I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 5

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:23 AM

Chapter 5: Master Ye's Invitation

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While Lin Hang was immersed in his cultivation, a cell phone ringing broke the silence.

Lin Hang picked up the phone, the caller ID was an unfamiliar number, but it was local to Huicheng. Lin Hang was a little puzzled, but still connected to the phone. "Hi, hello, who?".

"Haha, brother, do you remember me, old man?" A hearty laugh came from the phone.

Lin Hang heard that the business on the phone was a bit familiar, and after thinking about it, he realized that it was the old man Ye met in Lao Street that day.

"Master Ye? Do you have any advice to find a kid?" Lin Hang felt in his heart. This Master Ye has only checked his number in just a few days. I am afraid that a lot of his information is not a secret in front of Master Ye.

"It's no big deal. I'm going to hold a collection exhibition party at home this weekend. I will invite many friends to come and appreciate it. I think the little brother was also very interested in this that day. I wonder if I can show my face?"

Lin Hang thought a little, then smiled and replied, "Master Ye was joking, since you can afford to see the kid, then I will definitely join in this time!"

"Well, then I will send someone to pick you up."

Lin Hang and Ye Lao exchanged a few more words and hung up the phone.

Lin Hang thought about it a bit in his heart. He had been in Huicheng for so many years, and he still didn't understand the upper-level forces in this place, so he decided to consult Liu Ruyan.

"The Ye family invited you to the party?" Liu Ruyan asked strangely.

Lin Hang briefly talked to Liu Ruyan about what happened to him on Antique Street that day. After listening to Liu Ruyan, Liu Ruyan thought for a while and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, do you know the general distribution of Huicheng's power?"

Lin Hang shook his head.

"Huicheng is a small city with a small population, so in China, except for its reputation for tourism, it is not outstanding. However," Liu Ruyan emphasized, "In Huicheng, there is a power, even if it is the fourth capital city. The big family will not provoke easily, that is the Ye Family!"

"The history of Huicheng is too old. As a family that has been handed down in Huicheng for thousands of years, the Ye Family's background is naturally unfathomable, and this includes the upper-level power of this world-Ye! Ye! The family’s direct line generally inherits their family’s ability: "Element-Water"."

Liu Ruyan let Lin Hang digest for a while, and continued, "Listen to your description, Master Ye should be the current head of the Ye family-Ye Botao in "Crazy Tao"! Although he looks only 40 years old, the actual age is us. Grandpa’s generation, at least sixty-five years old and up. He is a man of the last generation."

"Since you have agreed to the old man's invitation, you are naturally going, and the Ye family's reputation abroad has always been very good, so it shouldn't be embarrassing for you. Then, I will go with you then, I'm afraid your kid is ignorant. Offend people!"

Lin Hang was secretly grateful, he felt that Liu Ruyan was like a big sister, always taking care of him.

After three days in this way, the evening was Ye Family's party.

Lin Hang deliberately went out to the mall for a stroll. When he got home, he changed into a neat suit after a short while. At this moment, Liu Ruyan knocked on the door of the room, Lin Hang opened the door, but saw Liu Ruyan also changed into a long dress. His lazy temperament changed in an instant, and the aristocratic aura was exuded.

Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan went downstairs. A business car was parked at the door. A man in a suit next to them saw them coming out and asked with a smile, "Mr. Lin and Ms. Liu? Master asked me to pick you up. After that, they opened the door of the back seat, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan thanked them and got into the car.

Fifteen minutes later, the car stopped in front of a villa, Lin Hang got off the car and looked at the surrounding scenery, only to find that the surrounding area was one kilometer around, there was only such a villa, and the others were all low hills. A small river flows in front of the villa. I couldn't help but sigh, "It's really rich."

Looking at him, Liu Ruyan whispered in Lin Hang's ear, "The Ye Family's position in Huicheng is one aspect of the transcendence, and more importantly, the number of adults in Huicheng is sparse, so it can have such a large area. . It’s impossible to have more money in the capital."

After hearing Liu Ruyan's words, Lin Hang understood the reason for it. Only then did he reshape his body and walked towards the villa.

Ye Botao and a young man were standing at the door to welcome the guests. Seeing Lin Hang coming, Ye Botao smiled and said to Lin Hang, "Brother, here comes!"

Lin Hang hurriedly said, "You shouldn't be a brother, Master Ye, you can call me Xiaolinzi."

After a few more words, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan entered the villa.

I saw about one hundred and seventy-eighty squares on the first floor of the villa. At this time, dozens of tables surrounded the scene into a circle, and there were a lot of cultural games on each table. In the middle area, there are many cakes and fine wines. There were already more than thirty people in the villa. These people were all dressed up, walking around the court with wine glasses in their hands, some who stopped to admire antiques, and some gathered in twos and threes to talk in a low voice.

The two Lin Hang who had just entered did not attract the attention of the people inside. Lin Hang also learned Liu Ruyan, picked up a glass of wine, and began to stroll around the court slowly.

"Master Ye likes Wenwan, although I have heard about it before, but this time I discovered that it is more exaggerated than the rumors." Liu Ruyan looked at it for a while and couldn't help but sigh.

"Lin Hang, these dozens of gadgets are all rare treasures! Look at the plates over there. They are blue and white porcelain from the Yuan Dynasty, and the bronze tripod, which is from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and..."

After Liu Ruyan ordered a few collections at random and introduced them, Lin Hang couldn't help but slap his tongue. The Ye family's collections are higher than many museums in terms of value.

