I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 498

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:19 AM

Chapter 498: Li Yuluo's improved formation

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The three races representing the talents of Frost Ice among the ten thousand ancient tribes that have been strong for a long time, because they offended Master Bingguang, the entire tribe was wiped out, except for some tribes who were not in the "Tianhan Clan" at the time. People survived, also after this incident, the very fragile balance between the ancient ten thousand races also began to loose some, the entire ancient ten thousand races war also gradually unfolded, and this great war There are also few records in the ancient books of the Lich and Demons, because after this great war, except for the three tribes of humans and demons, all other tribes have withdrawn from the stage of history and no longer occupy the prehistoric continent. None of the major events were involved, so before the current Ziwei Emperor Star appeared, everyone had always thought that these ancient ten thousand tribes were all gone, so they no longer recorded these disappeared ancient ten thousand tribes. Up.

After this battle, Master Ice Light still rarely shows up afterwards, but his danger level has risen by a large level among all the forces, not just because of the terrifying Ice Light Master. The record is more due to the fact that Master Ice Light has broken through a realm after this time of formation. This situation is more terrifying. Originally, everyone’s cultivation is between the first and second, but now on Ice Light. People break through, doesn't it mean that the ice masters who are scattered people are already above them? And without the ties of ethnic groups and disciples, Master Bingguang, who was alone, suddenly became a major threat in the hearts of all forces. However, Master Bingguang was almost never born, and the outside world would gradually forget his fame. , But his "Ten Fang Frozen Array", which destroys and freezes everything, has always left a legend, as the most famous deed of the Ice Master, passed down to this day.

After the ancient war of thousands of races, the Wu and Yao races began to occupy the entire prehistoric continent, but although they had a lot of friction with each other, they invariably maintained a friendly attitude towards Master Ice Light. It was because of that time. With his own hand "Ten Fang Frozen Array", Master Ice is already able to compete with the two great emperors of the Witch Clan Twelve Ancestor Witch and the Monster Clan, plus the revision of this battle. For the final breakthrough, it has reached the point where there are countless people under the saints. Therefore, once the existence of the Ice Masters is allowed to fall to the opposite camp, it will be really a terrible news for oneself. They are high-level people. Not particularly afraid of Master Bingguang, but these tribesmen under them simply cannot withstand the blockade of Master Bingguang.

But everyone also understands that Master Ice Light lost his lover, and later took revenge himself, he was already desperate in this respect, so he would not easily join the Witch or Monster Clan camp. However, although Master Bing Guang is relatively indifferent, his hand "Ten Fang Frozen Extinction Array" is not perfect. The leaders of the Wu Clan and Yao Clan have both sat and talked with this master, so for his hand " "Shi Fang Frozen Array" Both the Witch and the Monsters have improved versions of their respective leaders. Compared with the original original formation, they are not as powerful as the original, but they are also because of the combination of the bias of their respective leaders. Have their own characteristics. The Wu Clan’s improved version of "Shi Fang Frozen Array" was personally improved by Wu Gonggong, the ancestor of water, so it has an all-encompassing enthusiasm. It can not only be used for offense, but also has a very good effect on trapping enemies and guarding. However, this "Ten Fangs Frozen Formation" is a category of the ancestor witch after all, so in the days that followed, many outstanding descendants of the Wu clan were unable to master this formation, so that among the disciples of the younger generations, The legend of this formation will gradually fade away, but seeing Li Yuluo’s performance today, Lin Hang already understands in his heart that in the days to come, Li Yuluo may reveal many of the formations that had been dusted before. Coming out, it must be another jaw-dropping scene.

Lin Hang, whose thinking was divergent, took his thoughts back. He quickly recalled the information of Master Bing Guang and "Shi Fang Frozen Array" in his mind. In fact, it was just his thoughts that turned, and the outside time had not passed much. Li Yuluo was still portraying his own formation. Now Lin Hang can see it clearly. What Li Yuluo learned should be the "Ten Directions Frozen Formation" that is cherished by the Wu Clan and improved by the Gonggong Ancestral Witch. It's just this formation. The level is very high, and there are also threshold requirements for the cultivation base, so although Li Yuluo has some insights into this formation, she still cannot arrange the full version of the formation, but Li Yuluo It is worthy of being a talent who has been born in thousands of years in the formation. He has learned a little bit of the formation in a short time, and can set up a super simple version of the "Ten Fang Freeze Formation", although it cannot It achieves the powerful effect of freezing heaven and earth in the original version, but Li Yuluo has exerted another specialty, that is, the characteristics of this Gonggong ancestor witch has been improved, that is to say, in Li Yuluo’s In a simple version of "Ten Fang Frozen Array", the ability to trap and block the enemy is definitely the top ranking among the same tier. Once trapped in it, even Hu Lingfeng is so much higher than Li Yuluoxiu. Don’t even think of it for the monks in the Yuan Ying period. Although the frozen artistic conception is not as good as the original version, it is already good. Therefore, Hu Lingfeng, who cannot come out, can only sit and wait for death in such a formation. There will not be the slightest accident.

However, Li Yu was actually unable to complete this formation by relying solely on his own strength, but the talented Li Yuluo quickly noticed a workaround, which was to use Xuanming heavy water to arrange this one. Simple "Ten Directions Frozen Array"! With the assistance of a large number of Xuanming heavy water, Li Yuluo's arrangement of this formation became simple, and the characteristics of Xuanming heavy water also fit the formation very well, and it can deepen the power of the formation invisibly! After Lin Hang discovered this, he couldn't help but sigh Li Yuluo's variability and the instability of thinking. Such thinking is indeed too suitable for the future development of China.

After about five minutes of this, Li Yuluo felt the Xuanming ice crystal under his finger start to vibrate. Obviously, Hu Lingfeng also felt something was wrong and wanted to try his best, but this time Li Yuluo showed a smile, and after Li Yuluo pointed out the last puff of profound water, let Hu Lingfeng resist.

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