I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 472

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:47 AM

Chapter 472: Third victory

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Although Ye Guangyuan felt angry and unwilling in his heart at this time, he still had the most basic judgment. He naturally had an insight into Wu Bufan’s plan, and the corner of his mouth rose again, and then his right hand quickly swiped in the air in front of him. Seeing Wu Bufan’s surrounding space, six huge ice walls appeared, sealing all Wu Bufan’s whereabouts, and then began to continuously compress towards the most central Wu Bufan, and finally turned into a six-sided ice chamber. Wu Bufan was trapped in it.

Ye Guangyuan’s cultivation at this time was close to the late Yuan Ying, and naturally it was very different from before. He laid out the ice wall very fast, and Wu Bufan, who was trapped in the ice room, did his best. To attack these ice walls, but these ice walls were set by Ye Guangyuan at this stage. They were definitely not something that a monk in the early Yuanying stage could destroy. Ye Guangyuan wanted to play with Wu Bufan for a while, but he felt that there was something inside him. The energy has a gradual decline, and I know that the blessing from Li Yuluo on my body is about to disappear, so I no longer delay it, and the six ice walls that manipulate the ice chamber are directly compressed toward the center of Wu Bufan. After a while, the ice wall was closed together, and Wu Bufan in it naturally turned into a light spot and disappeared.

At the moment Wu Bufan was eliminated, Ye Guangyuan also felt the energy in his body completely dissipated. He himself knelt and sat on the ground directly. The whole person was also very expensive. After a short rest, he took the initiative to leave this spiritual space.

When Ye Guangyuan opened his eyes and took off "The Simulator", he happened to see that everyone in the audience looked at him and Li Yuluo with complicated faces. Obviously, he was given the performance of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. Conquered.

Zhuo Sheng smiled and looked at Ye Guangyuan, and then said, "Guangyuan, just now, you, Yu Luo and Bufan Feiyu have really joined forces to give us a high-quality competition! Unexpectedly, in such a desperate situation. At that time, you were able to complete the turnaround, which is really amazing!"

Ye Guangyuan actually didn’t know what method Li Yuluo used, otherwise he would not be so calm at this time. Ye Guangyuan heard Zhuo Sheng’s praise, then scratched his head embarrassedly, and said, "Brother Zhuo, you can Don't say that! The reason why I finally won this time was because of Yuluo's hard work. I only reaped the harvest with Yuluo's help!"

At this moment, Ye Guangyuan forgot Li Yuluo's glance, and there was a hint of doubt in his excitement, because Ye Guangyuan really didn't know what method Li Yuluo used to make him suddenly have such an explosive strength increase before being eliminated. Although it is only temporary, it is already very powerful. However, in front of so many people, Ye Guangyuan knew how to measure, and didn't ask any questions. He was going to have a good question with Li Yuluo after he returned. What Ye Guangyuan couldn’t understand was that since Li Yuluo’s method was so effective, why didn’t this item exist in the previous tactical arrangements? If they were used in this way in every game, then their victory would be very easy. . Regarding this point, Ye Guangyuan could only guess in his heart, and the final answer would have to be asked by Li Yuluo.

Li Yuluo also responded with a smile to Ye Guangyuan's eyes, and then she noticed the smiles of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan. With Li Yuluo's talents, she naturally understood that this method was definitely not hidden from Lin. Air two people. Then Li Yuluo cast a look at Lin Hang, and Lin Hang instantly realized that Li Yuluo didn't want Ye Guangyuan to know for the time being. Lin Hang nodded gently at Li Yuluo, and stopped looking at the two of them.

Others, including Zhuo Shengsi Meng, did not ask Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan about their specific actions and methods just now, and why they had such a heaven-defying effect. Because they also know that this kind of tactic may be the secret hole card that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo thought of. Then they will have a competition. At this time, if they directly expose their strength and make their opponents defensive, they will fight against Li Yuluo. Ye Guangyuan wasn't fair, so he skipped this matter directly and tacitly.

After seeing Ye Guangyuan’s performance against the sky just now, the mood of the remaining four groups was also very ups and downs. They have not lost confidence in themselves. After all, the disciples who can cultivate to this level are very firm in mind. Because this has an impact on yourself. However, although they will not lose their confidence, they have also shown enough attention to Ye Guangyuan's performance. In their eyes, although they also feel that Ye Guangyuan's performance just now must have great limitations, and it is impossible to simply use it. , But they also knew that this competition was done in a mental space using an incorporeal competition, and many different situations occurred. For example, the spell called "Replacement Technique" used by Li Yuluo has a release interval. Although this interval is much shorter than that of the ancient "Substitute Technique", it is at least It takes a few days. But in this spiritual space, there is no such restriction. As long as Li Yuluo is willing, she can use it in every competition. This is the difference between the spiritual space fighting method and the actual fighting method. And Ye Guangyuan's powerful means to enhance his strength just now may be very restrictive in reality, but in this defying death, every time it is a renewed spiritual space battle, all can be achieved.

Therefore, the four teams have to say that the previous tactical center was placed on Li Yuluo. After Ye Guangyuan’s outstanding performance, he should focus on Ye Guangyuan. However, some teams knew that Li Yuluo and After Ye Guangyuan's strength, his heart became even more excited. For them, the stronger Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo were, the more passionate they would fight when they would fight, and instead they would be able to exert stronger strength. The next group of opponents of Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, Lin Chengye and Liu Tianqi, was like this.

After their defeat, Wu Bufan and Wang Feiyu left the chair of "The Simulator" rather lonely and regretfully. They were indeed a little uncomfortable this time. After all, they have seen the dawn of victory, but in the end they were still brought back by the Jedi. It must be uncomfortable for anyone to put this matter in their minds, but depending on their appearance, it is mostly regrettable. If you adjust for a period of time and absorb the experience of fighting, you will definitely be able to get more growth.

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