I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 483

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:35 AM

Chapter 483: victory or defeat

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Li Yuluo glanced at Lin Chengye, and then said first, "Brother Zhuo! It was Yuluo who lost! In this competition, Brother Lin won the final victory with a better skill. Yuluo was willing to go down, and he did not refuse!"

Zhuo Sheng nodded. Just as he was about to announce the final result, he was interrupted by Lin Chengye, who had just been silent. Lin Chengye glanced at Li Yuluo strangely, and then said aloud, "Sir, although I also want to Li Yuluo said that he was able to win this battle, but at the end of the collision, after I completed the creation of the fire and thunder arrow formed by the spiritual power of my whole body, the injury broke out directly, and then exploded in both moves. At that moment, I couldn’t hold back and left the spiritual space. At that time, I took a glance before I left. Although Li Yuluo was in extremely bad condition at the time, he did not leave at the same time as me. Therefore, the final winner was not me. , But Li Yuluo!"

At this time, Zhuo Sheng was baffled by the different opinions of Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye, and I don't know who should listen to the correct statement at this time. It stands to reason that everyone should be very eager for victory in this competition, but Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye both said that the victory of the battle belongs to each other, which really made Zhuo Sheng a little difficult to decide.

And at this moment, Lin Hang opened his mouth to make a relief for Zhuo Sheng, and also told the real result of this competition, "Everyone, listen to me! This "Fighter" is a product of my research, so this The creation of the mental space was also handled by me alone, so when controlling the "Simulation Device" start link, I was generally sensitive to the situation! Therefore, just now, Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye collided in the last blow At the time, although the scene was chaotic and we couldn't see anything from above the light curtain, I still perceived some situations that happened on the real battlefield!"

As he said, Lin Hang smiled and glanced at Li Yuluo and Lin Chengye, and continued, "The collision of this final blow is indeed the same as Lin Chengye said. After he condensed the arrow of fire and thunder at the last moment, , There is no way to control the outbreak of her own injuries, so she left the mental space at the moment of energy collision and chaos. But Li Yuluo’s situation was different, she just reached the culmination of her spiritual power and physical support. So compared to Lin Chengye, it is much better than Lin Chengye. Although his body is completely empty and his body is extremely exhausted, it is still able to support it, but after seeing Lin Chengye withdraw from the spiritual space, Li Yuluo also chose immediately. Taking the initiative to withdraw, this also created a situation where the two were almost at the same time. Therefore, judging from the order in which the two left the space and the final state, it is undoubtedly that Li Yuluo won the final victory!"

After Lin Hang’s last authoritative explanation, Zhuo Sheng, including everyone present, understood the true story of the matter. After learning the true story of the matter, everyone became even more confused about what Li Yuluo said. According to the descriptions of Lin Hang and Lin Chengye, Li Yuluo should also be very clear about the final result. In that case, why did she choose to conceal the fact of her victory so that she wanted Lin Chengye to win this time?

Zhuo Sheng was naturally very puzzled about this kind of question, and among all the people present, it was only Zhuo Sheng to ask Li Yuluo this question, so Zhuo Sheng asked after being calm for a while, "Yuluo, according to Lin Hang's statement, this time the result of the competition should be that you have won! And with the late Jindan cultivation base to defeat the opponent in Yuanying stage, even if Chengye's state at the time was greatly damaged, but Your leapfrog challenge is also a very happy thing! But why do you hide the last facts? If you are to save the face of the business, I don’t think it is necessary. He can play in the case of serious injury. Such a beautiful battle is already very good. On the contrary, it can provide some positive feedback for his later experience, and it will not have any impact on him!"

Li Yuluo knew that the development of things was a little beyond her control, bowed deeply to Zhuo Sheng, and then said with a calm face, "Brother Zhuo, Yu Luo does know that this battle is at the end of the battle. What is the result of this! It’s just in Yu Luo’s heart that this test book is very unfair! The reason why I chose to fight Lin Chengye is just to leave myself no regrets and vent. I already Understand the significance of your holding this competition, that is to let us have a clearer understanding of ourselves, which is convenient for us to improve the road in the future, although in such a special spiritual space, we will not really die. It seems that all means can be used, but I think it’s not the same thing! If some taboo means are used in such a test, I think the test will lose its original meaning and completely change. It has become a place for fierce fighting and bravery, which completely deviates from the theme! Including the "Dedication Curse" that I used in the third match and the Yuan Ying blew that Guangyuan just cast, I think I should not use it. Because it is only for rules and victory, it is completely meaningless. In real battles, there is no way to use such methods a second time! Of course, we can use such methods to obtain in the spiritual space. Victory, but there is no chance to train yourself and recognize your true strength! So, Lin Hang, Brother Zhuo, I request that our team be judged as the loser in the result of this time! After all, if such restrictions are not done well. , I’m afraid that similar methods and situations will appear in the future battles. In that case, your good intentions will be wasted!"

After hearing Li Yuluo's words, many of the disciples in the field were plunged into thinking. With their understanding, they hadn't noticed before. Now after Li Yuluo dialed a little bit, they all understood the truth.

And Lin Hang and Zhuo Sheng glanced at each other, and they both saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes. In their opinion, no matter how talented they are, they cannot be impressed. Only if they have a mind worthy of this talent can they be able to. Get their approval. Now Li Yuluo really did not live up to their expectations. He had already discovered the problem with his team, and his current attitude was also very desirable. What satisfied Lin Hang and Zhuo Sheng most was Li Yuluo's words, which also gave the other elite disciples present their own insights. This is the real purpose of this mutual help duel match!

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