I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 486

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:32 AM

Chapter 486: Hu Lingfeng's strength

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So after knowing this, Hu Lingfeng did not intend to fight Ye Guangyuan strategically at the beginning. He was going to solve Li Yuluo directly. In fact, in the previous period, the cultivators of the Yuan Ying stage were not fools. , They also wanted to directly attack Li Yuluo, but they would be directly stopped by Ye Guangyuan when they showed their intention to attack Li Yuluo, and they had no means to cross Ye Guangyuan at all. Only this time the situation is different. Hu Lingfeng not only has a single calculation to directly solve Li Yuluo, but Hu Lingfeng is also a cultivator of the Yuan Ying stage with such a capability.

Zhuo Sheng smiled and watched Hu Lingfeng's choice and performance, and nodded in his heart. The reason why Hu Lingfeng was favored by them was because of his almost rogue space ability, which did not give Li Yuluo the opportunity to deploy countermeasures. One shot is a kill, Zhuo Sheng said with a smile, "Lin Hang, in the current situation, Hu Lingfeng and his group have a great chance of victory, right? Yu Luo's methods are indeed good, and I believe that It's not that she can't limit Ling Feng's spatial ability for a little time, but now it's just beginning after all, and Ling Feng's thoughts have no problems, and she is facing the child Yu Luo. The current situation, I really don’t know how they can deal with it!"

Lin Hang also laughed, nodded and agreed with Zhuo Sheng's analysis and opinions, and then said, "Brother Zhuo, what you said is not wrong. I am very familiar with Ling Feng's tactics, and I also understand. The ability of space is such a rogue method in this early stage. However, we can see that Yuluo and the others must be able to know this. I don’t believe that they will not respond to this obvious characteristic of Hu Lingfeng. Therefore, while we are optimistic about Hu Lingfeng, we must also believe in Li Yuluo's arrangement! So, let's stop the discussion and take a good look at this wonderful battle!"

The facts are just like what Lin Hang said. Perceiving Hu Lingfeng suddenly coming behind him, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan didn’t have the slightest surprise on their faces. This is what they expected when facing Hu Lingfeng’s team, the most likely. The situation appeared in the first place.

Ye Guangyuan remembered that after he and Li Yuluo had determined their minds and relationship, the two of them discussed these opponents. The first thing Li Yuluo pointed out was Hu Lingfeng, Li Yuluo's former teammate. In fact, I didn’t know the hidden strength of the players of other teams, so Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan felt that the strongest opponent was Hu Lingfeng, who had a very strong face, and when they were grouped, Hu Lingfeng’s teammate Yue Yuanwu also showed Out of a different talent and potential. At that time, Li Yuluo believed that not only them, but other teams would treat Hu Lingfeng's group as the strongest group of opponents, and they would definitely attach great importance to it.

And Li Yuluo, who knows Hu Lingfeng very well, actually doesn't have much confidence to be able to persevere in Hu Lingfeng's secretive and unpreparable offense. He can only say that everything is doing his best. And what they set up for Hu Lingfeng is that Hu Lingfeng is relatively lacking in offensive ability. Yes, although Hu Lingfeng is a cultivator of Yuan Ying period, his offensive ability is not lacking, but compared to those of other elemental elements. For the monk, Hu Lingfeng actually didn't have the ability to end the battle in a short time when facing opponents of the same rank. But this is also relatively speaking. After all, Hu Lingfeng is a monk in the Yuan Ying stage, and his own offensive ability is insufficient, so he will definitely study some offensive spells by himself, and with the help of these spells, facing It's hard to say that the opponents of the Yuan Ying period, but the Jin Dan period monks like Li Yuluo naturally cannot hold on to Hu Lingfeng's hands for a long time.

This is not a shortcoming, it was noticed by Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan, and since they couldn’t limit Hu Lingfeng’s spatial ability at the beginning of the game, they could only consider how to play in Hu Lingfeng’s madness. Under the blast, to hold up the most difficult period of the opening, so as to prepare them for the countermeasures against Hu Lingfeng. So out of the fact that they didn't understand Hu Lingfeng's true strength, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan also felt that they had hope to survive. In fact, they did not have the confidence to win.

At the moment when Hu Lingfeng assaulted, Ye Guangyuan's movements were not slow, his hands were already covering Li Yuluo's body beside him, and in an instant, Li Yuluo's body began to condense a lot of ice crystals. For a moment, Hu Lingfeng's first blow with the dagger was directly stuck on the ice crystal that Ye Guangyuan summoned. But Hu Lingfeng couldn't make a single blow, and he appeared beside Yue Yuanwu in the distance, looking at Ye Guangyuan who was casting the spell with solemn expression.

The reason why he didn’t directly attack Ye Guangyuan at this time was because Ye Guangyuan was already a body of flowing water. Under such circumstances, Hu Lingfeng’s offense could only consume some of Ye Guangyuan’s spiritual power and could not achieve real damage. .

After Ye Guangyuan protected his safety, he concentrated on the magic in his hand. In less than five seconds, Li Yuluo was completely covered on the ice crystals. All these ice crystals turned into ice balls. When the spell was completed, Li Yuluo was already sitting with his eyes tightly closed, and then he was sealed in a large ice ball with a diameter of 20 meters.

Everyone outside the court didn’t know the function and nature of this technique. Only Liu Ruyan could barely see the origin of this technique, and said to Lin Hang Chuanyin, “Xiao Hang, Ye Guangyuan’s technique should be from What he understood from a spell called "Frozen Ball" was that he improved this spell and directly changed a trapped and sealed spell into a spell that protects people. In order to ensure the effective freezing and sealing of the "Frozen Ball" technique, the ice ball formed is extremely strong, and it takes a lot of effort from the inside and out to break it. After Ye Guangyuan improved the technique, not only did it allow People don’t suffer any harm, and the most important thing is to greatly strengthen the defensive ability of the external ice. If the current ice hockey is attacked by ordinary Nascent stage monks, it will probably take a long time to break directly. Within this period of time, it was enough for Li Yuluo to complete her preparations!"

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