan Ying stage. Although Liu Rulong is in He was eliminated in the previous trials, but that was because he encountered the sudden outbreak of the dark horse Yue Yuanwu, otherwise it is possible to compete for the quarter-finals.

It's just that among these four, Wang Feiyu has always performed well, but like before in Beijing, he is the most overlooked character. This has nothing to do with his record. As long as it is because Wang Feiyu himself prefers such a low-key life, it is a low-key life that sounds nice, but in fact it is Meng Sao, so that now Wang Feiyu ranks among the strongest disciples of the late Jindan. One of the eight seats, the people present still don’t know him very well, so next Wang Feiyu faces Li Yuluo, everyone is basically not particularly optimistic about Wang Feiyu, after all, Li Yuluo’s own strength is not mentioned, there is Ye Guangyuan beside him. With the defensive magic protection set up, if Wang Feiyu did not have special skills like Sun Xi, it would be difficult to cause interference to Li Yuluo.

Wang Feiyu is still as usual, with a shallow smile at the corner of his mouth, making it impossible to see his true thoughts. At this time, he also knows that the matter is serious. If he does not interfere with Li Yuluo, wait until Li Yuluo's formation After the Fa is formed, no matter how well he hides it, there is no room for him to use it.

Before the attack, Wu Bufan gave Wang Feiyu a look in his eyes. Wang Feiyu and Wu Bufan also got along for a month. No matter how unfamiliar the two were before, after a month of cooperation, they suddenly understood Wu Bufan. the meaning of. In this month, Wu Bufan also had a new understanding of Wang Feiyu, so after seeing Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan's tactical arrangements, he still entangled Ye Guangyuan alone, and he still had great confidence in Wang Feiyu. Yes, Wang Feiyu may not be able to directly help them achieve victory, but he must have the ability and means to threaten Li Yuluo.

Wang Feiyu stood on the spot without moving his figure. He crossed his hands, and then let out a slight inaudible hum. Then he saw ten strange objects of different shapes flying out of Wang Feiyu’s dantian. These ten objects all exuded the power of golden alchemy spirit treasures, and there was a gleam of purple light in them. Everyone also saw them. These ten spirit treasures were actually the life spirit treasures that Wang Feiyu sacrificed. Looking at the flashing purple light, it was obviously due to the light that had not been completely restrained because of the recent addition of purple gold and cold iron.

After the trials ended, the top eight players who stood out from the 64 late Jindan disciples were the first to receive the Zijin Hantie award from Lin Hang. However, during this month, each group of members discussed tactical exercises. The tactics didn't have enough time, so the other people kept the purple gold and cold iron temporarily, without refining it into their own life spirit treasure. Looking at the current situation, Wang Feiyu is obviously different from the others. After receiving the purple gold cold iron donated by Lin Hang, Wang Feiyu directly refines this purple gold cold iron, and then injects it into his own life spirit treasure. In just one month, Wang Feiyu actually raised all ten Lingbao to the level of Golden Elixir, which really surprised everyone outside.

Lin Hang saw this scene, and then thought of Wang Feiyu’s abilities in the Wang family. He already understood a little bit in his heart, and thought to himself, "Is this the power to control the gold element? Not just ordinary metals, even Zijinhan Can materials of this grade be manipulated freely?"

Wang Feiyu's ability is the ability of inheritance and family control of metals. This ability not only allows Wang Feiyu to skillfully leapfrog control of Lingbao, but also to achieve control of the gold element between heaven and earth. It now appears that as Wang Feiyu’s cultivation level has improved, his various abilities have been strengthened. Not only did he possess ten natal spirit treasures in the Golden Core Period, but also his speed at refining purple gold and cold iron exceeded all. Human imagination directly caused one's own life spirit treasure to undergo a transformation, all turned into a golden core stage. Under such circumstances, coupled with the strengthening effect of Wang Feiyu's ability on the Lingbao, it is not that Li Yuluo's defensive spells guarded him.

After summoning his ten life spirit treasures, Wang Feiyu did not end his actions. His right hand pointed at the ten spirit treasures floating in the air, and then something magical happened. These ten different shapes. The parts-like Lingbao actually started an orderly combination under the command of Wang Feiyu, and in a short while, it formed a huge sword emitting a hint of purple light!

"This is! This is the spirit weapon fusion technique that the Wang family has been studying before?" Zhuo Sheng frowned and exclaimed when he saw this scene, and then said in surprise, "But I remember that this study was only You can integrate the spirit soldiers of the Qi refining stage, now Wang Feiyu can actually integrate ten golden elixir stage spirit treasures! If this is his own research, then Wang Feiyu is also a rare talent!"

Zhuo Sheng’s words aroused Lin Hang’s memories. He remembered the match between Wang Feiyu and Wu Bufan in the previous Rising Star Contest. Wang Feiyu also showed such a result of their research at the time, the Spirit Soldier. The art of merging is just that Wang Feiyu at that time was in the body forging stage, that is, the cultivation base of the early stage of Qi training, and only some low-level spirit soldiers can be integrated. Now Wang Feiyu is already a monk in the late Jindan stage, his life spirit treasure Possessing as many as ten may be due to the different talents of abilities, but for the integration of these spirit treasures, it can only be the function of talent.

At this time, the purple light giant sword floating in front of Wang Feiyu, Lin Hang took a closer look, but found that it was not only the ten golden alchemy spiritual treasures that were fused together, because Lin Hang felt faintly on this giant sword There is a hint of Lingbao's momentum in the Nascent Soul Stage! Although there is only a small amount of it, it is fundamentally different from the spirit treasures of the Golden Core Period. Now the life spirit treasures of Li Yuluo, Ye Guangyuan and others basically stay at the level of the foundation building period without change. When Wang Feiyu's transformation came out, the giant sword that contained a hint of the spirit treasure of the Nascent Soul Stage had the ability to change the situation of the battle!

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