I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 475

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:44 AM

Chapter 475: Fire thunder

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At this time, Lin Hang heard Zhuo Sheng’s question, chuckled and replied, “Brother Zhuo, in fact, I only heard about the "Spirit Fusion Art" that Li Yu was talking about. Really understand! I just know that this "Spiritual Fusion Art" is a legendary spell. It actually has both primary and secondary casters, and it requires two or more to cast it at the same time to be effective. The main party among the casters is the recipient of this spiritual power fusion, and the spiritual power after the final fusion will enter the main party’s body, and the rest of the people are formed into powers, and they are only responsible for providing spiritual power. . And the most critical reason why this technique is not spread widely is because spiritual power integration is an uncontrollable thing, that is to say, people who practice the same spiritual power do not need to merge, because it will not increase. The total amount and strength of the spiritual power, and the effects of the fusion of different spiritual powers are good or bad. Generally speaking, the spiritual power is mostly bad, and some even appear that the spiritual power after the fusion is not as good as that of the two parties before the fusion. Therefore, it is so uncertain It is also possible that thankless spells will naturally not be welcomed by people. Only a few special different spiritual powers may have some special effects after fusion. In my opinion, the current Liu Tianqi and Lin Chengye are so special. Case."

After listening to Lin Hang’s introduction, Zhuo Sheng also had some understanding in his heart. He nodded and did not continue to speak. Instead, he focused his attention on the light curtain again, because Lin Chengye after the spiritual energy fusion in the light curtain seemed to be It's about to start a new action.

I saw that after Liu Tianqi completed the transmission of Lin Chengye's spiritual power, the spiritual connection between the two was also directly broken. At this time, facing Li Yuluo who was rushing towards him, Liu Tianqi showed relief. His smile, then turned into a light spot to dissipate, and Liu Tianqi took the initiative to withdraw from this spiritual space! After being stunned for a while, Li Yuluo also wanted to understand the key. Li Yuluo, who was fairly familiar with "The Art of Spiritual Fusion", also knew that he was completing the power transmission of "The Art of Spiritual Fusion". After that, Liu Tianqi actually had no combat effectiveness, so in order to reduce the pain of being killed by Li Yu, Liu Tianqi simply took the initiative to withdraw from the mental space. Anyway, his plan with Lin Chengye has been completed, how should things develop afterwards It just depends on Lin Chengye's performance, and it has nothing to do with Liu Tianqi. He can already quit on his own initiative and watch the development of the situation leisurely from the outside world.

After Li Yuluo figured out the key, he didn't entangle anymore, then cast his gaze into the air, digesting the spiritual power from Liu Tianqi, and continuing the process of fusion. At this time, the color of the lingering thunder light on Lin Chengye's body surface changed again. When the spiritual power was first merged, there was only a little purple light and red light. Now as the integration is nearly completed, it has become half purple and half red. Feeling, giving people a full sense of oppression.

Seeing this situation, Li Yuluo didn't stay on the edge of the battlefield much, but immediately moved away, went to a boundary of the entire spiritual space, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and started his own action.

At this time, Lin Chengye had completely integrated the spiritual power from Liu Tianqi through the method on the "Spiritual Fusion Technique". After the success, Lin Chengye couldn't help but laugh. He didn't drag it any more, and directly used his right hand. Lifted up, and then quickly began to compress and condense a thunderball in the palm of the palm. The color of the thunderball was also half purple and half red. With the continuous injection of Lin Chengye's spiritual power, the half purple and half red thunderball was also slow. Slowly increasing, the energy and momentum contained in it is also startling step by step, until finally the thunderball turned into a basketball-sized sphere, Lingcheng also felt that it was a little out of his control, so He also stopped accumulating energy and directly smashed the thunderball in the direction where Ye Guangyuan was.

Ye Guangyuan had also noticed from the beginning of Lin Chengye and Liu Tianqi's movements, but at that time he was being entangled by several thunder dragons summoned by Lin Chengye, so he had no time to interfere. Ye Guangyuan also listened to Li Yuluo’s exclaim. Although he did not know what "Spiritual Fusion Art" was, Ye Guangyuan also retained a lot of vigilance. He also knew that Lin Chengye and Liu Tianqi had made such a big one. The battle will certainly not have no effect at all, but should have a huge effect. Therefore, seeing the bursting, half-purple and half-red thunderball thrown by Lin Chengye at this time, Ye Guangyuan also had a twelve-point spirit, and erected several ice walls in front of him. Lin Chengye hadn't projected it before. The thunderball was blocked by Ye Guangyuan’s ice wall. This time, because he knew that the half-purple and half-red thunderball was definitely unusual, Ye Guangyuan still added a few ice walls on purpose. Ye Guangyuan didn’t believe he and Lin Chengye. The cultivation base is the same, and it can't resist Lin Chengye's attack.

But the fact is that he slapped Ye Guangyuan's face severely, and saw that after the half-purple and half-red thunderball touched Ye Guangyuan's ice wall, it directly exploded its own ability and hit the ice wall heavily. A big hole, and after passing through the first ice wall, the momentum is slightly weakened, and when this half-purple and half-red thunderball penetrated all four ice walls, it finally exhausted the spiritual power it carried and disappeared. No, and when Ye Guangyuan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw a half-purple and half-red thunderball appearing in such a neatly arranged hole again, continuing to move forward. This time, he only needs to After breaking through a few more ice walls, he will be able to reach Ye Guangyuan’s side, seeing that this second ball of light has lived up to expectations and destroyed all the last three ice walls in front of Ye Guangyuan. All the defenses set by Ye Guangyuan are half purple and half red. Thunderball is also destroyed. And this second half-purple and half-red thunderball hadn't exhausted his abilities. When Ye Guangyuan wanted to come and check, the thunderball suddenly exploded. The powerful flames and lightning that emerged at the time of the explosion were really true. Ye Guangyuan was caught off guard, and then Ye Guangyuan was injured by Lin Chengye's simple attack.

"Fire thunder?" Lin Hang observed carefully for a long time, and finally researched the characteristics of Lin Chengye and Liu Tianqi's "Spiritual Fusion Art". That is the rarest case, and it has both primary and secondary performers. The combination of characteristics of, this is regarded as a mutated fire thunder, which has great restraint on Ye Guangyuan.

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