I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 504

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:12:56 AM

Chapter 504: Last choice

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And Xu Li also understood this, so after Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo landed on Ye Guangyuan’s self-made ice crystals, Xu Li also manipulated the earth elements around the ice crystals to launch a harassing attack on Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo. . Xu Li knew very well that he didn’t need to forcefully defeat Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo in a short time. He only needed to maintain such an offensive. His consumption was much smaller than Ye Guangyuan’s, and if Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo could not organize If there is a big counterattack, it can only be killed by Xu Li with a dull knife like this.

Xu Li knew that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo weren't they? At this time, in addition to the force of the water element, Ye Guangyuan constantly blocked Xu Li's offensive harassment, while discussing the way to deal with it with Li Yuluo beside him.

Li Yu fell under the protection of Ye Guangyuan, and has not suffered much damage until now. At this time, Li Yuluo said to Ye Guangyuan in a deep voice, "Guangyuan, Xu Li is a smart man. Under his offensive , I have no way to gather all my energy to arrange the formation. The previous preparations seem to be really useless!

Xu Li’s strengths, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan had naturally targeted them before the game, and they also had some coping methods in their minds, but they had not waited to prepare in midair before they were given this hand by Lu Sanjin. The stunning performance fell straight down, so that the strategy of Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan was completely broken. Sure enough, in every team, you can't just target the opponents of the Nascent Soul Stage, such as Sun Xi, Wang Feiyu, Yue Yuanwu, and other Jindan Stage disciples. The strength and talent shown by them is really amazing. In this scene, they did not pay much attention to Lu Sanjin before, but they did not expect that in order to cooperate with Xu Li’s ability, Lu Sanjin deliberately mastered this very popular "Forbidden "Empty Golden Seal" is really beyond their expectations.

Before, Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan both agreed that Xu Li would basically not encounter any opponents when fighting on this ground, but relatively speaking, his combat effectiveness against the air would be greatly weakened, so It is said that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo originally planned to float in the air, and then Ye Guangyuan can resist Xu Li's attack relatively easily. At this time, Xu Li has no way to harass Li Yuluo. Wait until Li Yuluo completes their reservation. After a good arrangement, it will become the time for them to fight back. Unexpectedly, the existence of Lu Sanjin directly reversed the situation. Although they are now on top of the ice crystals, Xu Li’s offensive is continuous. Now it is unrealistic to let Li Yuluo directly arrange the formation. Is to think of some other ways.

Ye Guangyuan resisted Xu Li's attack, and said solemnly, "Yu Luo, in the current situation, we can't maintain such a defensive position forever, otherwise we will really fail! It seems that we have to go. Enable our last choice!"

As soon as Ye Guangyuan said this, Li Yuluo knew what Ye Guangyuan said was the final choice, but now even if Li Yuluo, who has always had his own ideas in his heart, has not changed his face, he has no confidence in his heart. Dare to make a decision easily. Because she and Ye Guangyuan did not form a temporary team like other groups in this month. They really achieved a kind of harmony and step in step. Therefore, the tacit understanding of the two and other cooperation within a month, It is much better than other groups. In other words, in the same month, Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo really gained several times more than the other teams, so the tactical cooperation between them is also very rich, and basically they can face all complexities. The situation and the opponent’s, and this last preparation is also a way to cooperate after the two have discussed, but the preparation time is still a bit hasty, and this method is not particularly easy to use, and it is extremely easy to fail, so Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo generally don’t use this method as their hole cards. At this time, Ye Guangyuan proposed to use the last method. Li Yuluo felt a little hesitant for a while, wondering if he should risk this. risk.

Seeing that Li Yuluo didn't reply, Ye Guangyuan was also a little anxious at this time, and quickly said, "Yuluo! Don't hesitate at this time! We are already in such a situation now, and the worst result will be nothing more. It was a failure, and our final method was not a desperate technique similar to Yuan Ying’s self-destruction as before. It was just an immature technique that we prepared! So, Yuluo, the situation is already like this. Now, let's fight hard!"

After Li Yuluo heard Ye Guangyuan’s words, he also had a decision in his heart. After nodding his head vigorously, he stood opposite Ye Guangyuan in a tacit understanding at the same time, with his hands pressed together. Before this scene, Ye Guangyuan was already Half of the spiritual power of the whole body was released out of the body, forming a thick river. This river also contains great energy. When Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo were casting spells, they temporarily blocked Xu Li's power. attack.

Ye Guangyuan’s defense like this at this time was just general, and could not stop Xu Li for a long time. It’s just that the spells that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo used now did not require the same preparations as Li Yuluo’s previous formation. So much time, it only needs this river formed by the water element to temporarily withstand Xu Li's attack, and not allow Xu Li to interfere with the two of them to complete the operation of this spell. Although Li Yuluo and Ye Guangyuan didn't have a particularly deep heart, this spell might not be possible at all, but there is still a glimmer of hope without anyone obstructing them.

Xu Li is not stupid either. Seeing Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo's eyes closed at this time, facing the action of putting their hands together, they already know that Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo are preparing a big move at this time. Although Xu Li doesn't know Ye Guangyuan How He Li Yuluo was going to break his advantage, but seeing such a scene, Xu Li still had a bad feeling in his heart. It seems that if Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo complete the arrangement, it will cause him a great deal. Threat. Naturally, Xu Li couldn't allow such a thing to happen, so he immediately increased the intensity of the offensive against Ye Guangyuan and Li Yuluo, trying to get rid of their preparations directly from the root cause.

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