I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 501

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:13:00 AM

Chapter 501: Xu Li's advantage

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After Zhuo Sheng listened to Lin Hang’s advice and comfort, there was a mixture of flavors in his heart, but Lin Hang said too many things, so Zhuo Sheng had to speak at this time, "Lin Hang, I understand what you said. I also think what you said is very reasonable. After I go back, I will discuss with Si Meng and Zhu Ge! I also know that we must keep moving forward before the end of the calamity, so I believe you We will carefully consider what you said. In the future, we should also participate in the experience plan of the Ziwei Emperor. Now, let's focus on the battle between Yu Luo and Xu Li! To be honest, although there were many methods and changes before, I couldn’t see clearly, but after reading it, I also felt benefited a lot. I just don’t know what Xu Li and Lu Sanjin can bring me this time. What about your novel experience?"

Lin Hang nodded. He knew that what Zhuo Sheng said was not a false statement. It was true that some things Lin Hang said Zhuo Sheng could not understand well because of the limitation of realm, but Zhuo Sheng also understood Lin Hang's general meaning. That is for the consideration of several of their former senior leaders in China, hoping that they can also seize the path of development under the current rapid development of external conditions, not to pursue the improvement of their disciples too much, but to do more. Keep your eyes and energy on yourself.

And what Lin Hang said to Zhuo Sheng was not all encouragement. It was indeed Lin Hang’s true thoughts. Let’s not mention the two elders Zhu Ge. These two elders really lost the best time to practice in the golden age, although they have now changed. The cultivation path has been improved, and the cultivation conditions have been greatly improved compared to the previous ones, but the speed of cultivation inevitably lags behind people from the age of Wang and Lao. This is also impossible. However, Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng are different. They are equivalent to the next generation of disciples of Wang Lao’s generation. That is to say, they are both outstandingly talented. After receiving the resource tilt of Huaxia, they can both break through the innate and become Huaxia’s One of the pillars, just at this time, Lin Hang and Wang Lao discovered the existence of the Witch Clan, which enabled them to quickly change their cultivation path without letting their talents run aground. Therefore, if Si Meng and Zhuo Sheng can spend more time on cultivation and understanding in normal times, they will not necessarily be stuck in the Nascent Soul Stage and can no longer move forward. Lin Hang and Wang Lao, who have been thinking about China’s future development, naturally cannot sit back and watch such things happen, so now just as Zhuo Sheng points out his own question, Lin Hang directly put forward the solution that he and Wang Lao have considered for a long time. And suggestions.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Okay, Brother Zhuo, we can count these things together after we go back. Today I will just tell you the general direction, and there will be specific plans and arrangements in the future! Now this The mental space has also been completely stabilized. Let's watch this competition first!"

Then Lin Hang began to introduce his own voice into this spiritual space. As Lin Hang's ten-second countdown ended, the sixth match between Li Yu Luo Ye Guangyuan and Xu Lilu Sanjin was officially started!

Above the light curtain, Xu Li's expression remained unchanged and composed, and Lu Sanjin was completely different from the astringency that Lin Hang had when they first met, and he carried the iron and blood aura that was tempered through thousands of times.

Lin Hang looked at Xu Li, who was the leader. From the bottom of his heart, he felt that Xu Li would definitely bring him some other surprises. Before the start of the competition, when all the participants did not know the competition venue, after Lin Hang solo determined the spiritual space of this "War Simulator", he knew in his heart that he did not understand the hidden methods of other participants At that time, two people must have the first advantage, one was Hu Lingfeng, who was defeated by Li Yu in the previous game, and the other was Xu Li who appeared on the stage.

Hu Lingfeng is because in such a small space, the ability to master space is indeed rogue and perverted. If it weren’t for Li Yuluo who happened to master the "Space Blockade", Hu Lingfeng’s group would compete with other groups. Basically, they were able to maintain a winning rate of more than 70% or 80%. Therefore, when the competition ended, in addition to congratulating Li Yuluo, everyone also maintained a sense of regret for Hu Lingfeng. Hu Lingfeng was because of Li Yuluo’s calculations and Arrangement, the strongest strength of his own was not displayed and he was directly defeated, otherwise it must be the stage where Hu Lingfeng performed.

And the reason why Xu Li is inherently strong is because Xu Li's ability to control the earth element, in this limited space, actually takes the home field advantage. On the disk with a diameter of only 500 meters, with Xu Li’s current Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base, it is very easy to directly cover it completely. That is to say, the monks who are fighting against Xu Li will not be suspended in the air. If you are, you may be hit from the underground at any time. It is because the range is too small to escape Xu Li’s control. If you stay in the air, it will consume a lot of spiritual power invisibly. Based on the ground, Xu Li would not be afraid of consuming and replenishing his spiritual power. In this case, Xu Li would be directly beneficial to the invincible. Therefore, before the start of the competition, Lin Hang was not only curious about what kind of performance Xu Li would play, but also wanted to know whether Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan would have formulated in advance, facing Xu Li, who has the same obvious style as Hu Lingfeng. Is there an arrangement that limits Xu Li's ability? In the face of such a powerful ability that is almost unrestricted, what methods can be easily restricted?

After the start of the competition, without Lin Hang's expectation, Ye Guangyuan pulled Li Yuluo directly into the air, and as the two of them left the ground, two sharp ground thorns appeared where they had originally landed. , The two ground stab feet are more than two meters high, and their spiritual power is extremely condensed. If Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan do not dodge, not to mention directly defeated, at least their spiritual power is greatly damaged or injured, that is already inevitable. Up.

Xu Li was not surprised that this attack failed to achieve meritorious service. This stab attack is considered to be his more famous method. When he was practicing on Earth Star, because of this undefeatable offensive, many of the cultivators of the primordial infant stage All fell under this technique, very strong. And Ye Guangyuan, as Xu Li's best friend, was of course very clear about this. Only then would he take off without hesitation and would not give Xu Li a chance to play.

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