I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 471

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:48 AM

Chapter 471: "Dedication Mantra"

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Zhuo Sheng also sighed, and expressed his own views on the situation in the field, "Wang Feiyu is really extraordinary! This technique of fusion of spirit treasures, under suitable conditions, can indeed enable him to leapfrog and challenge Yuan Ying. The capital of the cultivator! Now that Yuluo is basically abolished, Ye Guangyuan, who is one enemy and two, should not last long! However, it is not easy for them to get here!"

Lin Hang laughed at this moment, and then said, "Brother Zhuo, everything is not over, but don't jump to conclusions! Although I don't know what the final result will be, it will definitely not end so easily! Then look down, the next match will definitely be more exciting!"

After Lin Hang said this, Zhuo Sheng also remembered that in the second match before, when Li Yuluo was blocked by Sun Xi's "Seal of Light", everyone thought that Li Yuluo would be dangerous. However, I didn't expect that Li Yuluo actually mastered the unpopular and powerful "Replacement Technique", and saw through the tactical arrangements of Jiang Huacong and Sun Xi in advance, then turned the danger to the end, and finally completed the process of turning defeat into victory. Although the current situation is worse than the second match, Li Yuluo's elimination is a foregone conclusion, but the combination of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo has created some miracles, and things have not developed yet. In the end, it's not clear what else will change in the end.

At this time, when Wang Feiyu controlled the purple light giant sword to fly towards Ye Guangyuan, and was about to join forces with Wu Bufan to attack Ye Guangyuan, Li Yuluo's pierced body could no longer hold on, turning into fragments and dispersing. This time Li Yuluo was really eliminated by Wang Feiyu's attack! Except for Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan, no one else noticed that before Li Yuluo's body was broken into pieces and disappeared, a trace of invisible energy escaped from Li Yuluo's body and cast it at an extremely fast speed. Entered into Ye Guangyuan's body in the distance.

And just after this invisible energy was injected into Ye Guangyuan’s body, the next moment Ye Guangyuan’s aura soared, and the spiritual power of his whole body also showed a violent situation. Wang Feiyu was shocked when he saw this scene, because the current Ye Guangyuan gave him the feeling that he was already He is a little close to his grandpa! Although he did not reach the level of his grandfather, who is Wang Feiyu's grandfather? The Patriarch of the Kings of Jingcheng was also the cultivation base of the late Yuan Ying at this time, and he was only one step short of being able to enter the God-Transforming Period! Ye Guangyuan's sudden outbreak at this time caused great psychological pressure on Wu Bufan and Wang Feiyu. Now Ye Guangyuan's strength does not know how long it can last, but the situation of such a crushing situation, the two of them cannot last for a long time.

When Lin Hang saw this scene, the slightest doubt he had about the invisible energy emitted before Li Yuluo was eliminated also disappeared. He spoke to Liu Ruyan beside him and said, "Ruyan, Na Li Yu just now Did Luo cast the "Dedication Curse"? She is also a wonderful person, knowing that she will not be in real danger in this spiritual space, so she dared to do so, and now she got Li Yuluo's "Dedication Curse" With blessings, Brother Guangyuan should be able to break out and win!"

Liu Ruyan replied, "Looking at such an effect, it is indeed the "Dedication Curse"! It's just that I am very curious, why does Li Yuluo master such a partial technique? You know, like "Dedication Curse" "Such a spell, once cast, will directly take all of the caster, including spiritual power, soul, body, and life energy, and then all cast to the target being cast, and then the target will receive a burst of support for an instant! Although the power is very powerful, this "Devotion Curse" is still a bit too harsh. Why does Li Yuluo have nothing to learn such a technique for?"

Lin Hang shook his head and replied, "Of course, we have no way of knowing the reason, and I see brother Guangyuan's miserable expression, he obviously doesn't know that Li Yuluo has this hand, now we look at Ye Guangyuan. How did he win the victory with one enemy and two by directly crushing it!"

At this time, after Ye Guangyuan in the field finished the explosion, his whole body exuded a kind of violent energy that he could not control freely, and when he saw Li Yuluo turn into pieces and disappear in front of his eyes, even though he knew it was only Li Yuluo's A mentally weak body, but Ye Guangyuan still couldn't accept it in his heart. At this time, his eyes widened with anger, bloodshot in his eyes, with a roar, and then directly added the technique of "Ice Giant", facing the purple light giant swords of Wu Bufan and Wang Feiyu, instead of retreating, he directly greeted him.

Ye Guangyuan took the initiative to fight, and the purple light giant sword controlled by Wang Feiyu also flew towards Ye Guangyuan, so in the next moment, Ye Guangyuan met with this purple light giant sword. The evenly matched situation that people imagined did not happen, Wang Feiyu’s purple light The giant sword did not easily break through the ice wall limit like the previous two times, but was directly blocked by the ice armor covering Ye Guangyuan's body at this time, and this ice armor was under the attack of the purple light giant sword and was not left behind. The next trace. Ye Guangyuan grinned, his right hand directly grasped the hilt of the purple light giant sword, and then grabbed the tip of the sword from left to right, and screamed his whole body force. The next moment he folds the purple light giant sword composed of ten spirit treasures directly. It's in half! This was not a break under the control of Wang Feiyu, but the ten spiritual treasures were all damaged. When the purple light giant sword was broken, Wang Feiyu, who was connected to its mind, was also severely injured. The next moment Ye Guangyuan directly broke the sword in his hand. He projected towards Wang Feiyu, and pierced directly on Wang Feiyu's chest. Wang Feiyu was hit by such a blow, covered his chest and fell to the ground, immediately turned into a light spot and was sent out of this spiritual space.

After easily solving Wang Feiyu, Ye Guangyuan didn't stay at all, but rushed to Wu Bufan's direction. Now Ye Guangyuan no longer needs to fight Wu Bufan skills and control his own abilities. He is now close to Yuan. The aura of the infant stage can completely crush Wu Bufan directly without the slightest surprise.

Wu Bufan didn’t panic when his teammate Wang Feiyu fell, showing his excellent qualities as a military elite. He knew that there was no chance of winning against Ye Guangyuan now, and Wu Bufan knew Ye Guangyuan too. The current state is so terrifying, it must have taken a great price to be able to achieve, he does not believe that there will be no time limit to maintain such a state, otherwise it will be too bad. Therefore, Wu Bufan had an idea in his heart instantly, he was ready to temporarily avoid Ye Guangyuan's sharp edge, wait until Ye Guangyuan's strong period passed, and then compete with Ye Guangyuan by his own strength.

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