I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 51

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:45 AM

Chapter 51: champion!

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Everyone off the court and the injured Jiang Huacong were a little puzzled about how Lin Hang did it. In fact, Lin Hang thought of the "Element-Dark" ability released by Uncle Zhao's Dark King at the time. With a little inspiration, he found that disguising his "Shadow Escape" ability as "Element-Dark" was really appropriate. Up.

So when Lin Hang made the water element, he was not among the four water elements at all, but sneaked into the shadow of one water element. At the moment when the water element was exploded by Jiang Huacong, he entered the shadow of Jiang Huacong, but this was obviously not enough to defeat Jiang Huacong, so Lin Hang opened his last trump card-"Flying Sword", after so long unremittingly After practicing hard, Lin Hang finally realized that he had completed the flying sword that was copied in the Huicheng antique market. Using the sharpness of the flying sword, he broke through Jiang Huacong's defense and finally gained the upper hand.

Although Jiang Huacong didn't understand how Lin Hang did this unexpected attack, he was not impatient and waited for Lin Hang's next attack with ease. Yes, offense and defense have changed. Lin Hang already has the attack power that threatens Jiang Huacong with the flying sword in his hand. Now it's Jiang Huacong's turn to defend. However, Jiang Huacong's injury was far less severe than imagined. It was only a minor injury, which again reflected Jiang Huacong's perverted ability, and his resilience was extremely powerful.

Lin Hang also knew Jiang Huacong's abilities very well, so he didn't take it lightly. Now he has the upper hand, and Jiang Huacong should be the one who is more anxious. The scene after that was back to what it was before. Lin Hang did not appear in the field, but he still manipulated the plants and vines to attack Jiang Huacong. While resisting the attack, Jiang Huacong was also guarding against Lin Hang's sudden attack. The scene was a little stalemate for a while. People began to compete patiently, and the final duel was not far away.

After five minutes, Jiang Huacong felt the restraint on his body loosened, and all the water, soil and wood elements in the audience disappeared. Just when Jiang Huacong thought that Lin Hang could not support the spirit, a coolness came from his heart. Jiang Huacong immediately reacted. The fist blasted behind him. Lin Hang did not evade this time. He straightened his chest and took the punch. At the same time, he inserted the dagger into Jiang Huacong’s chest, pierced with his right hand, and slapped his left hand on his right hand again. Stabbed into Jiang Huacong's chest.

Although Jiang Huacong was very defensive, but this kind of injury was obviously not something he could bear. The military instructor on the field immediately yelled to stop, instead of Jiang Huacong, surrendered because he would kill him if he continued to fight. Lin Hang was punched by Jiang Huacong. Although it was very uncomfortable, he also activated Hu Lingfeng's "Total Strengthening" ability before that, and he was also relatively resistant, so he still maintains his combat power if the military does not surrender. , I can still continue fighting.

Jiang Huacong clutched his wound and took a deep look at Lin Hang. He had already seen that Lin Hang's abilities were definitely not as simple as what was said to the outside world. He knew how heavy the punch he just hit Lin Hang, but Lin Hang is the same as a okay person, this is absolutely impossible. But Jiang Huacong did not speak, leaving Lin Hang the healer's own body. After finishing, he hugged Lin Hang and returned to the military position.

Lin Hang stood alone in the middle of the ring, reminiscing about the course of this new StarCraft match. Scenes flashed before his eyes: the first act competed for the secret stone, the second act broke into the top 16 and the third round went all the way. After passing the test, and now finally winning the championship of this hegemony competition, I was full of emotion for a while. In the end, I did not live up to the teacher's expectations, and a big stone was relieved.

The next step is to walk through the process. After completing the award ceremony in cooperation with the military, Lin Hang returned to the Ye family villa a little tired. He is good at fighting, but he is still a little uncomfortable with such a scene.

Of course, when the top 16 players took photos together, Lin Hang shook hands with everyone very enthusiastically. Although everyone was puzzled, Lin Hang had just won the championship and the future development prospects are still very good, so everyone did not. Rejecting Lin Hang, they all smiled and took photos with Lin Hang, just to maintain a good relationship.

Lin Hang also got a few coveted abilities as he wished: Wang Feiyu's "Elements-Gold" and Yudieyi's "Fantasy", achieving his goal, Lin Hang went back to the villa and fell asleep. A good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, Tian Dayong brought good news that Lin Hang had asked him to do things. After lunch, Tian Dayong drove Lin Hang to a remote teahouse.

After the two entered the teahouse, Lin Hang found that there was no one inside, and Tian Dayong went straight to the stairs. After Lin Hang followed Tian Dayong up to the second floor, Tian Dayong pushed open the door of a private room and reached out to signal Lin Hang Go in, and after Lin Hang went in, he raised his hand and closed the door, but he didn't go in.

After Lin Hang entered the room, he saw an old man sitting at the tea table in this private room by the window, tasting tea in silence with a teacup in his hand. After seeing Lin Hang coming in, he said, "Come on, sit down. Try this Maofeng in Huicheng, you must like it!"

Lin Hang looked at the gray-haired old man in front of him, his face was very similar to his father, but now he felt so old, without the head of the family at all.

Lin Hang sat opposite the old man and didn't know what to call him for a while, and the scene fell silent for a while.

After a while, he calmed down slowly, and Lin Hang said, "I'm looking for you this time to find out about my father's situation at the time. Originally, I was very grudge against you and the Lin family, but my master said that I shouldn't watch it. On the surface, we need to understand it at a deeper level, so I came to you today. I hope you can give me a good idea."

When the old man heard Lin Hang's words, his face showed a trace of pain. Obviously that experience was not a very good memory for him, and he said, "If it weren't for China, how could he not say anything about this kind of thing? I think how high-spirited he was at the time. I was really worried that he would not be able to resist such a blow. But he deserves to be the best child of my Lin family. Not only did he carry it, but he also endured it silently. It really hurt him!"

Lin Hang looked at the old man in front of him, and he no longer had the spirits he used to be. After experiencing the Lin Jingtian incident, his whole person was much older. You should know that he was called an'anger thunder' before. Lin Hang saw here. The grievances against my grandfather disappeared in my heart. I couldn’t help but say, “I don’t know what happened to my father. I also believe that you don’t want to see such a situation. I will take a step on my own in the coming days. To get closer to the truth of this matter, I will trouble you today!"

After speaking, Lin Hang turned around and left the private room. When he arrived downstairs, Dayong Hetian said a few words, and Dayong Hetian returned to the Ye Family Villa.

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