I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 487

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:31 AM

Chapter 487: Horrible Black Flame

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When Lin Hang saw this scene, it was easy to understand Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo’s plans, but there were still a lot of doubts in his heart, and he asked inexplicably, "Yan'er, I still don’t understand it. Since this one The improved version of "Frozen Ball" is so effective, why didn’t Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo use them before? It stands to reason, if they can guarantee that Li Yuluo can arrange the formation, they should be very happy Using these methods, why did you keep playing until this one?"

Liu Ruyan chuckled lightly, and the sound transmission replied, "Xiaohang, you won't know about this! The reason why they arrived in this game finally used this tactic. From my analysis, there are many The reason is complicated! I know this "Frozen Ball" technique. Although it works well, it has a big disadvantage. It consumes a lot of spiritual power. I believe Ye Guangyuan has improved this technique. However, the consumption of this spiritual power should not be a particularly easy problem to solve. At this time, Ye Guangyuan arranged such a large ice hockey, then his spiritual power has already been consumed a lot at this time. Also, that is the opponent! Hu Lingfeng's strength Although very strong, he has a strong spatial ability that can be called a rogue at this stage, but in terms of basic attack power, he is inferior to the other Yuan Ying stage disciples. In other words, Ye Guangyuan’s ice hockey is capable of Under Hu Lingfeng’s attack, he persisted for a long time, but for people like Lin Chengye, it may not be effective. It is easy to scrap all the preparations. Moreover, Li Yuluo also showed good results before. Combat power, but the attack point of the two of them is still on Ye Guangyuan's body, and now Ye Guangyuan consumes almost all his spiritual power, who do you think will take over the battlefield afterwards?"

Lin Hang did not understand the technique of "Frozen Ball" before, and now after Liu Ruyan’s reminder, he already understands its meaning, and said with some surprise, "Yan'er, you mean, in this At the end of the field, when Ye Guangyuan's spiritual power is unsustainable, it will be Li Yuluo who will bring all of her arrangements to the stage, and then fight Hu Lingfeng and Yue Yuanwu strongly alone?"

Liu Ruyan didn't speak, but seeing her expression, she already acquiesced to this statement.

Lin Hang was still a little shocked by Liu Ruyan’s inference, and he did not speak any more, focusing his attention on the light curtain. He wanted to see with his own eyes whether Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan were really like willows. As Yan analyzed, in the end Li Yuluo faced two people alone.

At this time, after Ye Guangyuan arranged the huge ice hockey puck, he also had some panting. As Liu Ruyan said, it was such a huge ice hockey puck with strong guarding ability, which was for Ye Guangyuan’s spiritual power. The burden is very heavy. Judging from Ye Guangyuan's performance now, the spiritual power in Ye Guangyuan's body at this time is already low, and it must be impossible to sustain the next head-on confrontation with Hu Lingfeng.

Although Hu Lingfeng didn’t know much about Ye Guang’s situation and situation at this time, it could be seen from Ye Guangyuan’s performance that Ye Guangyuan had little spiritual power left at this time, but Hu Lingfeng did not go forward to fight with Ye Guangyuan, because Hu Lingfeng also saw that in this competition, Ye Guangyuan was just a support. It was just a tool man who helped Li Yuluo to successfully arrange the formation. The real killer fell on Li Yuluo who was in the ice hockey. . Hu Lingfeng only wanted to preserve his strength at this time, and then waited for a real battle with the last Li Yuluo, and now wasting some spiritual power on Ye Guangyuan in this state, it was really unwise.

Seeing that Hu Lingfeng didn’t do anything at all, Ye Guangyuan’s eyes flashed with regret. He really had that plan. If Hu Lingfeng rushed forward and wanted to eliminate him directly or attack Li Yuluo, Ye Guangyuan would brew a big move. Give it to him and relieve Li Yuluo a little bit of pressure afterwards. But now it seemed that it was impossible for Hu Lingfeng to be fooled. Ye Guangyuan had no choice but to bring up a handful of spiritual power and proactively attacked Hu Lingfeng.

Seeing Ye Guangyuan's movements, Hu Lingfeng also confirmed his own inner judgment, so he began to constantly change his position, not directly colliding with Ye Guangyuan at all, and at the same time turned his head to give a wink at Yue Yuanwu, who was doing nothing.

After all, Yue Yuanwu spent a month with Hu Lingfeng. At this time, he understood what Hu Lingfeng meant. Seeing that Ye Guangyuan was attacking Hu Lingfeng with all his strength, Yue Yuanwu ignored them and went straight to the ice hockey position where Li Yuluo was.

Seeing Yue Yuanwu approaching Li Yuluo's ice hockey puck, Ye Guangyuan immediately increased his vigilance, and he immediately understood Hu Lingfeng and Yue Yuanwu's plans. When Yue Yuanwu broke out and awakened, they were all watching it on the spot. The black flame that seemed to be able to burn everything gave Ye Guangyuan an uncomfortable feeling on the spot, as if this black flame would grow up Can cause him a great threat. So in the beginning, instead of being vigilant against Hu Lingfeng, in fact, there is not much defense against Yue Yuanwu. This is an opponent who may be able to threaten Ye Guangyuan during the Jindan period now in the Yuanying period. They naturally have more. Pay attention.

But when Yue Yuanwu approached Li Yuluo, Hu Lingfeng immediately mobilized himself and began to restrain Ye Guangyuan from going back to look after Li Yuluo. At this time, Yue Yuanwu also seized the opportunity, slowly condensing a ball of black flame energy in his hand, and then directly projected it at the ice puck where Li Yuluo was. With this sudden blow, Ye Guangyuan was not able to pay attention to intercepting it due to Hu Lingfeng's obstruction, so this black energy fireball directly hit the ice ball set by Ye Guangyuan.

And as the black fireball touched the ice ball, a lot of water vapor began to emerge, and then the ice ball was quickly eroded by the black fireball. When the energy of the fireball was exhausted, it was already in the ice ball. Going several meters in the distance! You must know that the overall diameter of the hockey puck is only 20 meters. In other words, the distance between Li Yuluo and the outside world is only ten meters. This fire ball of Yue Yuanwu has directly penetrated a few meters. Ye Guangyuan was shocked. If the black fireball's energy were stronger, wouldn't Li Yu fall in it be directly dangerous?

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