I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 482

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:36 AM

Chapter 482: End

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However, Lin Chengye is not a pedantic person. Although I don't know why Li Yuluo chose this way, Lin Chengye will not give up such an opportunity. Originally, Lin Chengye thought he was doomed to fail in this competition, but now Li Yuluo suddenly gave him a glimmer of hope that he could still win. Lin Chengye naturally didn't want this opportunity to slip away in his own hands. Facing the confident Li Yuluo, he also raised all his spirits, and rushed towards Li Yuluo.

Seeing this result, everyone on the sidelines was also dumbfounded, and they didn't expect such a competition to eventually evolve into such a close combat. You should know that Lin Chengye, who has integrated spiritual power at this time, can be said to be a good player in long-range combat. The characteristics of the large elemental range and wide offensive area should be more powerful, and Li Yuluo is also a recognized genius in the formation. Logically speaking, he is also a good player who is good at control and all-round strikes. Now such two characters actually have to decide the outcome of the match based on the results of close combat, which is really a bit funny.

However, although the scene seems a little weird, what Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye are fighting is not a pure close fight. Lin Chengye will not say anything. The whole body is full of fire and thunder. Obviously this is the case. His methods of attack and protection, whether it is to protect himself or to harass Li Yuluo, are very convenient methods. But Li Yuluo was even more different. At this time, her left and right hands were emitting different lights. Upon closer inspection, it was Li Yuluo who reduced the formation that she was sitting on and placed it on Among the two hands, the left hand stands "Arctic Ice God Array" to resist Lin Chengye’s fire and thunder, while the right hand "Ten Thunder Array" is used as a precaution, and the most important thing is To be able to absorb Lin Chengye's thunder and lightning power to supplement himself at a critical time is already considering all aspects of offense and defense.

So although the next battle between the two can be regarded as close combat, the battle between the two seems to be somewhat fancy. With the close moves of the two, the more important is the spiritual strength and formation between the two. Fa competition, and Lin Chengye had completely ignored his own injuries, and began to explode with all his strength and Li Yuluo's fierce battle. Although Li Yuluo's two major formations can form some effective suppression and resistance to Lin Chengye, after all, the spiritual power gap between Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye is a bit big, so Lin Chengye can still suppress Li Yuluo to fight. Before Li Yuluo set up his formation and waited for Lin Chengye to come to fight, it was different. In this close combat, although the formation could help Li Yuluo block most of the offensive, it was after all close combat. Li Yuluo His physical and spiritual powers are definitely for fighting at this level, which is a very heavy burden. Therefore, once close combat starts, not to mention Lin Chengye’s injury, Li Yuluo can’t support it for too long. The spiritual power is exhausted or the body cannot support it and loses.

However, looking at the scene now, Lin Chengye and Li Yuluo did not pay too much attention to this issue. Neither of them considered the issue of battery life or insisting on time. They were both releasing their strongest strength in the fight. Therefore, for the two of them, this kind of battle seems very enjoyable. There is no need to think about it, just move forward.

And not long after this battle, Lin Hang felt that both sides of the battle already had some meaning to be unable to support it. Lin Chengye was already seriously injured. In this battle, he gave up suppressing his injuries and chose to fight with all his strength. After such a fierce battle collision, there are already some signs of a full-scale outbreak. And Li Yuluo’s situation is not much better. After all, she has given up her geographical advantage and the close battle chosen by the sky. Although this battle was very hearty, it is for Li Yuluo’s physical and spiritual power. Said it was a huge burden. If it were not for the blessing of the two shrinking formations, Li Yuluo would have already been defeated, but even with the help of the two formations, Li Yuluo still has huge pressure. The human body and spiritual power are also showing a final state of exhaustion, and it seems that they will be directly unable to support them in the next second.

However, at this time, Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye, although both of them were exhausted, their eyes were brighter than ever at this time. Obviously, such an exceptionally enjoyable battle made them feel better. The spirits of the two have been sublimated. Although this battle seems extremely simple, the impact on the two is obviously not understandable from the scene.

At this time, they also sensed the state of themselves and the other party, both were close to collapse. The two looked at each other, and they also understood what the other party meant.

I saw that Li Yuluo suddenly slapped the two big formations in his hand, and then the formation was directly transformed into a powerful burst of energy, which was controlled by Li Yuluo with difficulty in the palm of his hand, and then turned into an ice blue Colored energy broadsword. And Lin Chengye also roared, all the power of fire and thunder in his body was suppressed by Lin Chengye, and then it was also condensed into a bolt of fire and thunder under Lin Chengye's manipulation. As the action of the two ended, the energy sword in Li Yu's hand directly collided with Lin Chengye's bolt of fire and thunder. After a burst of energy and smoke filled, everyone outside the court also stared at the light. Looking at the scene, I want to know what the final result of this competition is. Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye collide with Lin Chengye in the final explosion, who won the final victory?

At this time, the smoke and dust in the light curtain dissipated, and the energy was calm, but Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye were not found. Everyone understood that after the last collision of the blow, regardless of Li Yuluo and Lin Chengyezhi It was who won the final victory, both of them had reached their limits and could no longer support them, so both Shuang Shuang withdrew from this spiritual space.

At this time, not long after, Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye, who were sitting on the chairs, slowly opened their eyes. The two of them still seemed to be in the same passion of fighting as they were just now, so their eyes remained the same. There is a trace of excitement and divine light remaining.

After the two of them eased a little, Zhuo Sheng asked at this moment, "Yu Luo, Chengye, who of you won the last collision? I think you left this spiritual space almost at the same time, and It's hard to judge the final winner!"

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