I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 477

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:42 AM

Chapter 477: Defeat

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Hearing Lin Hang’s explanation, everyone present also understood the changes in the situation on the court. They learned that Ye Guangyuan performed such a performance because of restraint, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. This shows that Lin Chengye has not arrived. The degree of invincibility, they still have the power to fight without being restrained!

Hearing Lin Hang’s last emotion, Xu Li, who has not yet appeared on the stage, laughed and said, “Lin Hang, we are only able to rank slightly higher because of the special nature of the Secret Realm Ranking Tournament. See the previous groups Performance, Sanjin and I really feel that there is still a big gap with them! This gap is not a gap in the realm of cultivation, but a gap in independent thinking. We believe that our cultivation has not been reduced, but these unique masters There are still too few things! But this time the mutual help duel match I also think it is very meaningful. Although I and Sanjin did not play, I also feel that I have benefited a lot. After returning, I can improve ourselves more targeted! "

Lin Hang has only heard half of what Xu Li said. Lin Hang knows that Xu Li is a player with a long history of accumulation. He was the second one to break through to the Yuan Ying stage at first. If he has no special skills, Lin Hang is sure I don't believe it. The reason why Xu Li would say this is that one is humble, and the other is that he really feels that these front teams are very good, and they are definitely not easy to deal with.

Hu Lingfeng and Yue Yuanwu’s team did not speak. They were watching the match in the field attentively, because they were the third place in the Secret Realm Ranking Tournament, which means that the two groups of Ye Guangyuan and Lin Chengye who fought in this battle, no matter who they were. After winning, it is their group that will fight next, so at this time Hu Lingfeng and Yue Yuanwu are fighting for the last time to observe their opponents and get a little chance of winning for their next battle.

As for the first place in the final qualifying match, Huazhi and Yudieyi were also silent. They were also very confident before the start of the competition. After all, they just won the first place in the qualifying competition and only need one competition. They can win the final championship. No matter how bad they are, they are also second place. Their mentality before is very good. They calmly watched the previous competitions, but after they arrived, they were a little leisurely. They also found out. The real purpose of this mutual help duel match is definitely not the champion. Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo are willing to give up the first place in the qualifying battle and choose to start from the eighth place, so that everyone is now. I saw it, in order to have more combat experience and learn more. Moreover, the results of this experience have also been reflected. From the first match of the Hetian Dayong team, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan were significantly stronger after the three matches, and the effect was visible to the naked eye. So at this time, Huazhi and Yudieyi didn't just want the position of the champion. They started to observe these opponents, and then see if they could give them some inspiration and insights, so as to better improve themselves.

Looking at the elite disciples present, Lin Hang nodded with satisfaction. It seems that all of them have realized the current problems and have already thought deeply. Including Jiang Huacong and Sun Xi who have left the field early, Lin Hang also affirmed that they can get a lot of inspiration and insights in this mutual help duel, which will definitely be of great help to their future practice.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Hang also focused his attention on the light curtain. At this time, after Lin Chengye became familiar with the power of fire and thunder he had newly mastered, he did not delay any more time, and launched a fierce attack on Ye Guangyuan. Lin Chengye’s attacking method was very special at this time. He did not choose to fight Ye Guangyuan from a long distance, because although he could defeat Ye Guangyuan, it would definitely take more time. So Lin Chengye spread the power of fire and thunder all over his body and approached quickly. Ye Guangyuan.

Although the appearance of the power of fire and thunder is a burst of flame, the speed of thunder and lightning is not lost at all. After Lin Chengye incarnates the body of fire and thunder, his flight speed is very fast. Escape from the bottom, so there is no way, but to cast the "Ice Giant" technique and directly fight Lin Chengye, who is like the flame thunder god, who rushes over. Although Ye Guangyuan has the protection of ice armor, when he encounters Lin Chengye's fire thunder, the ice armor consumes it at a very fast speed, and the land is not affected by the power of the fire thunder. In order to prevent the ice armor from being directly broken through , Ye Guangyuan had to always send spiritual support to his ice armor. This also led to the fact that Ye Guangyuan’s spiritual power consumption was much greater than Lin Chengye’s in such a battle. If this continues, it will not be long before Ye Guangyuan will Will lose without any suspense!

And when Ye Guangyuan and Lin Chengye were fighting fiercely, everyone did not forget the third person in this spiritual space-Li Yuluo. And what is Li Yuluo doing now? Since seeing Liu Tianqi voluntarily withdraw, Li Yuluo sat down in another corner and closed his eyes, not knowing what he was doing, but everyone guessed that Li Yuluo was setting up a new formation, so He didn't know anything about Ye Guangyuan and Lin Chengye's battlefield, and was busy with his own affairs. Everyone also understands that if Li Yuluo can arrange the formation he wants before Ye Guangyuan is defeated, then the two of them rely on the strength of the formation and have the qualifications to fight Lin Chengye in his current state, but they are only qualified. However, if Ye Guangyuan loses early, then the result of this game is basically doomed, and Lin Chengye's advantage is a bit too great.

At this time, the battle between Ye Guangyuan and Lin Chengye had gradually begun to heat up, and seeing the performance of the two, already knew the final result, Lin Chengye was more relaxed than Ye Guangyuan. In contrast, Ye Guangyuan had some spiritual power. Without supporting it, Lin Chengye's fire and thunder power is really Ye Guangyuan's big nemesis, there is no way to avoid it, only to sit and watch himself be defeated.

Ye Guangyuan felt that the giant ice giant formed by his "Ice Giant" technique was already a little unstable. This was a sign that his spiritual power could not support him. He knew that if he continued like this, he would undoubtedly lose. Lin Chengye would not suffer too much damage and consumption. Next, Li Yuluo had absolutely no hope of victory against Lin Chengye in this state. Ye Guangyuan forgot to glance at Li Yuluo who was sitting cross-legged in the distance. Made a decision.

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