I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 497

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:21 AM

Chapter 497: Strong ice master

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After completing this arrangement, Master Ice Light did not have any delays, and directly attacked the location of "Tianhan Clan". After reaching the location of "Tianhan Clan", Master Bingguang did not have any His hesitation directly placed the strongest form of "Ten Fang Frozen Desolation Array", which covered the entire 50,000-mile resident of the "Tianhan Clan", and for the continuation and power display of this formation, In addition to the ten extremely cold treasures to suppress the eyes of the formation, Master Ice Light also invested one hundred pieces of the best spirit stones in the "Ten Fang Frozen Array" at one time. With the support of these spirit stones, plus Master Bingguang presided over the formation. It was only an instant of time. Before the senior officials of "Tianhan Clan" hadn't reacted, they let this "Ten Fang Frozen Array" wrap the entire "Tianhan Clan" in it. .

And such a huge momentum naturally attracted the attention of other big forces, especially those ten thousand forces around the "Tianhan Clan" station, but at this time, the "Tianhan Clan" station was all covered by this "Ten Han". "Fang Frozen Array" was wrapped, so these forces who came to investigate were unable to see what happened in it, and after feeling the power of this "Ten Frozen Array", these forces only dared to be outside. Watching the battle, he did not dare to approach the enveloped range of this formation.

It’s just that these forces are all very puzzled, because although they all can’t see the origin of the formation that surrounds the "Tianhan Clan", the cold and icy aura displayed by this formation is It is also very obvious, and the "Tianhan Clan" being attacked now is a big race that is very good at the cold attribute. The talent "Frozen Divine Light" inherited by the clan is also a very brilliant freezing magic skill. So no matter how powerful this folding method is, is there any lack of consideration for using the same ice-cold attribute formation against the talented "Tianhan Clan"?

In addition to these forces close to the location of the "Tianhan Clan", after a while, the two tens of thousands of tribes, "Dihan Clan" and "Konghan Clan", also came here. The race is a loyal ally of "Tianhan Clan". In this era of thousands of races and fighting each other, their three major races have always advanced and retreated together, sharing honor and disgrace. At this time, they received news of the attack on the "Tianhan Clan" resident. The two major ethnic groups immediately brought their elite players, basically more than half of the ethnic group's strength, all came here.

After seeing the "Ten Fang Frozen Array" in front of this, although the leaders of the two clans also felt very difficult, because of their confidence in their own ice attribute talents, the two clans also supported the "Tianhan Clan". They all rushed into the scope of the "Ten Fang Frozen Array" of the Ice Master without hesitation. In their opinion, the power of this formation is indeed very good, and it has the strength to threaten any ethnic group among them. However, if the three tribes work together, coupled with the talents and supernatural powers of their three tribes, it must be able to counter the power of this powerful formation. It's just that they didn't expect that such a move would formally put the three major ethnic groups with ice attributes among them on a dead end.

In this episode, the "Ten Fang Freeze Formation" siege of the three ethnic groups lasted for half a month, and things that would not have caused much fluctuation were attracted more because of the delay. Attention, at the end of the day, all the ten thousand races have learned about such a thing, but no force dared to actively enter this "Shi Fang" like the previous "Dihan Clan" and "Konghan Clan". "Frozen Array", because they found that with the passage of time, the chill released by this huge "Ten Fang Freezing Array" has become more and more terrifying, and it has almost reached the level of freezing everything. The level and the point, and to this point, there is still no sound coming out of it, it seems that even the voice and words are directly frozen in it.

And just like this, it lasted for another half month, that is to say, it lasted for a whole month, and finally the big formation dissipated, and the entire prosperous residence of the "Tianhan Clan" turned into ice crystals. Then I saw a figure walking out of it, without a slight smile on his face, but with a sense of sublimation that was revengeful. After this time, everyone who watched the battle also noticed that the figure that came out was the well-known Master Ice Light, and there are some well-informed people who have recalled the previous time. The only apprentice fell into the hands of "The Cold Clan", and he immediately understood the reason why Master Ice Light had surrounded "The Cold Clan" this time, but their hearts were still very shocked. Although Master Ice Light was in the whole The reputation of the powerful group is not small, but the first person is very low-key and does not often fight against him in normal times. Secondly, he is an innate god, and there is no conflict with the ten thousand races, so for his true The strength is not very clear to the outside world. If the "Tianhan Clan" knows the true strength of the Ice Light, then after the defeat of the lover of the Ice Light, the attitude will definitely not be the same as before.

After Mr. Bingguang walked out of the resident of the ice world at this time in "The Cold Clan", he ignored the many forces who were watching the drama and inquired about the news, and left on his own. It was only the leaders of the major forces present. I felt an aura that I had never had before from Master Ice Light, and everyone immediately awakened in the next moment. After this retaliatory action, the target was still three races with the same attributes as Master Ice Light. After Master Bingguang thought Shunda, his realm was obviously improved!

Such a discovery made these people dare not step forward and disturb Master Bingguang at this time. They could only let him go. After Master Bingguang left, these forces began to investigate the "Tianhan Clan". Once in the residence, but after entering, they discovered that although the ice master has withdrawn from the formation and left, the profound ice artistic concept contained in it has not dispersed for a long time. This place is still full of an aura of freezing everything, except for the major forces. Outside of the high-level of, the other tribes were unable to approach, and after some investigation, these forces were also directly stunned by the actions of Master Bingguang, because they found that they were trapped in this "Ten Fang Frozen Array" The three major races within a month's time were all frozen into ice crystals, and if they touched it, they would immediately shatter, and the whole person disappeared without a trace!

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