I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 479

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:39 AM

Chapter 479: Head to head

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When Lin Chengye approached Li Yuluo, Li Yuluo finally finished his arrangement, opened his eyes, and saw Lin Chengye who was pressing towards him. There was no surprise or shock. It seemed that Li Yuluo had already Knowing that Ye Guangyuan would be defeated by Lin Chengye, but Li Yuluo felt the aura remaining between the world and the earth, and his complexion instantly changed. The impact and damage caused by Ye Guangyuan’s Infant’s self-detonation could not be eliminated in a short time. As a person with a huge amount of knowledge, Li Yuluo had never seen the Nascent Soul explode with his own eyes, but from the battlefield situation at this time and the residual aura between heaven and earth, he instantly understood the previous battle situation.

Obviously, Li Yuluo did not know that Ye Guangyuan would choose this way in the end. At the beginning of the game, Li Yuluo had already set a line for himself in his heart. That is to say, if you don’t use this, you will die together. The tactical play of self-sacrificing, but relying on his own strength to get some tempering effects, so at the beginning Li Yuluo denied the use of his "Dedication Curse". It's just that she didn't expect that when she was preparing for this competition, Ye Guangyuan chose Yuan Ying to blew himself up to severely injure Lin Chengye and give her a chance to win. In the current situation, Li Yuluo felt some dilemma for the first time. .

However, Li Yuluo was not an ordinary person, she made a decision in her heart in an instant. She was ready to do her best, and then take the next battle with Lin Chengye seriously. After that, no matter what the outcome was, she had her own arrangements after going out.

Lin Chengye knows that Li Yuluo is powerful, and the formation to Li Yuluo has been prepared for such a long time. It must be an extremely powerful formation. Therefore, when his current state is not particularly good, Lin Chengye is not like it. He is going to defeat Li Yuluo as quickly as possible. He knows his situation. Although he has temporarily stopped his injury and can continue to fight, if the time is delayed, it may cause an outbreak of injuries. Not to mention defeating Li Yuluo at that time, there will be problems with self-protection. Therefore, facing Li Yuluo at this time, Lin Chengye's tactics were quick fights and quick decisions, and Chi changed!

Although Li Yuluo's spiritual power cultivation level lags behind Lin Chengye a lot, the difference in cultivation level above Divine Soul is not very big, so for Lin Chengye's state at this time, Li Yuluo is also very clear, she also understands that as long as she can If you keep going, the first person who will not be able to support it is Lin Chengye, who is now seriously injured. However, in the face of such a situation, Li Yuluo did not choose to evade. She was ready to launch her own arrangement and actually meet Lin Chengye now. Regardless of the victory or defeat, at least she had already made efforts and preparations. Up.

At this time, the situation in the field slowly began to close to the end of the battle. The spectators outside the field also began to speculate. They did not know how the final result would develop. It was Lin Chengye who continued to sweep and then broke Li. The undefeated myth of Yu Luo and Ye Guangyuan, or is it that Li Yuluo will defeat Lin Chengye, who was seriously injured at the time of defeat, and finally maintain their winning streak? Everyone had their own opinions in their hearts, but compared to what these disciples saw, Zhuo Sheng and Simeng, who were the senior leaders of China, had obviously noticed the same problems as Lin Hang.

Zhuo Sheng frowned and said to Lin Hang Chuanyin, "Lin Hang, do you think that Guangyuan and Yu Luo are too aggressive this time? There is nothing wrong with the desire to win, but this time the competition The purpose is to let these disciples discover the problem and find out their own shortcomings to make up for it. If Yuluo and Guangyuan continue to win with this method, they may not only fail to get some insights and lessons, but also make their minds more extreme. Ah! Yuluo and Guangyuan are both good seedlings of our generation of disciples in China. I don’t want to see them go such a path, Lin Hang, this time the mutual help duel is your proposal to hold. If you have such a problem, you have to think of a way to solve it!"

Lin Hang heard Zhuo Sheng’s transmission, and he agreed with him for a while, then Lin Hang thought for a while and replied to Zhuo Sheng’s transmission, "Brother Zhuo, I have also noticed this problem you said, and I think you said There is nothing wrong with the question. Brother Guangyuan and Li Yuluo are indeed overly serious! But I don’t think you need to worry too much. Yu Luo is almost the one you grew up watching. Do you still know her? Maybe this time in this matter, the two of them may have a momentary impulse to go astray, but I believe that Li Yuluo should already be aware of her problem with Ye Guangyuan, and she will definitely find a way to go. It's solved. Brother Zhuo, in the third match before, do you know why Ye Guangyuan suddenly broke out in the end? It directly solved two opponents who were equivalent to Yuanying stage? I told you that this is not Ye Guangyuan's own. Some techniques to stimulate potential, but Li Yuluo used the "Devotion Curse" before he was eliminated, and contributed everything in his body to Ye Guangyuan. After the blessing of the spells, Ye Guangyuan was able to achieve such a great deal in an instant. However, this "Devotion Curse" is also the same as Yuan Ying’s self-destruction. It is a spell that can never be completed a second time in reality! It is just the spiritual space formed by my "War Simulator" , But it is possible for them to let them take a fight like this and use these forbidden techniques. Of course, as long as we win, we have nothing to say. But before the start of this game, I found that Li Yuluo already had her own in her heart. I have judged, so this time until Ye Guangyuan eliminated her, she did not use this "Dedication Curse", and Ye Guangyuan just wanted to win too much before using the method of Yuan Ying blew it out, but I believe it was based on Li Yuluo. Enlightenment, the two of them won't go further and further on such a deviant road! Besides, even if it is true, haven't we already discovered the signs now? We just need to mention a little bit, believe it or not Any questions!"

After Zhuo Sheng saw that Lin Hang had plans and ideas in his mind, his heart was slightly relaxed, and then he set his sights on the battlefield between Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye, and to his surprise, Li Yuluo seemed to I didn't want to drag on with the seriously injured Lin Chengye, but wanted to fight Lin Chengye upright with his own formation!

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