At this time, Lin Hang found in the corner the "Flying Sword" that Ye Lao bought on Antique Street that day. He greeted Liu Ruyan and the two walked to the table.

"This is a spirit soldier," Liu Ruyan looked at for a while, and whispered in Lin Hang's ear, "it should be a middle-level spirit soldier, which is not a rare thing. Ye Lao put it here, probably I didn't consider its grade, simply because it was a spiritual soldier from ancient times, it was an ancient artifact."

Lin Hang suddenly became interested, "Intermediate Spirit Soldier? What kind of power can I use in general?"

"Actually, there are no restrictions." Liu Ruyan sipped a sip of wine. "You can also use it, but you don't know how long your psionic energy can last. If you want to truly exert the power of the spirit soldier, your own strength is also indispensable. Few. So in the world of our supernatural beings, it’s impossible for a three-year-old to slash a strong man with a big knife. Just like if you manipulate this spirit soldier to attack me, I can instantly take you away from the spirit soldier. The control, the backhand killed you! Of course, if the strength of the two is not much different, the help of the spirit soldier is still great."

"You are too weak now. When you reach the peak of the body forging stage, an intermediate spirit soldier like this sword can exert its power in your hands."

After hearing this, Lin Hang wished to go home immediately, until he had cultivated to the body-building stage before leaving the house, it was really shocked.

Liu Ruyan was also secretly refreshed in her heart. She was going to hit Lin Hang when he was not growing up, otherwise Lin Hang's strength would surpass her soon, but there would be no chance.

At this time, Ye Lao's voice interrupted their discussion.

"Dear guests, welcome everyone to join this collection appreciating party tonight. Mr. Ye would like to thank you for your support!" Ye Lao said, standing on a round platform in the center.

Ye Lao didn't use amplifying equipment, but his voice still clearly spread to everyone present. Lin Hang couldn't help but sigh Ye Lao's profound cultivation.

After Ye Laogang said this, everyone at the scene laughed and said that Ye Lao was polite.

Seeing everyone's attention, Ye Lao said, "I believe you all come to my Ye's house tonight to participate in this appreciation meeting. However, there is a special exchange meeting tonight, and you will definitely think it is worthwhile. This line!"

Except for Lin Hang, everyone present expressed interest. Obviously, they all knew about this special exchange meeting, and even some of them came specifically for this exchange meeting.

Lin Hang saw Liu Ruyan next to him who had already understood it, and asked about the exchange meeting.

Liu Ruyan replied, "I've learned in the past few days that Huicheng will hold such exchange meetings from time to time, mainly for exchanges between supernaturalists, including information, physical objects and other exchanges. You look at it. The thirty-odd people present were all supernaturalists, and all the supernaturalists in Huicheng except the Ye Family are basically here."

Lin Hang realized that so many people today are supernatural beings. At this time, Mr. Ye on the stage said, "Then today's exchange meeting will begin now, which one will come up first?"

A chubby figure in the audience fell in Ye Lao’s voice, and ran onto the stage and said with a smile, “Let me show my ugliness first. Under Wang Dechi, people in the industry call me Fatty Wang. I want to be here today. Here are three meditation pills, and I would like to produce a low-level spiritual soldier."

A handsome man snorted, helped his gold-rimmed glasses, and said, "Fatty Wang, you are not a fool to be the people here? Jingxin Pill is the best auxiliary medicine for breaking through the realm, even if it breaks through to the acquired realm. It has a slight effect, can you trade it for a low-level spirit soldier?"

The other people also have a look at the play, all of them are sensible people, and no one will be fooled easily.

The Fatty Wang on the stage had a slightly unnatural expression, but he still took out the spirit soldier he was going to exchange, smiled and asked, "Is there really no friend willing to exchange?"

Fatty Wang was holding a jade pendant, and many people looked up one by one with interest, but they all shook their heads. Obviously everyone felt that this jade pendant was not worth three meditation pills.

Fatty Wang said dissatisfied. "Although my jade pendant is a low-level spirit soldier, it can withstand the full blow of the powerful late-stage forging. Think about it, this is a life-saving thing at the moment of life and death!"

The man with gold-rimmed glasses said again, "What you said is pretty good, but based on my Zhou Mo's so many years of appraisal experience, this jade pendant has only one chance to use it. That's it. Not much value anymore."

Fatty Wang was instantly discouraged. This jade pendant was originally a mid-level spirit soldier he had obtained in his early years. It was originally able to replenish energy, but in a battle against the acquired powerhouse, although it also blocked the attack, it saved his life. , But it's also degraded and can only be used once.

Lin Hang also felt that there were so many doorways, and his experience was really lacking.

Just when Lin Hang was stunned, Liu Ruyan suddenly said, "Fatty, two, can you change it?"

When Fatty Wang heard this, he shouted excitedly, "Change! Change! This young lady is really good-sighted!"

Then, Liu Ruyan took out a small bottle, poured out two pills from it and gave them to Fatty Wang. He took the jade pendant and stepped down.

Although Lin Hang was puzzled, he did not speak.

A lot of people will come to the stage. Some are exchanging things like Fatty Wang, some are directly auctioning things, and others are asking for some news. Everyone is very lively.

More than an hour later, Liu Ruyan signaled that Lin Hang could leave. After Lin Hang and Ye Lao had pleaded guilty, they took a taxi back home with Liu Ruyan.

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